
Natalie ·
· 806 次阅读

  What makes a good QA or Test manager?   A good QA, test, or QA/Test(combined) manager should:   be familiar with the software development process   be able to maintain enthusiasm of their team and promote a positive atmosphere, despite what is a somewhat 'negative' process (e.g., looking for or preventing problems)   be able to promote teamwork to increase productivity   be able to promote cooperation between software, test, and QA engineers   have the diplomatic skills needed to promote improvements in QA processes   have the ability to withstand pressures and say 'no' to other managers when quality is insufficient or QA processes are not being adhered to   have people judgement skills for hiring and keeping skilled personnel   be able to communicate with technical and non-technical people, engineers, managers, and customers.   be able to run meetings and keep them focused   如何成为合格的QA或测试经理?   一个合格的QA、测试或QA/测试(组合)经理,将包括下面能力:   1、熟悉软件开发流程;   2、具有能够使团队保持热情和积极向上气氛的能力,尽管团队让人感觉可能是有些“否定或消极”的过程(例如:查找或预防问题);   3、能够提高团队的生产力;   4、能够促进软件开发人员、测试人员和QA工程师之间的协作和沟通;   5、在QA的过程改进中有熟练的外交技巧;   6、在质量不满足要求或QA过程执行不坚决时,要有经受住压力并对其他经理说“不”的能力;   7、要有对招聘的员工进行判断和保持员工具有熟练技能的能力;   8、有与技术人员和非技术人员、工程师、经理和客户的沟通能力;   9、有组织会议并使参与人员投入会议的能力。

qa 测试经理 测试

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