
Calandra ·
· 700 次阅读

power off 停电
knowledge is power
Take power 掌权
turn on the computer --Power 电源
ignorant 无知的
The subscriber you dial is powered off 所拨打的电话已关机

Have you read the reading material.

silence is gold
all kinds of answers…
sentence break down --words and phrases --analyze
It’s a long long history when we talk about the computer.

Now l believe that you can write a big number in English.
1642 --one thousand six hundred and forty two
let me see who will number be the first one to write the number in English

ENICA -the epoch-making invention in the world 世界上划时代的发明
four generations
5G the fifth generation

what’s the characteristic of the each generation of computers?
After-class assignment
test,brain-storm,assignments in the mosoink class
See you next week!



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Jennifer 2021-01-29