sysbench是一款开源的多线程性能测试工具,可以执行CPU/内存/线程/IO/数据库等方面的性能测试。数据库目前支持MySQL/Oracle /PostgreSQL。本文只是简单演示一下几种测试的用法,后续准备利用sysbench来对MySQL进行一系列的测试。具体的一些参数设置,需要根据不同的测试要求来进行调整。
以下是引用片段: ./configure --prefix=/u01/sysbench --with-mysql-includes=/opt/mysql/include/mysql --with-mysql-libs=/opt/mysql/lib/mysql
make && make install
以下是引用片段: NinGoo:/u01/sysbench/bin>$sysbench Missing required command argument. Usage: sysbench [general-options]... --test= [test-options]... command
General options: --num-threads=N number of threads to use [1] --max-requests=N limit for total number of requests [10000] --max-time=N limit for total execution time in seconds [0] --forced-shutdown=STRING amount of time to wait after --max-time before forcing shutdown [off] --thread-stack-size=SIZE size of stack per thread [32K] --init-rng=[on|off] initialize random number generator [off] --test=STRING test to run --debug=[on|off] print more debugging info [off] --validate=[on|off] perform validation checks where possible [off] --help=[on|off] print help and exit --version=[on|off] print version and exit
Compiled-in tests: fileio - File I/O test cpu - CPU performance test memory - Memory functions speed test threads - Threads subsystem performance test mutex - Mutex performance test oltp - OLTP test
Commands: prepare run cleanup help version See ’sysbench --test= help’ for a list of options for each test.
以下是引用片段: NinGoo:/u01/sysbench/bin>$sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000 run sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
Running the test with following options: Number of threads: 1
Doing CPU performance benchmark
Threads started! Done.
Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 2000
Test execution summary: total time: 2.3996s total number of events: 10000 total time taken by event execution: 2.3917 per-request statistics: min: 0.23ms avg: 0.24ms max: 27.44ms approx. 95 percentile: 0.24ms
Threads fairness: events (avg/stddev): 10000.0000/0.00 execution time (avg/stddev): 2.3917/0.00