我们前面的两篇文章已经介绍了VIVADO中MIG IP的调用、用户接口、读写时序,相信大家从前面两篇文章的学习中已经可以掌握MIG的使用。那么为了巩固MIG的使用,我们将介绍一个DDR3的典型应用。
我们首先将vivado的MIG IP封装成ISE中MIG的形式,系统框图如上图。这样做的原因是,ISE中MIG的操作比较方便,用命令FIFO与数据FIFO,而vivado的MIG用户接口没有那么方便,所以这里我们先将MIG进行进一步的封装。整个项目的流程图如下:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author : zhangningning
// Email : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website :
// Module Name : ddr3_top.v
// Create Time : 2020-02-27 23:16:16
// Editor : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX zhangningning 1.0 Original
// *********************************************************************************
module ddr3_top(
//System Interfaces
input rst_n ,
input locked ,
input clk_200m ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
output wire [13:0] ddr3_addr ,
output wire [ 2:0] ddr3_ba ,
output wire ddr3_cas_n ,
output wire ddr3_ck_n ,
output wire ddr3_ck_p ,
output wire ddr3_cke ,
output wire ddr3_ras_n ,
output wire ddr3_reset_n ,
output wire ddr3_we_n ,
inout [31:0] ddr3_dq ,
inout [ 3:0] ddr3_dqs_n ,
inout [ 3:0] ddr3_dqs_p ,
output wire [ 0:0] ddr3_cs_n ,
output wire [ 3:0] ddr3_dm ,
output wire [ 0:0] ddr3_odt ,
//User Interfaces
input c3_p0_cmd_clk ,
input c3_p0_cmd_en ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p0_cmd_bl ,
input [27:0] c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire c3_p0_cmd_empty ,
output wire c3_p0_cmd_full ,
input c3_p0_wr_clk ,
input c3_p0_wr_en ,
input [31:0] c3_p0_wr_mask ,
input [255:0] c3_p0_wr_data ,
output wire c3_p0_wr_full ,
output wire c3_p0_wr_empty ,
output wire [10:0] c3_p0_wr_count ,
input c3_p1_cmd_clk ,
input c3_p1_cmd_en ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p1_cmd_bl ,
input [27:0] c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire c3_p1_cmd_empty ,
output wire c3_p1_cmd_full ,
input c3_p1_wr_clk ,
input c3_p1_wr_en ,
input [31:0] c3_p1_wr_mask ,
input [255:0] c3_p1_wr_data ,
output wire c3_p1_wr_full ,
output wire c3_p1_wr_empty ,
output wire [10:0] c3_p1_wr_count ,
input c3_p2_cmd_clk ,
input c3_p2_cmd_en ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p2_cmd_bl ,
input [27:0] c3_p2_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire c3_p2_cmd_empty ,
output wire c3_p2_cmd_full ,
input c3_p2_rd_clk ,
input c3_p2_rd_en ,
output wire [255:0] c3_p2_rd_data ,
output wire c3_p2_rd_full ,
output wire c3_p2_rd_empty ,
output wire [10:0] c3_p2_rd_count ,
input c3_p3_cmd_clk ,
input c3_p3_cmd_en ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p3_cmd_bl ,
input [27:0] c3_p3_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire c3_p3_cmd_empty ,
output wire c3_p3_cmd_full ,
input c3_p3_rd_clk ,
input c3_p3_rd_en ,
output wire [255:0] c3_p3_rd_data ,
output wire c3_p3_rd_full ,
output wire c3_p3_rd_empty ,
output wire [10:0] c3_p3_rd_count
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
wire init_calib_complete ;
wire [27:0] app_addr ;
wire [ 2:0] app_cmd ;
wire app_en ;
wire [255:0] app_wdf_data ;
wire app_wdf_end ;
wire app_wdf_wren ;
wire [255:0] app_rd_data ;
wire app_rd_data_end ;
wire app_rd_data_valid ;
wire app_rdy ;
wire app_wdf_rdy ;
wire [31:0] app_wdf_mask ;
wire ui_clk ;
wire ui_clk_sync_rst ;
wire app_en_wr1 ;
wire [ 3:0] app_cmd_wr1 ;
wire [27:0] app_addr_wr1 ;
wire app_wdf_wren_wr1 ;
wire [255:0] app_wdf_data_wr1 ;
wire [31:0] app_wdf_mask_wr1 ;
wire app_wdf_end_wr1 ;
wire a7_wr_start_wr1 ;
wire [ 6:0] a7_wr_bl_wr1 ;
wire [27:0] a7_wr_init_addr_wr1 ;
wire [255:0] a7_wr_data_wr1 ;
wire [31:0] a7_wr_mask_wr1 ;
wire a7_wr_end_wr1 ;
wire a7_wr_req_wr1 ;
wire app_en_wr2 ;
wire [ 3:0] app_cmd_wr2 ;
wire [27:0] app_addr_wr2 ;
wire app_wdf_wren_wr2 ;
wire [255:0] app_wdf_data_wr2 ;
wire [31:0] app_wdf_mask_wr2 ;
wire app_wdf_end_wr2 ;
wire a7_wr_start_wr2 ;
wire [ 6:0] a7_wr_bl_wr2 ;
wire [27:0] a7_wr_init_addr_wr2 ;
wire [255:0] a7_wr_data_wr2 ;
wire [31:0] a7_wr_mask_wr2 ;
wire a7_wr_end_wr2 ;
wire a7_wr_req_wr2 ;
wire app_en_rd1 ;
wire [ 3:0] app_cmd_rd1 ;
wire [27:0] app_addr_rd1 ;
wire app_rd_data_valid_rd1 ;
wire a7_rd_start_rd1 ;
wire [ 6:0] a7_rd_bl_rd1 ;
wire [27:0] a7_rd_init_addr_rd1 ;
wire [255:0] a7_rd_data_rd1 ;
wire a7_rd_data_valid_rd1 ;
wire a7_rd_end_rd1 ;
wire app_en_rd2 ;
wire [ 3:0] app_cmd_rd2 ;
wire [27:0] app_addr_rd2 ;
wire app_rd_data_valid_rd2 ;
wire a7_rd_start_rd2 ;
wire [ 6:0] a7_rd_bl_rd2 ;
wire [27:0] a7_rd_init_addr_rd2 ;
wire [255:0] a7_rd_data_rd2 ;
wire a7_rd_data_valid_rd2 ;
wire a7_rd_end_rd2 ;
//wire c3_p0_cmd_empty ;
//wire c3_p1_cmd_empty ;
//wire c3_p2_cmd_empty ;
//wire c3_p3_cmd_empty ;
//************** Main Code **********************************
mig_7series_0 mig_7series_0_inst (
// Memory interface ports
.ddr3_addr (ddr3_addr ), // output [13:0] ddr3_addr
.ddr3_ba (ddr3_ba ), // output [2:0] ddr3_ba
.ddr3_cas_n (ddr3_cas_n ), // output ddr3_cas_n
.ddr3_ck_n (ddr3_ck_n ), // output [0:0] ddr3_ck_n
.ddr3_ck_p (ddr3_ck_p ), // output [0:0] ddr3_ck_p
.ddr3_cke (ddr3_cke ), // output [0:0] ddr3_cke
.ddr3_ras_n (ddr3_ras_n ), // output ddr3_ras_n
.ddr3_reset_n (ddr3_reset_n ), // output ddr3_reset_n
.ddr3_we_n (ddr3_we_n ), // output ddr3_we_n
.ddr3_dq (ddr3_dq ), // inout [31:0] ddr3_dq
.ddr3_dqs_n (ddr3_dqs_n ), // inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_n
.ddr3_dqs_p (ddr3_dqs_p ), // inout [3:0] ddr3_dqs_p
.init_calib_complete (init_calib_complete ), // output init_calib_complete
.ddr3_cs_n (ddr3_cs_n ), // output [0:0] ddr3_cs_n
.ddr3_dm (ddr3_dm ), // output [3:0] ddr3_dm
.ddr3_odt (ddr3_odt ), // output [0:0] ddr3_odt
// Application interface ports
.app_addr (app_addr ), // input [27:0] app_addr
.app_cmd (app_cmd ), // input [2:0] app_cmd
.app_en (app_en ), // input app_en
.app_wdf_data (app_wdf_data ), // input [255:0] app_wdf_data
.app_wdf_end (app_wdf_end ), // input app_wdf_end
.app_wdf_wren (app_wdf_wren ), // input app_wdf_wren
.app_rd_data (app_rd_data ), // output [255:0] app_rd_data
.app_rd_data_end (app_rd_data_end ), // output app_rd_data_end
.app_rd_data_valid (app_rd_data_valid ), // output app_rd_data_valid
.app_rdy (app_rdy ), // output app_rdy
.app_wdf_rdy (app_wdf_rdy ), // output app_wdf_rdy
.app_sr_req (1'b0 ), // input app_sr_req
.app_ref_req (1'b0 ), // input app_ref_req
.app_zq_req (1'b0 ), // input app_zq_req
.app_sr_active ( ), // output app_sr_active
.app_ref_ack ( ), // output app_ref_ack
.app_zq_ack ( ), // output app_zq_ack
.ui_clk (ui_clk ), // output ui_clk
.ui_clk_sync_rst (ui_clk_sync_rst ), // output ui_clk_sync_rst
.app_wdf_mask (app_wdf_mask ), // input [31:0] app_wdf_mask
// System Clock Ports
.sys_clk_i (clk_200m ),
.sys_rst (locked ) // input sys_rst
arbit arbit_inst(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (init_calib_complete ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ui_clk (ui_clk ),
.app_addr (app_addr ),
.app_cmd (app_cmd ),
.app_en (app_en ),
.app_wdf_data (app_wdf_data ),
.app_wdf_end (app_wdf_end ),
.app_wdf_wren (app_wdf_wren ),
.app_rd_data_valid (app_rd_data_valid ),
.app_wdf_mask (app_wdf_mask ),
.app_en_wr1 (app_en_wr1 ),
.app_cmd_wr1 (app_cmd_wr1 ),
.app_addr_wr1 (app_addr_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_wren_wr1 (app_wdf_wren_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_data_wr1 (app_wdf_data_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_mask_wr1 (app_wdf_mask_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_end_wr1 (app_wdf_end_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_start_w1 (a7_wr_start_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_end_wr1 (a7_wr_end_wr1 ),
.c3_p0_cmd_empty (c3_p0_cmd_empty ),
.app_en_wr2 (app_en_wr2 ),
.app_cmd_wr2 (app_cmd_wr2 ),
.app_addr_wr2 (app_addr_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_wren_wr2 (app_wdf_wren_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_data_wr2 (app_wdf_data_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_mask_wr2 (app_wdf_mask_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_end_wr2 (app_wdf_end_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_start_w2 (a7_wr_start_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_end_wr2 (a7_wr_end_wr2 ),
.c3_p1_cmd_empty (c3_p1_cmd_empty ),
.app_en_rd1 (app_en_rd1 ),
.app_cmd_rd1 (app_cmd_rd1 ),
.app_addr_rd1 (app_addr_rd1 ),
.app_rd_data_valid_rd1 (app_rd_data_valid_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_start_rd1 (a7_rd_start_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_end_rd1 (a7_rd_end_rd1 ),
.c3_p2_cmd_empty (c3_p2_cmd_empty ),
.app_en_rd2 (app_en_rd2 ),
.app_cmd_rd2 (app_cmd_rd2 ),
.app_addr_rd2 (app_addr_rd2 ),
.app_rd_data_valid_rd2 (app_rd_data_valid_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_start_rd2 (a7_rd_start_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_end_rd2 (a7_rd_end_rd2 ),
.c3_p3_cmd_empty (c3_p3_cmd_empty )
a7_wr_ctrl a7_wr_ctrl_inst1(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (init_calib_complete ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ui_clk (ui_clk ),
.app_rdy (app_rdy ),
.app_wdf_rdy (app_wdf_rdy ),
.app_en (app_en_wr1 ),
.app_cmd (app_cmd_wr1 ),
.app_addr (app_addr_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_wren (app_wdf_wren_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_data (app_wdf_data_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_mask (app_wdf_mask_wr1 ),
.app_wdf_end (app_wdf_end_wr1 ),
//Communication Interfaces
.a7_wr_start (a7_wr_start_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_bl (a7_wr_bl_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_init_addr (a7_wr_init_addr_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_data (a7_wr_data_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_mask (a7_wr_mask_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_end (a7_wr_end_wr1 ),
.a7_wr_req (a7_wr_req_wr1 )
fifo_generator_0 cmd_wr1_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p0_cmd_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p0_cmd_bl,c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr}), // input wire [38 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p0_cmd_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_wr_start_wr1 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_wr_bl_wr1,a7_wr_init_addr_wr1}), // output wire [38 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p0_cmd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p0_cmd_empty )
fifo_generator_1 data_wr1_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p0_wr_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p0_wr_mask,c3_p0_wr_data} ), // input wire [287 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p0_wr_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_wr_req_wr1 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_wr_mask_wr1,a7_wr_data_wr1}), // output wire [287 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p0_wr_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p0_wr_empty ), // output wire empty
.wr_data_count (c3_p0_wr_count ) // output wire [10 : 0] wr_data_count
a7_wr_ctrl a7_wr_ctrl_inst2(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (init_calib_complete ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ui_clk (ui_clk ),
.app_rdy (app_rdy ),
.app_wdf_rdy (app_wdf_rdy ),
.app_en (app_en_wr2 ),
.app_cmd (app_cmd_wr2 ),
.app_addr (app_addr_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_wren (app_wdf_wren_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_data (app_wdf_data_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_mask (app_wdf_mask_wr2 ),
.app_wdf_end (app_wdf_end_wr2 ),
//Communication Interfaces
.a7_wr_start (a7_wr_start_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_bl (a7_wr_bl_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_init_addr (a7_wr_init_addr_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_data (a7_wr_data_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_mask (a7_wr_mask_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_end (a7_wr_end_wr2 ),
.a7_wr_req (a7_wr_req_wr2 )
fifo_generator_0 cmd_wr2_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p1_cmd_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p1_cmd_bl,c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr}), // input wire [38 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p1_cmd_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_wr_start_wr2 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_wr_bl_wr2,a7_wr_init_addr_wr2}), // output wire [38 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p1_cmd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p1_cmd_empty )
fifo_generator_1 data_wr2_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p1_wr_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p1_wr_mask,c3_p1_wr_data} ), // input wire [287 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p1_wr_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_wr_req_wr2 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_wr_mask_wr2,a7_wr_data_wr2}), // output wire [287 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p1_wr_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p1_wr_empty ), // output wire empty
.wr_data_count (c3_p1_wr_count ) // output wire [10 : 0] wr_data_count
a7_rd_ctrl a7_rd_ctrl_inst1(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (init_calib_complete ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ui_clk (ui_clk ),
.app_en (app_en_rd1 ),
.app_cmd (app_cmd_rd1 ),
.app_addr (app_addr_rd1 ),
.app_rd_data (app_rd_data ),
.app_rd_data_valid (app_rd_data_valid_rd1 ),
.app_rdy (app_rdy ),
//Communication Interfaces
.a7_rd_start (a7_rd_start_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_bl (a7_rd_bl_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_init_addr (a7_rd_init_addr_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_data (a7_rd_data_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_data_valid (a7_rd_data_valid_rd1 ),
.a7_rd_end (a7_rd_end_rd1 )
fifo_generator_0 cmd_rd1_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p2_cmd_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p2_cmd_bl,c3_p2_cmd_byte_addr}), // input wire [38 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p2_cmd_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_rd_start_rd1 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_rd_bl_rd1,a7_rd_init_addr_rd1}), // output wire [38 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p2_cmd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p2_cmd_empty )
fifo_generator_2 data_rd1_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (c3_p2_rd_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din (a7_rd_data_rd1 ), // input wire [255 : 0] din
.wr_en (a7_rd_data_valid_rd1 ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (c3_p2_rd_en ), // input wire rd_en
.dout (c3_p2_rd_data ), // output wire [255 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p2_rd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p2_rd_empty ), // output wire empty
.rd_data_count (c3_p2_rd_count ) // output wire [10 : 0] rd_data_count
a7_rd_ctrl a7_rd_ctrl_inst2(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (init_calib_complete ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ui_clk (ui_clk ),
.app_en (app_en_rd2 ),
.app_cmd (app_cmd_rd2 ),
.app_addr (app_addr_rd2 ),
.app_rd_data (app_rd_data ),
.app_rd_data_valid (app_rd_data_valid_rd2 ),
.app_rdy (app_rdy ),
//Communication Interfaces
.a7_rd_start (a7_rd_start_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_bl (a7_rd_bl_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_init_addr (a7_rd_init_addr_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_data (a7_rd_data_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_data_valid (a7_rd_data_valid_rd2 ),
.a7_rd_end (a7_rd_end_rd2 )
fifo_generator_0 cmd_rd2_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (c3_p3_cmd_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din ({c3_p3_cmd_bl,c3_p3_cmd_byte_addr}), // input wire [38 : 0] din
.wr_en (c3_p3_cmd_en ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (a7_rd_start_rd2 ), // input wire rd_en
.dout ({a7_rd_bl_rd2,a7_rd_init_addr_rd2}), // output wire [38 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p3_cmd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p3_cmd_empty )
fifo_generator_2 data_rd2_fifo (
.rst (~init_calib_complete ), // input wire rst
.wr_clk (ui_clk ), // input wire wr_clk
.rd_clk (c3_p3_rd_clk ), // input wire rd_clk
.din (a7_rd_data_rd2 ), // input wire [255 : 0] din
.wr_en (a7_rd_data_valid_rd2 ), // input wire wr_en
.rd_en (c3_p3_rd_en ), // input wire rd_en
.dout (c3_p3_rd_data ), // output wire [255 : 0] dout
.full (c3_p3_rd_full ), // output wire full
.empty (c3_p3_rd_empty ), // output wire empty
.rd_data_count (c3_p3_rd_count ) // output wire [10 : 0] rd_data_count
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author : zhangningning
// Email : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website :
// Module Name : a7_wr_ctrl.v
// Create Time : 2020-02-29 22:19:50
// Editor : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX zhangningning 1.0 Original
// *********************************************************************************
module a7_wr_ctrl(
//System Interfaces
input rst_n ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
input ui_clk ,
input app_rdy ,
input app_wdf_rdy ,
output wire app_en ,
output wire [ 3:0] app_cmd ,
output reg [27:0] app_addr ,
output wire app_wdf_wren ,
output wire [255:0] app_wdf_data ,
output wire [31:0] app_wdf_mask ,
output wire app_wdf_end ,
//Communication Interfaces
input a7_wr_start ,
input [ 6:0] a7_wr_bl ,
input [27:0] a7_wr_init_addr ,
input [255:0] a7_wr_data ,
input [31:0] a7_wr_mask ,
output reg a7_wr_end ,
output wire a7_wr_req
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
reg [ 6:0] wr_bl ;
reg wr_flag ;
reg [ 6:0] bl_cnt ;
//************** Main Code **********************************
assign app_en = wr_flag && app_rdy && app_wdf_rdy;
assign app_wdf_end = app_en;
assign app_wdf_wren = app_en;
assign app_wdf_data = a7_wr_data;
assign a7_wr_req = app_en;
assign app_wdf_mask = a7_wr_mask;
assign app_cmd = 3'd0;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
wr_flag <= 1'b0;
else if(bl_cnt == wr_bl && app_en == 1'b1)
wr_flag <= 1'b0;
else if(a7_wr_start == 1'b1)
wr_flag <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
wr_bl <= 7'd0;
else if(a7_wr_start == 1'b1)
wr_bl <= a7_wr_bl;
wr_bl <= wr_bl;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
app_addr <= 28'd0;
else if(a7_wr_start == 1'b1)
app_addr <= a7_wr_init_addr;
else if(app_en == 1'b1)
app_addr <= app_addr + 8;
app_addr <= app_addr;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
bl_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(bl_cnt == wr_bl && app_en == 1'b1 && wr_flag == 1'b1)
bl_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(wr_flag == 1'b1 && app_en == 1'b1)
bl_cnt <= bl_cnt + 1'b1;
bl_cnt <= bl_cnt;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_wr_end <= 1'b0;
else if(bl_cnt == wr_bl && app_en == 1'b1)
a7_wr_end <= 1'b1;
a7_wr_end <= 1'b0;
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author : zhangningning
// Email : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website :
// Module Name : a7_rd_ctrl.v
// Create Time : 2020-03-01 14:32:05
// Editor : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX zhangningning 1.0 Original
// *********************************************************************************
module a7_rd_ctrl(
//System Interfaces
input rst_n ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
input ui_clk ,
output reg app_en ,
output wire [ 3:0] app_cmd ,
output reg [27:0] app_addr ,
input [255:0] app_rd_data ,
input app_rd_data_valid ,
input app_rdy ,
//Communication Interfaces
input a7_rd_start ,
input [ 6:0] a7_rd_bl ,
input [27:0] a7_rd_init_addr ,
output reg [255:0] a7_rd_data ,
output reg a7_rd_data_valid ,
output reg a7_rd_end
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
reg [ 6:0] rd_bl ;
reg [ 6:0] cmd_cnt ;
reg rd_flag ;
reg [ 6:0] data_cnt ;
//************** Main Code **********************************
assign app_cmd = 3'd1;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
rd_bl <= 7'd0;
else if(a7_rd_start == 1'b1)
rd_bl <= a7_rd_bl;
rd_bl <= a7_rd_bl;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
app_en <= 1'b0;
else if(a7_rd_start == 1'b1)
app_en <= 1'b1;
else if(cmd_cnt == rd_bl && app_rdy == 1'b1)
app_en <= 1'b0;
app_en <= app_en;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
cmd_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(rd_flag == 1'b1 && cmd_cnt == rd_bl && app_rdy == 1'b1)
cmd_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(rd_flag == 1'b1 && app_rdy == 1'b1 && app_en == 1'b1)
cmd_cnt <= cmd_cnt + 1'b1;
cmd_cnt <= cmd_cnt;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
rd_flag <= 1'b0;
else if(a7_rd_start == 1'b1)
rd_flag <= 1'b1;
else if(data_cnt == rd_bl && app_rd_data_valid == 1'b1)
rd_flag <= 1'b0;
rd_flag <= rd_flag;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
app_addr <= 28'd0;
else if(a7_rd_start == 1'b1)
app_addr <= a7_rd_init_addr;
else if(rd_flag == 1'b1 && app_rdy == 1'b1)
app_addr <= app_addr + 8;
app_addr <= app_addr;
always @(posedge ui_clk)
a7_rd_data <= app_rd_data;
always @(posedge ui_clk)
a7_rd_data_valid <= app_rd_data_valid;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_rd_end <= 1'b0;
else if(data_cnt == rd_bl && app_rd_data_valid == 1'b1)
a7_rd_end <= 1'b1;
a7_rd_end <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
data_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(data_cnt == rd_bl && rd_flag == 1'b1 && app_rd_data_valid == 1'b1)
data_cnt <= 7'd0;
else if(rd_flag == 1'b1 && app_rd_data_valid == 1'b1)
data_cnt <= data_cnt + 1'b1;
data_cnt <= data_cnt;
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// Company:
// Engineer:
// Create Date: 2020/03/01 15:17:14
// Design Name:
// Module Name: arbit
// Project Name:
// Target Devices:
// Tool Versions:
// Description:
// Dependencies:
// Revision:
// Revision 0.01 - File Created
// Additional Comments:
module arbit(
//System Interfaces
input rst_n ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
input ui_clk ,
output reg [27:0] app_addr ,
output reg [ 2:0] app_cmd ,
output reg app_en ,
output reg [255:0] app_wdf_data ,
output reg app_wdf_end ,
output reg app_wdf_wren ,
input app_rd_data_valid ,
output reg [31:0] app_wdf_mask ,
input app_en_wr1 ,
input [ 3:0] app_cmd_wr1 ,
input [27:0] app_addr_wr1 ,
input app_wdf_wren_wr1 ,
input [255:0] app_wdf_data_wr1 ,
input [31:0] app_wdf_mask_wr1 ,
input app_wdf_end_wr1 ,
output reg a7_wr_start_w1 ,
input a7_wr_end_wr1 ,
input c3_p0_cmd_empty ,
input app_en_wr2 ,
input [ 3:0] app_cmd_wr2 ,
input [27:0] app_addr_wr2 ,
input app_wdf_wren_wr2 ,
input [255:0] app_wdf_data_wr2 ,
input [31:0] app_wdf_mask_wr2 ,
input app_wdf_end_wr2 ,
output reg a7_wr_start_w2 ,
input a7_wr_end_wr2 ,
input c3_p1_cmd_empty ,
input app_en_rd1 ,
input [ 3:0] app_cmd_rd1 ,
input [27:0] app_addr_rd1 ,
output reg app_rd_data_valid_rd1 ,
output reg a7_rd_start_rd1 ,
input a7_rd_end_rd1 ,
input c3_p2_cmd_empty ,
input app_en_rd2 ,
input [ 3:0] app_cmd_rd2 ,
input [27:0] app_addr_rd2 ,
output reg app_rd_data_valid_rd2 ,
output reg a7_rd_start_rd2 ,
input a7_rd_end_rd2 ,
input c3_p3_cmd_empty
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
parameter IDLE = 6'b000001 ;
parameter ARBIT = 6'b000010 ;
parameter WR1 = 6'b000100 ;
parameter WR2 = 6'b001000 ;
parameter RD1 = 6'b010000 ;
parameter RD2 = 6'b100000 ;
reg [ 5:0] state ;
reg [ 2:0] rand_cnt ;
//************** Main Code **********************************
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
rand_cnt <= 3'd0;
else if(rand_cnt == 3'd3)
rand_cnt <= 3'd0;
rand_cnt <= rand_cnt + 1'b1;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
state <= IDLE;
else case(state)
IDLE : state <= ARBIT;
ARBIT : if(c3_p0_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd0)
state <= WR1;
else if(c3_p1_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd1)
state <= WR2;
else if(c3_p2_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd2)
state <= RD1;
else if(c3_p3_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd3)
state <= RD2;
state <= state;
WR1 : if(a7_wr_end_wr1 == 1'b1)
state <= ARBIT;
state <= state;
WR2 : if(a7_wr_end_wr2 == 1'b1)
state <= ARBIT;
state <= state;
RD1 : if(a7_rd_end_rd1 == 1'b1)
state <= ARBIT;
state <= state;
RD2 : if(a7_rd_end_rd2 == 1'b1)
state <= ARBIT;
state <= state;
default : state <= IDLE;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_wr_start_w1 <= 1'b0;
else if(state == ARBIT && c3_p0_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd0)
a7_wr_start_w1 <= 1'b1;
a7_wr_start_w1 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_wr_start_w2 <= 1'b0;
else if(state == ARBIT && c3_p1_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd1)
a7_wr_start_w2 <= 1'b1;
a7_wr_start_w2 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_rd_start_rd1 <= 1'b0;
else if(state == ARBIT && c3_p2_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd2)
a7_rd_start_rd1 <= 1'b1;
a7_rd_start_rd1 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge ui_clk or negedge rst_n)
if(rst_n == 1'b0)
a7_rd_start_rd2 <= 1'b0;
else if(state == ARBIT && c3_p3_cmd_empty == 1'b0 && rand_cnt == 3'd3)
a7_rd_start_rd2 <= 1'b1;
a7_rd_start_rd2 <= 1'b0;
always @(*)
WR1 : begin
app_addr = app_addr_wr1;
app_cmd = app_cmd_wr1;
app_en = app_en_wr1;
app_wdf_data = app_wdf_data_wr1;
app_wdf_end = app_wdf_end_wr1;
app_wdf_wren = app_wdf_wren_wr1;
app_wdf_mask = app_wdf_mask_wr1;
WR2 : begin
app_addr = app_addr_wr2;
app_cmd = app_cmd_wr2;
app_en = app_en_wr2;
app_wdf_data = app_wdf_data_wr2;
app_wdf_end = app_wdf_end_wr2;
app_wdf_wren = app_wdf_wren_wr2;
app_wdf_mask = app_wdf_mask_wr2;
RD1 : begin
app_addr = app_addr_rd1;
app_cmd = app_cmd_rd1;
app_en = app_en_rd1;
app_rd_data_valid_rd1 = app_rd_data_valid;
RD2 : begin
app_addr = app_addr_rd2;
app_cmd = app_cmd_rd2;
app_en = app_en_rd2;
app_rd_data_valid_rd2 = app_rd_data_valid;
default : begin
app_addr = 28'd0;
app_cmd = 3'd0;
app_en = 1'b0;
app_wdf_data = 256'd0;
app_wdf_end = 1'b0;
app_wdf_wren = 1'b0;
app_rd_data_valid_rd1 = 1'b0;
app_rd_data_valid_rd2 = 1'b0;
app_wdf_mask = 32'd0;
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author : zhangningning
// Email : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website :
// Module Name : top.v
// Create Time : 2020-03-01 20:33:42
// Editor : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX zhangningning 1.0 Original
// *********************************************************************************
module top(
//System Interfaces
input sclk ,
input rst_n ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
output wire [13:0] ddr3_addr ,
output wire [ 2:0] ddr3_ba ,
output wire ddr3_cas_n ,
output wire ddr3_ck_n ,
output wire ddr3_ck_p ,
output wire ddr3_cke ,
output wire ddr3_ras_n ,
output wire ddr3_reset_n ,
output wire ddr3_we_n ,
inout [31:0] ddr3_dq ,
inout [ 3:0] ddr3_dqs_n ,
inout [ 3:0] ddr3_dqs_p ,
output wire [ 0:0] ddr3_cs_n ,
output wire [ 3:0] ddr3_dm ,
output wire [ 0:0] ddr3_odt ,
input test_trig
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
wire clk_200m ;
wire locked ;
wire clk_100m ;
wire c3_p0_cmd_clk ;
wire c3_p0_cmd_en ;
wire [ 2:0] c3_p0_cmd_instr ;
wire [27:0] c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr ;
wire [ 6:0] c3_p0_cmd_bl ;
wire c3_p0_wr_clk ;
wire c3_p0_wr_en ;
wire [31:0] c3_p0_wr_mask ;
wire [255:0] c3_p0_wr_data ;
wire [ 6:0] c3_p0_wr_count ;
wire c3_p1_cmd_clk ;
wire c3_p1_cmd_en ;
wire [ 2:0] c3_p1_cmd_instr ;
wire [27:0] c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ;
wire [ 6:0] c3_p1_cmd_bl ;
wire c3_p1_rd_clk ;
wire c3_p1_rd_en ;
wire [255:0] c3_p1_rd_data ;
wire [ 6:0] c3_p1_rd_count ;
wire [20:0] err_cnt ;
wire err_done ;
//************** Main Code **********************************
clk_wiz_0 clk_wiz_0_inst(
// Clock out ports
.clk_out1 (clk_200m ), // output clk_out1
.clk_out2 (clk_100m ),
// Status and control signals
.reset (~rst_n ), // input reset
.locked (locked ), // output locked
// Clock in ports
.clk_in1 (sclk )
); // input clk_in1
ddr3_top ddr3_top_inst(
//System Interfaces
.rst_n (rst_n ),
.locked (locked ),
.clk_200m (clk_200m ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.ddr3_addr (ddr3_addr ),
.ddr3_ba (ddr3_ba ),
.ddr3_cas_n (ddr3_cas_n ),
.ddr3_ck_n (ddr3_ck_n ),
.ddr3_ck_p (ddr3_ck_p ),
.ddr3_cke (ddr3_cke ),
.ddr3_ras_n (ddr3_ras_n ),
.ddr3_reset_n (ddr3_reset_n ),
.ddr3_we_n (ddr3_we_n ),
.ddr3_dq (ddr3_dq ),
.ddr3_dqs_n (ddr3_dqs_n ),
.ddr3_dqs_p (ddr3_dqs_p ),
.ddr3_cs_n (ddr3_cs_n ),
.ddr3_dm (ddr3_dm ),
.ddr3_odt (ddr3_odt ),
//User Interfaces
.c3_p0_cmd_clk (c3_p0_cmd_clk ),
.c3_p0_cmd_en (c3_p0_cmd_en ),
.c3_p0_cmd_bl (c3_p0_cmd_bl ),
.c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr (c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr ),
.c3_p0_cmd_empty ( ),
.c3_p0_cmd_full ( ),
.c3_p0_wr_clk (c3_p0_wr_clk ),
.c3_p0_wr_en (c3_p0_wr_en ),
.c3_p0_wr_mask (c3_p0_wr_mask ),
.c3_p0_wr_data (c3_p0_wr_data ),
.c3_p0_wr_full ( ),
.c3_p0_wr_empty ( ),
.c3_p0_wr_count (c3_p0_wr_count ),
.c3_p1_cmd_clk ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_cmd_en ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_cmd_bl ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_cmd_empty ( ),
.c3_p1_cmd_full ( ),
.c3_p1_wr_clk ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_wr_en ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_wr_mask ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_wr_data ('d0 ),
.c3_p1_wr_full ( ),
.c3_p1_wr_empty ( ),
.c3_p1_wr_count ( ),
.c3_p2_cmd_clk (c3_p1_cmd_clk ),
.c3_p2_cmd_en (c3_p1_cmd_en ),
.c3_p2_cmd_bl (c3_p1_cmd_bl ),
.c3_p2_cmd_byte_addr (c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ),
.c3_p2_cmd_empty ( ),
.c3_p2_cmd_full ( ),
.c3_p2_rd_clk (c3_p1_rd_clk ),
.c3_p2_rd_en (c3_p1_rd_en ),
.c3_p2_rd_data (c3_p1_rd_data ),
.c3_p2_rd_full ( ),
.c3_p2_rd_empty ( ),
.c3_p2_rd_count (c3_p1_rd_count ),
.c3_p3_cmd_clk ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_cmd_en ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_cmd_bl ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_cmd_byte_addr ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_cmd_empty ( ),
.c3_p3_cmd_full ( ),
.c3_p3_rd_clk ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_rd_en ('d0 ),
.c3_p3_rd_data ( ),
.c3_p3_rd_full ( ),
.c3_p3_rd_empty ( ),
.c3_p3_rd_count ( )
ddr3_drive ddr3_drive_inst(
//System Interfaces
.sclk (clk_100m ),
.rst_n (locked ),
//DDR3 Interfaces
.c3_p0_cmd_clk (c3_p0_cmd_clk ),
.c3_p0_cmd_en (c3_p0_cmd_en ),
.c3_p0_cmd_instr (c3_p0_cmd_instr ),
.c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr (c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr ),
.c3_p0_cmd_bl (c3_p0_cmd_bl ),
.c3_p0_wr_clk (c3_p0_wr_clk ),
.c3_p0_wr_en (c3_p0_wr_en ),
.c3_p0_wr_mask (c3_p0_wr_mask ),
.c3_p0_wr_data (c3_p0_wr_data ),
.c3_p0_wr_count (c3_p0_wr_count ),
.c3_p1_cmd_clk (c3_p1_cmd_clk ),
.c3_p1_cmd_en (c3_p1_cmd_en ),
.c3_p1_cmd_instr (c3_p1_cmd_instr ),
.c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr (c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ),
.c3_p1_cmd_bl (c3_p1_cmd_bl ),
.c3_p1_rd_clk (c3_p1_rd_clk ),
.c3_p1_rd_en (c3_p1_rd_en ),
.c3_p1_rd_data (c3_p1_rd_data ),
.c3_p1_rd_count (c3_p1_rd_count ),
.test_trig (test_trig ),
.err_cnt (err_cnt ),
.err_done (err_done )
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
// *********************************************************************************
// Project Name : OSXXXX
// Author : zhangningning
// Email : nnzhang1996@foxmail.com
// Website :
// Module Name : ddr3_drive.v
// Create Time : 2020-02-22 11:41:08
// Editor : sublime text3, tab size (4)
// CopyRight(c) : All Rights Reserved
// *********************************************************************************
// Modification History:
// Date By Version Change Description
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XXXX zhangningning 1.0 Original
// *********************************************************************************
module ddr3_drive(
//System Interfaces
input sclk ,
input rst_n ,
//DDR3 Interfaces
output c3_p0_cmd_clk ,
output wire c3_p0_cmd_en ,
output wire [ 2:0] c3_p0_cmd_instr ,
output reg [27:0] c3_p0_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire [ 6:0] c3_p0_cmd_bl ,
output c3_p0_wr_clk ,
output reg c3_p0_wr_en ,
output wire [31:0] c3_p0_wr_mask ,
output reg [255:0] c3_p0_wr_data ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p0_wr_count ,
output c3_p1_cmd_clk ,
output reg c3_p1_cmd_en ,
output wire [ 2:0] c3_p1_cmd_instr ,
output reg [27:0] c3_p1_cmd_byte_addr ,
output wire [ 6:0] c3_p1_cmd_bl ,
output c3_p1_rd_clk ,
output reg c3_p1_rd_en ,
input [255:0] c3_p1_rd_data ,
input [ 6:0] c3_p1_rd_count ,
input test_trig ,
output reg [20:0] err_cnt ,
output reg err_done
//**************Define Parameter and Internal Signals**********************************
//parameter BURST_NUM = 1048576 ;
parameter BURST_NUM = 100 ;
parameter BURST_LENFTH = 7'd15 ;
reg flag_done ;
reg test_trig_r ;
reg [ 3:0] wr_cnt ;
reg c3_p0_wr_en_r ;
reg c3_p1_rd_en_r ;
wire c3_p1_rd_en_nege ;
reg [20:0] burst