解决 XAMPP 和 VMWare 端口443冲突问题

Bonnie ·
· 724 次阅读


[Apache]  Problem detected!
16:32:28  [Apache]  Port 443 in use by ""E:Program Files (x86)vmware9vmware-hostd.exe" -u "C:ProgramDataVMwarehostdconfig.xml"" with PID 3468!
16:32:28  [Apache]  Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
16:32:28  [Apache]  You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
16:32:28  [Apache]  or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port
16:32:28  [Apache]  Attempting to start Apache app...
16:32:28  [Apache]  Status change detected: running
16:32:30  [Apache]  Status change detected: stopped
16:32:30  [Apache]  Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.
16:32:30  [Apache]  This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies,
16:32:30  [Apache]  improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.
16:32:30  [Apache]  Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
16:32:30  [Apache]  the Windows Event Viewer for more clues
16:32:30  [Apache]  If you need more help, copy and post this
16:32:30  [Apache]  entire log window on the forums

原来是和vmware的443 端口冲突


1.打开菜单 编辑→参数(Edit–> Preferences)

2.选择 共享虚拟机(Shared VMs)

3.点击 改变位置(Change Setting)

4. 点击 禁用共享(Disable Sharing)




以上所述是小编给大家介绍的解决 XAMPP 和 VMWare 端口443冲突问题,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对软件开发网网站的支持!

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VMware xampp

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