37种传感器-树莓派开发-2-RGB LED

Emma ·
· 727 次阅读

C语言编程 程序原理

softPwmCreate:该函数将会创建一个软件控制的 PWM 管脚。可以使用任何一个 GPIO 管脚,pwmRange 参数可以为 0(关) ~100(全开)。

#include #include #include #define uchar unsigned char #define LedPinRed 0 #define LedPinGreen 1 #define LedPinBlue 2 void ledInit(void) { softPwmCreate(LedPinRed, 0, 100); softPwmCreate(LedPinGreen,0, 100); softPwmCreate(LedPinBlue, 0, 100); } void ledColorSet(uchar r_val, uchar g_val, uchar b_val) { softPwmWrite(LedPinRed, r_val); softPwmWrite(LedPinGreen, g_val); softPwmWrite(LedPinBlue, b_val); } int main(void) { int i; if(wiringPiSetup() == -1){ //when initialize wiring failed, print message to screen printf("setup wiringPi failed !"); return 1; } //printf("linker LedPin : GPIO %d(wiringPi pin)\n",LedPin); //when initialize wiring successfully,print message to screen ledInit(); while(1){ ledColorSet(0xff,0x00,0x00); //red 11111111 0000000 000000 delay(500); ledColorSet(0x00,0xff,0x00); //green delay(500); ledColorSet(0x00,0x00,0xff); //blue delay(500); ledColorSet(0xff,0xff,0x00); //yellow delay(500); ledColorSet(0xff,0x00,0xff); //pick delay(500); ledColorSet(0xc0,0xff,0x3e); delay(500); ledColorSet(0x94,0x00,0xd3); // 10010100 00000000 11010011 delay(500); ledColorSet(0x76,0xee,0x00); // 01110110 11101110 00000000 delay(500); ledColorSet(0x00,0xc5,0xcd); // 00000000 11000101 11001101 delay(500); } return 0; } 重点内容 wiringPiSetup()函数


#include #include

当编译程序时,必须加上 pthread 库,如下:

gcc –o myprog myprog.c –lwiringPi –lpthread

PSgcc test.c -o test在树莓派4B中亲测不可用

必须使用 wiringPiSetup()wiringPiSetupGpio()或者wiringPiSetupPhys()函数来初始化 wiringPi。 wiringPiSetupSys()是丌够快的,因此,必须使用sudo 命令来运行程序。一些外部扩展模块有可能足够快的处理软件 PWM,在 MCP23S17 GPIO 扩展器上已经测试通过了。


本次RGB LED灯的python控制看似比上次复杂,原理也是利用函数对函数的调用,原理有点类似C的指针。

#!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time colors = [0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FFFF] R = 11 G = 12 B = 13 def setup(Rpin, Gpin, Bpin): global pins global p_R, p_G, p_B pins = {'pin_R': Rpin, 'pin_G': Gpin, 'pin_B': Bpin} GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Numbers GPIOs by physical location for i in pins: GPIO.setup(pins[i], GPIO.OUT) # Set pins' mode is output GPIO.output(pins[i], GPIO.HIGH) # Set pins to high(+3.3V) to off led p_R = GPIO.PWM(pins['pin_R'], 2000) # set Frequece to 2KHz p_G = GPIO.PWM(pins['pin_G'], 1999) p_B = GPIO.PWM(pins['pin_B'], 5000) p_R.start(100) # Initial duty Cycle = 0(leds off) p_G.start(100) p_B.start(100) def map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max): return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min def off(): for i in pins: GPIO.output(pins[i], GPIO.HIGH) # Turn off all leds def setColor(col): # For example : col = 0x112233 R_val = (col & 0xff0000) >> 16 G_val = (col & 0x00ff00) >> 8 B_val = (col & 0x0000ff) >> 0 R_val = map(R_val, 0, 255, 0, 100) G_val = map(G_val, 0, 255, 0, 100) B_val = map(B_val, 0, 255, 0, 100) p_R.ChangeDutyCycle(100-R_val) # Change duty cycle p_G.ChangeDutyCycle(100-G_val) p_B.ChangeDutyCycle(100-B_val) def loop(): while True: for col in colors: setColor(col) time.sleep(1) def destroy(): p_R.stop() p_G.stop() p_B.stop() off() GPIO.cleanup() if __name__ == "__main__": try: setup(R, G, B) loop() except KeyboardInterrupt: destroy() global作用






p.ChangeDutyCycle(dc) # 范围:0.0 = 100.0


p.ChangeFrequency(freq) # freq 为设置的新频率,单位为 Hz



树莓派 rgb 传感器

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