
Helen ·
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/// <summary> /// 二维笛卡尔坐标系坐标 /// </summary> public struct Point { public double X; public double Y; public Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) { X = x; Y = y; } }


/// <summary> /// 对一组点通过最小二乘法进行线性回归 /// </summary> /// <param name="parray"></param> public static void LinearRegression(Point[] parray) { //点数不能小于2 if (parray.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("点的数量小于2,无法进行线性回归"); return; } //求出横纵坐标的平均值 double averagex = 0, averagey = 0; foreach (Point p in parray) { averagex += p.X; averagey += p.Y; } averagex /= parray.Length; averagey /= parray.Length; //经验回归系数的分子与分母 double numerator = 0; double denominator = 0; foreach (Point p in parray) { numerator += (p.X - averagex) * (p.Y - averagey); denominator += (p.X - averagex) * (p.X - averagex); } //回归系数b(Regression Coefficient) double RCB = numerator / denominator; //回归系数a double RCA = averagey - RCB * averagex; Console.WriteLine("回归系数A: " + RCA.ToString("0.0000")); Console.WriteLine("回归系数B: " + RCB.ToString("0.0000")); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("方程为: y = {0} + {1} * x", RCA.ToString("0.0000"), RCB.ToString("0.0000"))); //剩余平方和与回归平方和 double residualSS = 0; //(Residual Sum of Squares) double regressionSS = 0; //(Regression Sum of Squares) foreach (Point p in parray) { residualSS += (p.Y - RCA - RCB * p.X) * (p.Y - RCA - RCB * p.X); regressionSS += (RCA + RCB * p.X - averagey) * (RCA + RCB * p.X - averagey); } Console.WriteLine("剩余平方和: " + residualSS.ToString("0.0000")); Console.WriteLine("回归平方和: " + regressionSS.ToString("0.0000")); }


static void Main(string[] args) { //设置一个包含9个点的数组 Point[] array = new Point[9]; array[0] = new Point(0, 66.7); array[1] = new Point(4, 71.0); array[2] = new Point(10, 76.3); array[3] = new Point(15, 80.6); array[4] = new Point(21, 85.7); array[5] = new Point(29, 92.9); array[6] = new Point(36, 99.4); array[7] = new Point(51, 113.6); array[8] = new Point(68, 125.1); LinearRegression(array); Console.Read(); }



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