
Jenny ·
· 683 次阅读

function make_a_matcher( ) {
return /a/gi;
var x = make_a_matcher( );
var y = make_a_matcher( );
// 注意:x 和 y 是同一个对象!
x.lastIndex = 10;
document.writeln(y.lastIndex); // 10当你在浏览器中运行这段代码时,你会发现IE6-IE9、FireFox4、Chrome10、Safari5输出都是0,Firefox 3.6.16输出是10,原因可以在ECMAScript5规范第24页和第247页找到:

A regular expression literal is an input element that is converted to a RegExp object (see 15.10) each time the literal is evaluated. Two regular expression literals in a program evaluate to regular expression objects that never compare as === to each other even if the two literals' contents are identical. A RegExp object may also be created at runtime by new RegExp (see 15.10.4) or calling the RegExp constructor as a function (15.10.3).
7.8.5: Regular expression literals now return a unique object each time the literal is evaluated. This change is detectable by any programs that test the object identity of such literal values or that are sensitive to the shared side effects.
7.8.5: Edition 5 requires early reporting of any possible RegExp constructor errors that would be produced when converting a RegularExpressionLiteral to a RegExp object. Prior to Edition 5 implementations were permitted to defer the reporting of such errors until the actual execution time creation of the object.
7.8.5: In Edition 5 unescaped “/” characters may appear as a CharacterClass in a regular expression literal. In Edition 3 such a character would have been interpreted as the final character of the literal.
var my_regexp = /([8/5+4]*).{3}/g;
var str = '8/5+4 is what!';
var result = my_regexp.exec(str); // the same in IE6-9,FF3.6-4.0,Chrome,Safari
for(var i = 0,n = result.length; i < n; ++i){
result[0] = 8/5+4 is
result[1] = 8/5+4

正则表达式字面量从ECMAScript3到ECMAScript5的改变也蛮符合HTML5设计原理中提到的2条。一条是“一旦遇到冲突,最终用户 先,其次是作者,其次是实现者,其次标准制定者,最后才是理论上的完满”,另一条是“支持已有内容”。
最后推荐一下XRegExp,它是一个非常优秀的正则表达式JavaScript库,兼容多个主流浏览器、ECMAScript3和ECMAScript5。 您可能感兴趣的文章:ECMAScript6块级作用域及新变量声明(let)在NodeJS中启用ECMAScript 6小结(windos以及Linux)ECMAScript6的新特性箭头函数(Arrow Function)详细介绍ECMAScript 创建自己的js类库JavaScript高级程序设计(第3版)学习笔记13 ECMAScript5新特性ECMAScript6变量的解构赋值实例详解

字面量 ecmascript 正则 正则表达式

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