
Alicia ·
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  通过用户的制作的testcase.xml文件,获取总体的属性值作为参数,并读取所有test case所包含的信息,获取所有测试连接列表和其他配置数据,testcase.xml的格式如下,这个testcase.xml可以专门写一个xml写作的工具,供QA人员以界面方式进行编写,提高效率并减小错误率:

 <testcases>    <project>          <name>Test</name>          <description>Only Test</description>          <executor>zhangyi</executor>          <!-- 如果需要结果进入数据库,配置下面数据库链接参数 ->          <DB  <host></host>  <port></port>  <user></user>  <pwd></pwd>  <db></db>  <debug>true</debug>  </DB>  <type>Example</type>          </project>  <property>  <old_version></old_verstion>  <old_version></old_verstion>  <wel_url>r'http://www.baidu.cn/'</wel_url>  </property>  <!-- run before all testcase -->  <beforesetup>  </beforesetup>  <!-- run after all testcase -->  <afterteardown>  </afterteardown>   <!-- run before each testcase. if fail, not continue run testcase-->  <setup>  </setup>  <!-- run after each testcase. ignore testcase fail.  -->  <teardown>  </teardown>      <!-- SAMPLE TEST CASE -->      <case repeat=3>          <url>http://www.example.com</url>      </case>      <case repeat=3>          <url>http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch</url>          <method>POST</method>          <body><![CDATA[appid=YahooDemo&query=pylot]]></body>          <add_header>Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded</add_header>      </case>      <case repeat=2>          <url>http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch</url>          <method>POST</method>          <body><![CDATA[appid=YahooDemo&query=pylot]]></body>          <add_header>Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded</add_header>      </case repeat=3>      <case>          <url>http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch</url>          <method>POST</method>          <body><![CDATA[appid=YahooDemo&query=pylot]]></body>          <add_header>Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded</add_header>      </case>      <case>          <url>http://www.example.com</url>      </case>      <case repeat=10>          <url>http://www.example.com</url>      </case>      <!-- SAMPLE TEST CASE -->      <!--      <case>          <url>http://search.yahooapis.com/WebSearchService/V1/webSearch</url>          <method>POST</method>          <body><![CDATA[appid=YahooDemo&query=pylot]]></body>          <add_header>Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded</add_header>      </case>      -->  </testcases>

  根据用户的策略,会对testcase.xml中的case项进行分割和组合,终得到每个agent对应的testcase.xml,agent会按照这个testcase.xml进行测试,通常来说,策略包含以下两种:a. 每个agent执行所有case;b. 将所有case平均分给agent执行。


def load_xml_cases_dom(dom):      cases = []      param_map = {}      for child in dom.getiterator():          if child.tag != dom.getroot().tag and child.tag == 'param':              name = child.attrib.get('name')              value = child.attrib.get('value')              param_map[name] = value          if child.tag != dom.getroot().tag and child.tag == 'case':              req = Request()              repeat = child.attrib.get('repeat')              if repeat:                  req.repeat = int(repeat)              else:                  req.repeat = 1              for element in child:                  if element.tag.lower() == 'url':                      req.url = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'method':                      req.method = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'body':                      file_payload = element.attrib.get('file')                      if file_payload:                          req.body = open(file_payload, 'rb').read()                      else:                          req.body = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'verify':                      req.verify = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'verify_negative':                      req.verify_negative = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'timer_group':                      req.timer_group = element.text                  if element.tag.lower() == 'add_header':                      splat = element.text.split(':')                      x = splat[0].strip()                      del splat[0]                      req.add_header(x, ''.join(splat).strip())              req = resolve_parameters(req, param_map)  # substitute vars              cases.append(req)      return case


  请求代理会根据分配给自己的testcase.xml进行初始化,获取所有配置参数和case列表,当接收到agent manager发给的执行消息后,会开启一个线程对case列表中的每一个case进行处理;初始化agent时,agent manager会传进来全局的几个队列,包括result queue,msg queue,error queue;这些queue中的信息终会由agent manager统一处理;


    def run(self):          agent_start_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime())          total_latency = 0          total_connect_latency = 0          total_bytes = 0            while self.running:              self.cookie_jar = cookielib.CookieJar()              for req in self.msg_queue:                  for repeat in range(req.repeat):                      if self.running:           request=Request(req)                          # send the request message                          resp, content, req_start_time, req_end_time, connect_end_time = request.send(req)

                         # get times for logging and error display                          tmp_time = time.localtime()                          cur_date = time.strftime('%d %b %Y', tmp_time)                          cur_time = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', tmp_time)

                         # check verifications and status code for errors                          is_error = False                          if resp.code >= 400 or resp.code == 0:                              is_error = True                          if not req.verify == '':                              if not re.search(req.verify, content, re.DOTALL):                                  is_error = True                          if not req.verify_negative == '':                              if re.search(req.verify_negative, content, re.DOTALL):                                  is_error = True                            if is_error:                                                self.error_count += 1                              error_string = 'Agent %s:  %s - %d %s,  url: %s' % (self.id + 1, cur_time, resp.code, resp.msg, req.url)                              self.error_queue.append(error_string)                              log_tuple = (self.id + 1, cur_date, cur_time, req_end_time, req.url.replace(',', ''), resp.code, resp.msg.replace(',', ''))                              self.log_error('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % log_tuple)  # write as csv                                                      resp_bytes = len(content)                          latency = (req_end_time - req_start_time)                          connect_latency = (connect_end_time - req_start_time)                                                  self.count += 1                          total_bytes += resp_bytes                          total_latency += latency                          total_connect_latency += connect_latency                                                  # update shared stats dictionary                          self.runtime_stats[self.id] = StatCollection(resp.code, resp.msg, latency, self.count, self.error_count, total_latency, total_connect_latency, total_bytes)                          self.runtime_stats[self.id].agent_start_time = agent_start_time                            # put response stats/info on queue for reading by the consumer (ResultWriter) thread                          q_tuple = (self.id + 1, cur_date, cur_time, req_end_time, req.url.replace(',', ''), resp.code, resp.msg.replace(',', ''), resp_bytes, latency, connect_latency, req.timer_group)                          self.results_queue.put(q_tuple)                            expire_time = (self.interval - latency)                          if expire_time > 0:                              time.sleep(expire_time)  # sleep remainder of interval so we keep even pacing                                          else:  # don't go through entire range if stop has been called                          break




    def send(self, req):          # req is our own Request object          if HTTP_DEBUG:              opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar), urllib2.HTTPHandler(debuglevel=1))          elif COOKIES_ENABLED:              opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie_jar))          else:              opener = urllib2.build_opener()          if req.method.upper() == 'POST':              request = urllib2.Request(req.url, req.body, req.headers)          else:              request = urllib2.Request(req.url, None, req.headers)  # urllib2 assumes a GET if no data is supplied.  PUT and DELETE are not supported                  # timed message send+receive (TTLB)          req_start_time = self.default_timer()          try:              resp = opener.open(request)  # this sends the HTTP request and returns as soon as it is done connecting and sending              connect_end_time = self.default_timer()              content = resp.read()              req_end_time = self.default_timer()          except httplib.HTTPException, e:  # this can happen on an incomplete read, just catch all HTTPException              connect_end_time = self.default_timer()              resp = ErrorResponse()              resp.code = 0              resp.msg = str(e)              resp.headers = {}              content = ''          except urllib2.HTTPError, e:  # http responses with status >= 400              connect_end_time = self.default_timer()              resp = ErrorResponse()              resp.code = e.code              resp.msg = httplib.responses[e.code]  # constant dict of http error codes/reasons              resp.headers = dict(e.info())              content = ''          except urllib2.URLError, e:  # this also catches socket errors              connect_end_time = self.default_timer()              resp = ErrorResponse()              resp.code = 0              resp.msg = str(e.reason)              resp.headers = {}  # headers are not available in the exception              content = ''          req_end_time = self.default_timer()            if self.trace_logging:              # log request/response messages              self.log_http_msgs(req, request, resp, content)           

         return (resp, content, req_start_time, req_end_time, connect_end_time)




     def run(self):          self.running = True          self.agents_started = False          try:              os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0755)          except OSError:              self.output_dir = self.output_dir + time.strftime('/results_%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M.%S', time.localtime())              try:                 os.makedirs(self.output_dir, 0755)              except OSError:                  sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Can not create output directory ')                  sys.exit(1)                   # start thread for reading and writing queued results          self.results_writer = ResultWriter(self.results_queue, self.output_dir)          self.results_writer.setDaemon(True)          self.results_writer.start()                  for i in range(self.num_agents):              spacing = float(self.rampup) / float(self.num_agents)              if i > 0:  # first agent starts right away                  time.sleep(spacing)              if self.running:  # in case stop() was called before all agents are started                  agent = LoadAgent(i, self.interval, self.log_msgs, self.output_dir, self.runtime_stats, self.error_queue, self.msg_queue, self.results_queue)                  agent.start()                  self.agent_refs.append(agent)                  agent_started_line = 'Started agent ' + str(i + 1)                  if sys.platform.startswith('win'):                      sys.stdout.write(chr(0x08) * len(agent_started_line))  # move cursor back so we update the same line again                      sys.stdout.write(agent_started_line)                  else:                      esc = chr(27) # escape key                      sys.stdout.write(esc + '[G' )                      sys.stdout.write(esc + '[A' )                      sys.stdout.write(agent_started_line + ' ')          if sys.platform.startswith('win'):              sys.stdout.write(' ')          print ' All agents running... '          self.agents_started = True

     def stop(self):          self.running = False          for agent in self.agent_refs:              agent.stop()                   if WAITFOR_AGENT_FINISH:              keep_running = True              while keep_running:                  keep_running = False                  for agent in self.agent_refs:                      if agent.isAlive():                          keep_running = True                          time.sleep(0.1)            self.results_writer.stop()




 def generate_results(dir, test_name):      print ' Generating Results...'      try:          merged_log = open(dir + '/agent_stats.csv', 'rb').readlines()  # this log contains commingled results from all agents      except IOError:          sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Can not find your results log file ')      merged_error_log = merge_error_files(dir)           if len(merged_log) == 0:          fh = open(dir + '/results.html', 'w')          fh.write(r'<html><body><p>None of the agents finished successfully.  There is no data to report.</p></body></html> ')          fh.close()          sys.stdout.write('ERROR: None of the agents finished successfully.  There is no data to report. ')          return        timings = list_timings(merged_log)      best_times, worst_times = best_and_worst_requests(merged_log)      timer_group_stats = get_timer_groups(merged_log)      timing_secs = [int(x[0]) for x in timings]  # grab just the secs (rounded-down)      throughputs = calc_throughputs(timing_secs)  # dict of secs and throughputs      throughput_stats = corestats.Stats(throughputs.values())      resp_data_set = [x[1] for x in timings] # grab just the timings      response_stats = corestats.Stats(resp_data_set)           # calc the stats and load up a dictionary with the results      stats_dict = get_stats(response_stats, throughput_stats)           # get the pickled stats dictionaries we saved      runtime_stats_dict, workload_dict = load_dat_detail(dir)        # get the summary stats and load up a dictionary with the results       summary_dict = {}      summary_dict['cur_time'] = time.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())      summary_dict['duration'] = int(timings[-1][0] - timings[0][0]) + 1  # add 1 to round up      summary_dict['num_agents'] = workload_dict['num_agents']      summary_dict['req_count'] = len(timing_secs)      summary_dict['err_count'] = len(merged_error_log)      summary_dict['bytes_received'] = calc_bytes(merged_log)        # write html report      fh = open(dir + '/results.html', 'w')      reportwriter.write_head_html(fh)      reportwriter.write_starting_content(fh, test_name)      reportwriter.write_summary_results(fh, summary_dict, workload_dict)      reportwriter.write_stats_tables(fh, stats_dict)      reportwriter.write_images(fh)      reportwriter.write_timer_group_stats(fh, timer_group_stats)      reportwriter.write_agent_detail_table(fh, runtime_stats_dict)      reportwriter.write_best_worst_requests(fh, best_times, worst_times)      reportwriter.write_closing_html(fh)      fh.close()      # response time graph  def resp_graph(nested_resp_list, dir='./'):      fig = figure(figsize=(8, 3))  # image dimensions      ax = fig.add_subplot(111)      ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Time In Test (secs)', size='x-small')      ax.set_ylabel('Response Time (secs)' , size='x-small')      ax.grid(True, color='#666666')      xticks(size='x-small')      yticks(size='x-small')      axis(xmin=0)      x_seq = [item[0] for item in nested_resp_list]      y_seq = [item[1] for item in nested_resp_list]      ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,          color='blue', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.0, marker='o',          markeredgecolor='blue', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)      savefig(dir + 'response_time_graph.png')        # throughput graph  def tp_graph(throughputs_dict, dir='./'):      fig = figure(figsize=(8, 3))  # image dimensions      ax = fig.add_subplot(111)      ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Time In Test (secs)', size='x-small')      ax.set_ylabel('Requests Per Second (count)' , size='x-small')      ax.grid(True, color='#666666')      xticks(size='x-small')      yticks(size='x-small')      axis(xmin=0)      keys = throughputs_dict.keys()      keys.sort()      values = []      for key in keys:          values.append(throughputs_dict[key])      x_seq = keys      y_seq = values      ax.plot(x_seq, y_seq,          color='red', linestyle='-', linewidth=1.0, marker='o',          markeredgecolor='red', markerfacecolor='yellow', markersize=2.0)      savefig(dir + 'throughput_graph.png')     try:  # graphing only works on systems with Matplotlib installed          print 'Generating Graphs...'          import graph          graph.resp_graph(timings, dir=dir+'/')          graph.tp_graph(throughputs, dir=dir+'/')      except:          sys.stderr.write('ERROR: Unable to generate graphs with Matplotlib ')        print ' Done generating results. You can view your test at:'  print '%s/results.html ' % dir


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