
Alice ·
· 824 次阅读

例如从2channel,4.41k hz 重采样到 1 channel,16k hz

def downsampleWav(src, dst, inrate=44100, outrate=16000, inchannels=2, outchannels=1): import os,wave,audioop if not os.path.exists(src): print ('Source not found!') return False if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) try: s_read =, 'r') s_write =, 'w') except: print ('Failed to open files!') return False n_frames = s_read.getnframes() data = s_read.readframes(n_frames) try: converted = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, inchannels, inrate, outrate, None) if outchannels == 1: converted = audioop.tomono(converted[0], 2, 1, 0) except: print ('Failed to downsample wav') return False try: s_write.setparams((outchannels, 2, outrate, 0, 'NONE', 'Uncompressed')) s_write.writeframes(converted) except: print ('Failed to write wav') return False try: s_read.close() s_write.close() except: print ('Failed to close wav files') return False return True  


def downsampleWav(src, dst, inrate=48000, outrate=16000, inchannels=1, outchannels=1): import os,wave,audioop if not os.path.exists(src): print ('Source not found!') return False if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) try: s_read =, 'rb') params = s_read.getparams() nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes = params[:4] print(nchannels,sampwidth, framerate,nframes) s_write =, 'wb') except: print ('Failed to open files!') return False n_frames = s_read.getnframes() data = s_read.readframes(n_frames) try: converted = audioop.ratecv(data, 2, inchannels, inrate, outrate, None) if outchannels == 1 and inchannels != 1: converted = audioop.tomono(converted[0], 2, 1, 0) except: print ('Failed to downsample wav') return False try: s_write.setparams((outchannels, 2, outrate, 0, 'NONE', 'Uncompressed')) s_write.writeframes(converted[0]) except Exception as e: print(e) print ('Failed to write wav') return False try: s_read.close() s_write.close() except: print ('Failed to close wav files') return False return True



You can use Librosa's load() function,

import librosa
y, s = librosa.load('test.wav', sr=8000) # Downsample 44.1kHz to 8kHz

The extra effort to install Librosa is probably worth the peace of mind.

Pro-tip: when installing Librosa on Anaconda, you need to install ffmpeg as well, so

pip install librosa
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg


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采样 重采样 Python

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