C语言 智能指针 shared_ptr 和 weak_ptr

Orianna ·
· 6 次阅读



#include <iostream> #include <memory> using namespace std; class B; class A{ public:     A(){cout << "A constructor ... "<< endl;}     ~A(){cout << "A destructor ..." << endl;}     std::shared_ptr<B> pb; }; class B{ public:     B(){cout << "B constructor ... "<< endl;}     ~B(){cout << "B destructor ..." << endl;}     std::shared_ptr<A> pa; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) {     std::shared_ptr<int> a = std::make_shared<int>(3);     std::shared_ptr<char> b = std::make_shared<char>('a');     std::cout << "shared_ptr object(int) size = " << sizeof(a) << std::endl;     std::cout << "shared_ptr object(char) size = " << sizeof(b) << std::endl;     std::weak_ptr<A> shadow_a;     std::weak_ptr<B> shadow_b;     {     std::shared_ptr<A> ptr_a = std::make_shared<A>();     std::shared_ptr<B> ptr_b = std::make_shared<B>();     shadow_a = ptr_a;     shadow_b = ptr_b;     ptr_a->pb = ptr_b;     ptr_b->pa = ptr_a;     cout << "reference count of A = " << shadow_a.use_count() << endl;     cout << "reference count of B = " << shadow_b.use_count() << endl;     cout << endl;      }     cout << "reference count of A = " << shadow_a.use_count() << endl;     cout << "reference count of B = " << shadow_b.use_count() << endl;     std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;     return 0; }


shared_ptr object(int) size = 16
shared_ptr object(char) size = 16
A constructor ... 
B constructor ... 
reference count of A = 2
reference count of B = 2

reference count of A = 1
reference count of B = 1
Hello, world!

为什么会这样呢?这个应该从析构原理进行考虑,shared_ptr引用计数需要为0才会进行析构!但是ptr_a离开作用域会导致A引用计数减少1,但是A的引用计数此时为1,那么 pb不会释放;同理,ptr_b离开作用域会导致B引用计数减少1,但是B的引用计数为此时为1,那么pa不会释放。如此导致了资源无法释放掉。


#include <iostream> #include <memory> using namespace std; class B; class A{ public:     A(){cout << "A constructor ... "<< endl;}     ~A(){cout << "A destructor ..." << endl;}     //std::shared_ptr<B> pb;     std::weak_ptr<B> pb; }; class B{ public:     B(){cout << "B constructor ... "<< endl;}     ~B(){cout << "B destructor ..." << endl;}     //std::shared_ptr<A> pa;     std::weak_ptr<A> pa; }; int main(int argc, char **argv) {     std::shared_ptr<int> a = std::make_shared<int>(3);     std::shared_ptr<char> b = std::make_shared<char>('a');     std::cout << "shared_ptr object(int) size = " << sizeof(a) << std::endl;     std::cout << "shared_ptr object(char) size = " << sizeof(b) << std::endl;     std::weak_ptr<A> shadow_a;     std::weak_ptr<B> shadow_b;     {     std::shared_ptr<A> ptr_a = std::make_shared<A>();     std::shared_ptr<B> ptr_b = std::make_shared<B>();     shadow_a = ptr_a;     shadow_b = ptr_b;     ptr_a->pb = ptr_b;     ptr_b->pa = ptr_a;     cout << "reference count of A = " << shadow_a.use_count() << endl;     cout << "reference count of B = " << shadow_b.use_count() << endl;     cout << endl;      }     cout << "reference count of A = " << shadow_a.use_count() << endl;     cout << "reference count of B = " << shadow_b.use_count() << endl;     std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;     return 0; }


shared_ptr object(int) size = 16
shared_ptr object(char) size = 16
A constructor ... 
B constructor ... 
reference count of A = 1
reference count of B = 1

B destructor ...
A destructor ...
reference count of A = 0
reference count of B = 0
Hello, world!

到此这篇关于C语言 智能指针 shared_ptr 和 weak_ptr的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关 shared_ptr 和 weak_ptr内容请搜索软件开发网以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持软件开发网!

weak 智能指针 指针 C语言

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