Java Swing快速构建窗体应用程序

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  1 应用结构   新建一个java应用程序JavaApp,并创建相关的包及文件,其中简单实现了一个登录界面(JDBC 访问MYSQL数据库),登录成功后跳转到主界面.在主界面上单击菜单,可以打开子窗体.java swing自带的JTabbedPane没有显示关闭按钮的功能,这里在com.mkmis.controls包下自定义了一个TabbedPane控件,可以实现带关闭按钮的页签面板.应用结构如下图所示:

  2 登陆界面设计   在IDE中新建一个Login的JFrame窗体,单击[设计]视图,可以将组件面板中的相关控件拖放到界面上,和Vistual Studio的操作差别不大,是界面显示效果较差,不及Vistual Studio.用户名文本框用的文本字段,密码框用的是口令字段控件.登录和退出按钮用的是按钮控件.   设计完成后,单击运行按钮,界面效果如下图所示:

  3 相关属性设置   Java Swing的很多属性设置用的方法,而NET用的属性.例如设置窗体标题,java swing用的是setTitle().另外窗体居中用的是setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()). 获取文本框的值为getText()方法,如下代码所示:   1     public Login() {   2         initComponents();   3         setTitle("登录");   4         setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);   5         setVisible(true);   6         setResizable(false);   7         setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); //居中显示   8   9     }   1  private void btnLoginActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {   2     // TODO add your handling code here:   3     if(this.txtUserName.getText()!="" && this.txtPWD.getText().toString()!="")   4     {   5         Connection conn = DBConnection.getConnection();   6         PreparedStatement ps = null;   7         ResultSet rs = null;   8         try {   9             ps = conn.prepareStatement(   "select * from users where UserName = ? and password = ?");   10             ps.setString(1,this.txtUserName.getText());//   11             ps.setString(2, this.txtPWD.getText());   12             rs = ps.executeQuery();   13             while ( {   14                 User user = new User();   15                 user.setId(rs.getInt("id"));   16                 user.setUsername(rs.getString("UserName"));   17                 user.setPassword(rs.getString("password"));   18   19                 System.out.println(user.toString());   20                 //跳转页面   21                 FrameMain frm=new FrameMain(user.getUsername());   22                 frm.setVisible(true);   23                 this.dispose();//关闭当前窗体   24   25             }   26         } catch (SQLException e) {   27             e.printStackTrace();   28         } finally {   29             DBConnection.closeResultSet(rs);   30             DBConnection.closeStatement(ps);   31             DBConnection.closeConnection(conn);   32         }   33   34      }   35  }   显示一个窗体是设置其setVisiable(true);关闭一个窗体用的dispose();在登录界面想着输完用户名和密码后,按enter键可以自动登录,在网上搜下,发现了一个变通的方法,是监听密码框的keypressed事件,当然需要验证一下用户名和密码是否为空(此处未加验证!),如下代码所示:   1    private void txtPWDKeyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent evt) {   2         // TODO add your handling code here:   3         if(evt.getKeyCode()==KeyEvent.VK_ENTER)   4         {   5             //调用登录事件   6             btnLoginActionPerformed(null);   7   8         }   9     }   4 主界面   登录成功后,单击左边的树叶节点,通过反射动态实例化窗体(实际上菜单应该从数据库加载)并显示,主界面如下:   图表控件用的是JFreeChart控件,默认显示中文有乱码情况,需要设置显示中文处的字体进行解决.另外设置主界面显示大化的代码为this.setExtendedState(this.getExtendedState()|JFrame.MAXMIZED_BOTH).为了让某个控件可以随着窗体大小变化而自动调整,需要设置其水平和垂直自动调整.   1     public FrameMain(){   2         initComponents();   3          setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); //居中显示   4          this.setExtendedState(this.getExtendedState()|JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH );   //大化 window   5          LoadTree();   6   7     }   8     public FrameMain(String uname){   9         initComponents();   10          setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner()); //居中显示   11          this.setExtendedState(this.getExtendedState()|JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH );   12          LoadTree();   13          this.lblUser.setText("欢迎 "+uname+ " 登录!");   14   15     }   主界面在初始化时,调用LoadTree方法来填充左边的菜单树,如下所示:   1     private void LoadTree()   2     {   3         //自定义控件,支持关闭按钮   4         jTabbedPane1.setCloseButtonEnabled(true);   5   6         DefaultMutableTreeNode node1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("软件部");   7         node1.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("产品部"));   8         node1.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("测试部"));   9         node1.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("设计部"));   10   11         DefaultMutableTreeNode node2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("销售部");   12         node2.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("jack"));   13         node2.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Lily"));   14         node2.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Smith"));   15   16         DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("职员管理");   17   18   19         top.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("总经理"));   20         top.add(node1);   21         top.add(node2);   22   23         //JTree tree=new JTree(top);   24         DefaultTreeModel model = new DefaultTreeModel (top);   25         this.jTree1.setModel(model);   26        //jTree1.getSelectionModel().setSelectionMode(TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION)   27        //set jframe icon   28        try   29   30        {   31        Image icon="/images/Icon.png"));   32        tabIcon = createImageIcon("/images/Icon.png", "tab icon");   33   34        this.setIconImage(icon);   35        }   36        catch(IOException ex)   37        {   38   39            System.out.println(ex);   40   41        }   42   43     }   在Tree的值变化事件中,通过class.forName()和 cls.newInstance()反射动态实例化窗体,代码如下:   1     private void jTree1ValueChanged(javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent evt) {   2         // TODO add your handling code here:   3   4        DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)   jTree1.getLastSelectedPathComponent();   5   6         if (node == null){   7             //Nothing is selected.   8              return;   9         }   10   11         Object nodeInfo = node.getUserObject();   12         String item = (String) nodeInfo;   13   14         if (node.isLeaf()) {   15             String item1 = (String) nodeInfo;   16             // this.setTitle(item1);   17             //File f = new File("client.jar");   18             //URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{f.toURI().toURL(), null});   19             //Class<?> clazz = cl.loadClass("epicurus.Client");   20             //Method main = clazz.getMethod("main", String[].class);   21             //main.invoke(null, new Object[]{new String[]{}});   22             try {   23                 Class cls = Class.forName("com.mkmis.forms.JIFrame1");   24                 javax.swing.JInternalFrame frm =   (javax.swing.JInternalFrame) cls.newInstance();   25                  frm.setVisible(true);   26   27                 //jTabbedPane1.addTab(" "+item1+"  ",null,frm);   28                 jTabbedPane1.addTab(" "+item1+"  ",this.tabIcon,frm);   29   30              }   31              catch (Throwable e) {   32                 System.err.println(e);   33              }   34         } else {   35             System.out.println("not leaf");   36         }   37     }   在javaswing中的路径也和net不同,下面定义了一个创建ImageIcon的方法:   1     /** Returns an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid. */   2     protected ImageIcon createImageIcon(String path,String description) {   3 imgURL = getClass().getResource(path);   4         if (imgURL != null) {   5             return new ImageIcon(imgURL, description);   6         } else {   7             System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + path);   8             return null;   9         }   10     }

java swing swing JAVA 程序 应用程序 窗体

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Kenda 2021-03-25