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移动机器人阅读笔记==**我可以做到把自己持久性的不喜欢坚持,直到它变成一种习惯和喜欢。**==——肥鼠路易Overview and Motivation位移传感器卡尔曼滤波器卡尔曼公式的进一步深入理解卡尔曼滤波器的学习代码预告:扩展卡尔曼滤波器Non-linear plant and measurement model for a simple point robot参考文献



我可以做到把自己持久性的不喜欢坚持,直到它变成一种习惯和喜欢。——肥鼠路易 Overview and Motivation

The study of mobile robots is an intrinsically interdisciplinary research area involving the following:
Mechanical engineering—vehicle design and in particular locomotive mechanisms.
Computer science—representation,sensing,and planning algorithms.
Electrical engineering—system integration,sensors,and communications.
Cognitive psychology,perception,and neuroscience—insights on how biological organisms solve similar problems.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ——作者:米朗位移传感器



Xk+1=Fx+1Xk+Bk+1uk+1+wk+1X_{k+1} = F_{x+1}X_k+B_{k+1}u_{k+1}+w_{k+1}Xk+1​=Fx+1​Xk​+Bk+1​uk+1​+wk+1​
Zk+1=Hk+1Xk+1+vk+1Z_{k+1} = H_{k+1}X_{k+1}+v_{k+1}Zk+1​=Hk+1​Xk+1​+vk+1​

The equations for the Kalman filter fall into two groups:
time update equations and measurement update equations.
The time update equations are responsible for projecting forward (in time) the current state and error covariance estimates to obtain the a priori estimates for the next time step.
The measurement update equations are responsible for the feedback—i.e. for incorporating a new measurement into the a priori estimate to obtain an improved a posteriori estimate.

X^k∣k{\displaystyle {\hat {\textbf {X}}}_{k|k}}X^k∣k​:在时刻k的状态的估计;
Pk∣k{\displaystyle {\textbf {P}}_{k|k}}Pk∣k​:后验估计误差协方差矩阵,度量估计值的精确程度。

基本卡尔曼滤波器(The basic Kalman filter)是限制在线性的假设之下。然而,大部分非平凡的(non-trivial)的系统都是非线性系统。其中的“非线性性质”(non-linearity)可能是伴随存在过程模型(process model)中或观测模型(observation model)中,或者两者兼有之。
扩展卡尔曼滤波器(Extended Kalman Filter,简称EKF)中状态转换和观测模型不需要是状态的线性函数,可替换为(可微的)函数。 这个过程,实质上将非线性的函数在当前估计值处线性化


We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, by whose grace we see farther than they. Our study of the works of the ancients enables us to give fresh life to their finer ideas, and rescue them from time’s oblivion and man’s neglect.
-----------------------------------------------------------------—— Peter of Blois, late twelfth century



推导卡尔曼公式,我们的目的不过是寻找一个方程式来计算后验估计状态变量x^k\hat x_kx^k​,后验估计状态变量x^k\hat x_kx^k​是先验估计状态变量x^k−\hat x_k^-x^k−​还有真实测量值zkz_kzk​与测量预测Hxk−Hx_k^-Hxk−​之间偏差的线性结合。
x^k=x^k−+K(zk−Hx^k−)\hat x_k = \hat x_k^{-} + K(z_k - H\hat x_k^-)x^k​=x^k−​+K(zk​−Hx^k−​)
zk−Hx^k−z_k - H\hat x_k^-zk​−Hx^k−​是测量残留,

The residual reflects the discrepancy between the predicted measurement Hx^k−H\hat x_k^-Hx^k−​ and the actual measurementzkz_kzk​ . A residual of zero means that the two are in complete agreement.



学习Michael C. Kleder 先生的代码对于卡尔曼滤波器公式的感官理解和认识有很大的帮助。

% KALMANF - updates a system state vector estimate based upon an % observation, using a discrete Kalman filter. % % Version 1.0, June 30, 2004 % % This tutorial function was written by Michael C. Kleder % % INTRODUCTION % % Many people have heard of Kalman filtering, but regard the topic % as mysterious. While it's true that deriving the Kalman filter and % proving mathematically that it is "optimal" under a variety of % circumstances can be rather intense, applying the filter to % a basic linear system is actually very easy. This Matlab file is % intended to demonstrate that. % % An excellent paper on Kalman filtering at the introductory level, % without detailing the mathematical underpinnings, is: % "An Introduction to the Kalman Filter" % Greg Welch and Gary Bishop, University of North Carolina % http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/kalmanIntro.html % % PURPOSE: % % The purpose of each iteration of a Kalman filter is to update % the estimate of the state vector of a system (and the covariance % of that vector) based upon the information in a new observation. % The version of the Kalman filter in this function assumes that % observations occur at fixed discrete time intervals. Also, this % function assumes a linear system, meaning that the time evolution % of the state vector can be calculated by means of a state transition % matrix. % % USAGE: % % s = kalmanf(s) % % "s" is a "system" struct containing various fields used as input % and output. The state estimate "x" and its covariance "P" are % updated by the function. The other fields describe the mechanics % of the system and are left unchanged. A calling routine may change % these other fields as needed if state dynamics are time-dependent; % otherwise, they should be left alone after initial values are set. % The exceptions are the observation vectro "z" and the input control % (or forcing function) "u." If there is an input function, then % "u" should be set to some nonzero value by the calling routine. % % SYSTEM DYNAMICS: % % The system evolves according to the following difference equations, % where quantities are further defined below: % % x = Ax + Bu + w meaning the state vector x evolves during one time % step by premultiplying by the "state transition % matrix" A. There is optionally (if nonzero) an input % vector u which affects the state linearly, and this % linear effect on the state is represented by % premultiplying by the "input matrix" B. There is also % gaussian process noise w. % z = Hx + v meaning the observation vector z is a linear function % of the state vector, and this linear relationship is % represented by premultiplication by "observation % matrix" H. There is also gaussian measurement % noise v. % where w ~ N(0,Q) meaning w is gaussian noise with covariance Q % v ~ N(0,R) meaning v is gaussian noise with covariance R % % VECTOR VARIABLES: % % s.x = state vector estimate. In the input struct, this is the % "a priori" state estimate (prior to the addition of the % information from the new observation). In the output struct, % this is the "a posteriori" state estimate (after the new % measurement information is included). % s.z = observation vector % s.u = input control vector, optional (defaults to zero). % % MATRIX VARIABLES: % % s.A = state transition matrix (defaults to identity). % s.P = covariance of the state vector estimate. In the input struct, % this is "a priori," and in the output it is "a posteriori." % (required unless autoinitializing as described below). % s.B = input matrix, optional (defaults to zero). % s.Q = process noise covariance (defaults to zero). % s.R = measurement noise covariance (required). % s.H = observation matrix (defaults to identity). % % NORMAL OPERATION: % % (1) define all state definition fields: A,B,H,Q,R % (2) define intial state estimate: x,P % (3) obtain observation and control vectors: z,u % (4) call the filter to obtain updated state estimate: x,P % (5) return to step (3) and repeat % % INITIALIZATION: % % If an initial state estimate is unavailable, it can be obtained % from the first observation as follows, provided that there are the % same number of observable variables as state variables. This "auto- % intitialization" is done automatically if s.x is absent or NaN. % % x = inv(H)*z % P = inv(H)*R*inv(H') % % This is mathematically equivalent to setting the initial state estimate % covariance to infinity. function s = kalmanf(s) % set defaults for absent fields: if ~isfield(s,'x'); s.x=nan*z; end if ~isfield(s,'P'); s.P=nan; end if ~isfield(s,'z'); error('Observation vector missing'); end if ~isfield(s,'u'); s.u=0; end if ~isfield(s,'A'); s.A=eye(length(x)); end if ~isfield(s,'B'); s.B=0; end if ~isfield(s,'Q'); s.Q=zeros(length(x)); end if ~isfield(s,'R'); error('Observation covariance missing'); end if ~isfield(s,'H'); s.H=eye(length(x)); end if isnan(s.x) % initialize state estimate from first observation if diff(size(s.H)) error('Observation matrix must be square and invertible for state autointialization.'); end s.x = inv(s.H)*s.z; s.P = inv(s.H)*s.R*inv(s.H'); else % This is the code which implements the discrete Kalman filter: % Prediction for state vector and covariance: s.x = s.A*s.x + s.B*s.u; s.P = s.A * s.P * s.A' + s.Q; % Compute Kalman gain factor: K = s.P*s.H'*inv(s.H*s.P*s.H'+s.R); % Correction based on observation: s.x = s.x + K*(s.z-s.H*s.x); s.P = s.P - K*s.H*s.P; % Note that the desired result, which is an improved estimate % of the sytem state vector x and its covariance P, was obtained % in only five lines of code, once the system was defined. (That's % how simple the discrete Kalman filter is to use.) Later, % we'll discuss how to deal with nonlinear systems. end return


% Define the system as a constant of 12 volts: clear all s.x = 12; s.A = 1; % Define a process noise (stdev) of 2 volts as the car operates: s.Q = 2^2; % variance, hence stdev^2 % Define the voltimeter to measure the voltage itself: s.H = 1; % Define a measurement error (stdev) of 2 volts: s.R = 2^2; % variance, hence stdev^2 % Do not define any system input (control) functions: s.B = 0; s.u = 0; % Do not specify an initial state: s.x = nan; s.P = nan; % Generate random voltages and watch the filter operate. tru=[]; % truth voltage for t=1:20 tru(end+1) = randn*2+12; s(end).z = tru(end) + randn*2; % create a measurement s(end+1)=kalmanf(s(end)); % perform a Kalman filter iteration end figure hold on grid on % plot measurement data: hz=plot([s(1:end-1).z],'r.'); % plot a-posteriori state estimates: hk=plot([s(2:end).x],'b-'); ht=plot(tru,'g-'); legend([hz hk ht],'observations','Kalman output','true voltage',0) title('Automobile Voltimeter Example') hold off 预告:扩展卡尔曼滤波器 Non-linear plant and measurement model for a simple point robot

那目前为止,我们对于卡尔曼有了浅显的认识,TA的弊端在于只能用于线性系统,很遗憾的消息是,WMRs(wheeled Mobile Robots)大多数情况下是非线性系统,为了在非线性系统中应用,我们需要进一步探索,继续向前奔跑。
u(k)=[D(k),Δθ(k)]Tu(k)=[D(k),\Delta\theta(k) ]^Tu(k)=[D(k),Δθ(k)]T
Φ[x(k),u(k)]=[x(k)+D(k)cos[θ(k)]y(k)+D(k)sin[θ(k)]θ(k)+Δθ(k)]\Phi[x(k),u(k)]=\begin{bmatrix} x(k)+D(k)cos[\theta(k)] \\ y(k)+D(k)sin[\theta(k)]\\ \theta(k)+\Delta \theta(k) \end{bmatrix}Φ[x(k),u(k)]=⎣⎡​x(k)+D(k)cos[θ(k)]y(k)+D(k)sin[θ(k)]θ(k)+Δθ(k)​⎦⎤​
WMR 装备了传感器,可以感知到外部环境的信号浮标,我们以传感器信息对WMR 进行定位。不同的传感器有不同的定位公式,具体情况具体分析。

For example,the beacon may emit a unique sound at a known time and the robot is equipped with a microphone and listens for the sound.As long as the robot and the emitter have synchronized clocks,the distance between the beacon and the robot can be estimated.

假设信号浮标的位置(xb,yb)(x_b,y_b)(xb​,yb​),WMR 的测量矩阵为
h[x(k),ϵ]=[(x(k)−xb)2+(y(k)−yb)2]12h[x(k),\epsilon] =[(x(k)-x_b)^2+(y(k)-y_b)^2]^{\frac{1}{2}}h[x(k),ϵ]=[(x(k)−xb​)2+(y(k)−yb​)2]21​


[1]An Introduction to the Kalman Filter, SIGGRAPH 2001 Course, Greg Welch and Gary Bishop
[3]Computation Principles of Mobile Robotics,Cambridge University Press2000,Gregort Dudek and Michael Jenkin,Data Fusion,Page70
[4]Understanding the Covariance Matrix



卡尔曼滤波器 卡尔曼 移动机器人 卡尔曼滤波 机器人 定位

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