莫烦PYTHON——Python3基础教程 学习心得(1)

Serena ·
· 536 次阅读

莫烦PYTHON——Python3基础教程 学习心得(1)1 安装2 基本使用2.1 print功能2.2 基础数学运算2.3 变量variable3 while和for循环3.1 while循环3.2 for循环4 if语句4.1 if判断4.2 if else判断4.3 if elif else判断 1 安装


2 基本使用 2.1 print功能

在Pycharm中Python Console练习:

print(1) 1 print('we are going to do sth') we are going to do sth print("we are going to do sth") we are going to do sth print("I'm Li Yuxin") I'm Li Yuxin print('I\'m Li Yuxin') I'm Li Yuxin print('apple'+'pen') applepen print('iphone'+'8') iphone8 print('iphone'+str(8)) iphone8 print(1+2) 3 print('1+2') 1+2 print(int('1')+2) 3 print(float('1.2')+2) 3.2 2.2 基础数学运算

在Pycharm中Python Console练习:

1+1 Out[2]: 2 3-2 Out[3]: 1 4*5 Out[4]: 20 2**4 Out[5]: 16 8%3 Out[6]: 2 9//4 Out[7]: 2 9//3 Out[8]: 3 8%2 Out[9]: 0 2.3 变量variable


apple = 10 apple_egg = 20 APPLE = 30 APPLE_EGG = 40 appleEgg = 50 x = 5 + 7 print(apple) print(apple_egg, APPLE, APPLE_EGG, appleEgg) print(x) a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 print(a, b, c) d = a*2 e = b*c print(d, e)


10 20 30 40 50 12 1 2 3 2 6 3 while和for循环 3.1 while循环


condition = 1 while condition < 10: print(condition) condition = condition + 1


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


3.2 for循环 新建Python文件,输入如下代码: example_list = [2, 5, 8] for i in example_list: print(i) print('inner of for') print('outer of for')


2 inner of for 5 inner of for 8 inner of for outer of for 当出现如下情况(tab结构出现问题): example_list = [2, 5, 8] for i in example_list: print(i) print('inner of for') print('outer of for')


输入 for i in range(1, 3): print(i)


1 2 输入 for i in range(1, 6, 2): print(i)


1 3 5 4 if语句 4.1 if判断


x = 1 y = 2 z = 3 k = 2 if x < y: print('x is less than y') if x < y < z: print('x is less than y, and y is less than z') if x y: print('x is less than z, and z is greater than y') if k <= y: print('k is less or equal to y') if k == y: print('k is equal to y') if x != y: print('x is not equal to y')


x is less than y x is less than y, and y is less than z x is less than z, and z is greater than y k is less or equal to y k is equal to y x is not equal to y 4.2 if else判断


x = 3 y = 2 if x < y: print('x is less than y') else: print('x is greater or equal to y')


x is greater or equal to y 4.3 if elif else判断 新建Python文件,输入如下代码: x = 3 if x < 3: print('x 3: print('x > 3') else: print('x = 3')


x = 3 输入 x = -2 if x > 1: print('x > 1') elif x < -1: print('x < -1') elif x < 1: print('x < 1') else: print('x = 1') print('finish running')


x < -1 finish running

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