
Isoke ·
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<!-- 开始录音 --> <image src="/img/add_voice.png" class="add-voice" wx:if="{{record == 0 }}" bindtap="startRecord"></image> <!-- 录音中 --> <block wx:if="{{record == 1}}"> <view class='audio'>   <view class='laudio_btn' bindtap='remove'>     <image src='/img/btn_close2.png' style='width:26rpx;height:25rpx;'></image>   </view>   <text class='laudio_text1'>|</text>   <text class='laudio_text2'>{{formatedRecordTime}}</text>   <view class='laudio_pro'>     <image src='/img/btn_play2.png' style='width:100%;height:100%' catchtap='keep' wx:if="{{keep}}"></image>     <image src='/img/btn_play3.png' style='width:100%;height:100%' catchtap='pause' wx:else></image>   </view>   <text class='audio_text' catchtap='stopRecord'>完成</text> </view> </block>


.add-voice {   width: 158rpx;   height: 158rpx; } .audio {   display: flex;   position: relative;   height: 140rpx;   line-height: 140rpx;   background: #f7f7f7;   width: 96%; } /* 传语音 */ .audio{   display: flex;   position: relative;   height:140rpx;   line-height: 140rpx;   background: #f7f7f7;   width: 96%; } /* 录语音 */ .laudio_btn{   /* width:26rpx;   height:26rpx; */   margin-left:42rpx } .audio_img{   position: absolute;   /* top:-15rpx; */   /* right:-15rpx; */   right: 0;   width:30rpx;   height:30rpx; } .audio_btn{   width:88rpx;   height:88rpx;   margin-top:28rpx;    margin-left:16rpx } .audio_pro{   margin-top:36rpx;   margin-left:20rpx;   width:300rpx; } .audio_text{   font-weight: bold;   margin-left:50rpx;   color:#90BED5;   font-size: 10pt } .laudio_text1{   font-size: 26rpx;   margin-left:20rpx;   color: #90BED5 } .laudio_text2{   font-weight: bold;   font-size: 26rpx;   margin-left:20rpx;   color: #F8624E;   width: 381rpx; } .laudio_pro{   width:88rpx;   height:88rpx;   margin-top:28rpx; }


var util = require('../../utils/count.js') //计算时分秒函数 let radio = wx.getRecorderManager(); //创建录音 const app = getApp() var recordTimeInterval; //录音 时分秒 '00:00' Page({   data: {     record : 0, //未录音     formatedRecordTime: '00:00',     keep: true,     recordTime: 0   },   //开始录音   startRecord: function () {     var that = this     this.setData({ record: 1 })     recordTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { //计算时分秒       var recordTime = that.data.recordTime += 1       that.setData({         formatedRecordTime: util.formatTime(that.data.recordTime),         recordTime: recordTime       })     }, 1000)     const options = {       duration: 30000, //录音       sampleRate: 44100,       numberOfChannels: 1,       encodeBitRate: 192000,       format: 'mp3'     }     radio.start(options); //开始录音     radio.onStart((res => {       console.log('监听录音', res)     }));//监听录音事件   },   //暂停录音   keep() {     radio.resume();     this.setData({ keep: false })     clearInterval(recordTimeInterval);   },   //继续录音   pause() {     var that = this     this.setData({ keep: true, })     recordTimeInterval = setInterval(function () { //计算时分秒       var recordTime = that.data.recordTime += 1       that.setData({         formatedRecordTime: util.formatTime(that.data.recordTime),         recordTime: recordTime       })     }, 1000)   },   //结束录音   stopRecord: function () {     console.log('录音结束了')     var that = this;     clearInterval(recordTimeInterval);     radio.stop(); //录音结束     radio.onStop((res) => { //录音结束       // that.stopRecord       console.log('录音结束', res);       this.setData({         record: res.tempFilePath,         musicUrl: res.tempFilePath, //录音音频         duration: res.duration, //音频时长时间戳         record: true,       })     })   },   //取消录音   remove() {     radio.stop(); //结束录音     this.setData({ record: 0, recordTime: 0, play: false })     clearInterval(recordTimeInterval);   }, })


function formatTime(time) {   if (typeof time !== 'number' || time < 0) {     return time   }   var hour = parseInt(time / 3600)   time = time % 3600   var minute = parseInt(time / 60)   time = time % 60   var second = time   return ([hour, minute, second]).map(function (n) {     n = n.toString()     return n[1] ? n : '0' + n   }).join(':') } function formatLocation(longitude, latitude) {   if (typeof longitude === 'string' && typeof latitude === 'string') {     longitude = parseFloat(longitude)     latitude = parseFloat(latitude)   }   longitude = longitude.toFixed(2)   latitude = latitude.toFixed(2)   return {     longitude: longitude.toString().split('.'),     latitude: latitude.toString().split('.')   } } module.exports = {   formatTime: formatTime,   formatLocation: formatLocation }


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