Pytorch专题实战——线性回归(Linear Regression)

Vala ·
· 725 次阅读

文章目录1.计算流程2.Pytorch搭建线性回归模型2.1.导入必要模块2.2.构造训练数据2.3.测试数据及输入输出神经元个数2.4.搭建模型并实例化2.5.训练 1.计算流程 1)设计模型: Design model (input, output, forward pass with different layers) 2) 构建损失函数与优化器:Construct loss and optimizer 3) 循环:Training loop - Forward = compute prediction and loss - Backward = compute gradients - Update weights 2.Pytorch搭建线性回归模型 2.1.导入必要模块 import torch import torch.nn as nn 2.2.构造训练数据 X = torch.tensor([[1],[2],[3],[4]], dtype=torch.float32) Y = torch.tensor([[2],[4],[6],[8]], dtype=torch.float32) n_samples, n_features = X.shape #4, 1(4个1维的样本) 2.3.测试数据及输入输出神经元个数 X_test = torch.tensor([5], dtype=torch.float32) input_size = n_features output_size = n_features 2.4.搭建模型并实例化 class LinearRegression(nn.Module): def __init__(self,input_dim, output_dim): super(LinearRegression,self).__init__() self.lin = nn.Linear(input_dim, output_dim) def forward(self, x): return self.lin(x) model = LinearRegression(input_size, output_size) 2.5.训练 print(f'Prediction before training:f(5)={model(X_test).item():.3f}') learning_rate = 0.1 n_iters = 200 loss = nn.MSELoss() #损失函数 optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), learning_rate) #优化器 for epoch in range(n_iters): y_predicted = model(X) l = loss(Y, y_predicted) l.backward() optimizer.step() optimizer.zero_grad() if epoch%10 == 0: [w,b] = model.parameters() print('epoch',epoch+1,': w =',w.item(),'loss=',l) print(f'Prediction after training:f(5)={model(X_test).item():.3f}')



pytorch 实战 回归 线性 线性回归 linear

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