webDriver 测试的时候头疼的是调试。但也远不及运行的时候出错,再回头调试来的痛苦。总所周知, web 自动化的代码都非常脆弱,一份代码一会运行失败,一会运行成功也是很正常的事情。总的来说造成案例运行失败的原因大抵有两点:
环境问题: 比如网络不稳定啊
代码变动: 比如某个元素不在
遇到 bug :这是真的发现 bug 了
无论哪一种,遇到了都需要花一番时间去 debug。那如果这个时候有一张运行时候出错的截图,那一目了然了。(即便不一目了然,也有很多帮助)
自定义一个 WeDdriver 的监听器,在出异常的时候截图。
利用 Juint 的 TestRule, 自定义一个 Rule 在运行失败的时候截图。
截图需要用到 RemoteWebDriver。在 Selenium 官方我们可以找到:
One nice feature of the remote
webdriver is that exceptions often
have an attached screen shot, encoded
as a Base64 PNG. In order to get this
screenshot, you need to write code
similar to:
public String extractScreenShot(WebDriverException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof ScreenshotException) {
return ((ScreenshotException) cause).getBase64EncodedScreenshot();
return null;
意思是说,每个异常都是 ScreenshotException 的对象,转码一下可以用了。这是截图的本质。
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.internal.Base64Encoder;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.ScreenshotException;
import org.openqa.selenium.support.events.AbstractWebDriverEventListener;
* This is an customized webdriver event listener.
* Now it implements onException method: webdriver will take a screenshot
* when it meets an exception. It's good but not so usable. And when we use
* WebDriverWait to wait for an element appearing, the webdriver will throw
* exception always and the onException will be excuted again and again, which
* generates a lot of screenshots.
* Put here for study
* Usage:
* WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
* WebDriverEventListener listener = new CustomWebDriverEventListener();
* return new EventFiringWebDriver(driver).register(listener);
* @author qa
public class CustomWebDriverEventListener extends
AbstractWebDriverEventListener {
public void onException(Throwable throwable, WebDriver driver) {
Throwable cause = throwable.getCause();
if (cause instanceof ScreenshotException) {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(
String dateString = formatter.format(new Date());
File of = new File(dateString + "-exception.png");
FileOutputStream out = null;