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首先先回顾一下高中的通过定义求导 # 1.单变量求导 def f(x): return 3. * x ** 2 + 2. * x - 1 def approximate_derivative(f, x, eps=1e-3): return (f(x + eps) - f(x - eps)) / (2. * eps) print(approximate_derivative(f, 1.)) # 7.999999 # 2.求偏导 def g(x1, x2): return (x1 + 5) * (x2 ** 2) def approximate_gradient(g, x1, x2, eps=1e-3): dg_x1 = approximate_derivative(lambda x: g(x, x2), x1, eps) dg_x2 = approximate_derivative(lambda x: g(x1, x), x2, eps) return dg_x1, dg_x2 print(approximate_gradient(g, 2., 3.)) # (8.999999999993236, 41.999999999994486) tensorflow里可以通过tf.GradientTape()来自己定义求导过程,如果是常量进行求导需要tape.watch()相关参数,如果是对变量求导可以直接求导,当tf.GradientTape()的persistent设置为True时可在一个缩进之后通过多个tape.gradient()对多个参数求导,否则只能使用一个tape.gradient()来实现对单个或多个参数求导,并且在persistent设置为True时需要del tape来手动释放内存 # 对多变量求导 方式1 x1 = tf.Variable(2.0) x2 = tf.Variable(3.0) with tf.GradientTape(persistent = True) as tape: z = g(x1, x2) dz_x1 = tape.gradient(z, x1) dz_x2 = tape.gradient(z, x2) print(dz_x1, dz_x2) del tape # tf.Tensor(9.0, shape=(), dtype=float32) tf.Tensor(42.0, shape=(), dtype=float32) # 对多变量求导方式2 x1 = tf.Variable(2.0) x2 = tf.Variable(3.0) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: z = g(x1, x2) dz_x1x2 = tape.gradient(z, [x1, x2]) print(dz_x1x2) # [, ] # 对常量求导 x1 = tf.constant(2.0) x2 = tf.constant(3.0) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: tape.watch(x1) tape.watch(x2) z = g(x1, x2) dz_x1x2 = tape.gradient(z, [x1, x2]) print(dz_x1x2) # [, ] # 多公式求导 x = tf.Variable(5.0) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape: z1 = 3 * x z2 = x ** 2 print(tape.gradient([z1, z2], x)) print(tape.gradient(z1, x)) print(tape.gradient(z2, x)) # tf.Tensor(13.0, shape=(), dtype=float32) # tf.Tensor(3.0, shape=(), dtype=float32) # tf.Tensor(10.0, shape=(), dtype=float32) # 二阶导数 x1 = tf.Variable(2.0) x2 = tf.Variable(3.0) with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as outer_tape: with tf.GradientTape(persistent=True) as inner_tape: z = g(x1, x2) inner_grads = inner_tape.gradient(z, [x1, x2]) outer_grads = [outer_tape.gradient(inner_grad, [x1, x2]) for inner_grad in inner_grads] print(outer_grads) del inner_tape del outer_tape # [[None, ], [, ]] 在熟练tensorflow的求导方法之后梯度下降公式便能很容易实现,只需要将要求导的公式替换为loss函数 # 梯度下降 learning_rate = 0.1 x = tf.Variable(0.0) for _ in range(100): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: z = f(x) dz_dx = tape.gradient(z, x) x.assign_sub(learning_rate * dz_dx) # x -= print(x) # # 梯度下降结合optimizer learning_rate = 0.1 x = tf.Variable(0.0) optimizer = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr = learning_rate) for _ in range(100): with tf.GradientTape() as tape: z = f(x) dz_dx = tape.gradient(z, x) optimizer.apply_gradients([(dz_dx, x)]) print(x) #

自定义 求导 梯度下降 梯度 tensorflow

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