
Ramya ·
· 1636 次阅读

数据表 /* Navicat SQLite Data Transfer Source Server : school Source Server Version : 30808 Source Host : :0 Target Server Type : SQLite Target Server Version : 30808 File Encoding : 65001 Date: 2021-12-23 16:06:04 */ PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Course -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Course"; CREATE TABLE Course( courseid integer primary key autoincrement, courseme varchar(32), teacherid int ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Course -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."Course" VALUES (3001, '语文', 1001); INSERT INTO "main"."Course" VALUES (3002, '数学', 1002); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Mark -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Mark"; CREATE TABLE Mark( userid integer, courseid integer not null, score int default 0 ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Mark -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2001, 3001, 89); INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2001, 3002, 90); INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2002, 3001, 66); INSERT INTO "main"."Mark" VALUES (2003, 3002, 85); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sqlite_sequence -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."sqlite_sequence"; CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of sqlite_sequence -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Teacher', 1002); INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Student', 2002); INSERT INTO "main"."sqlite_sequence" VALUES ('Course', 3002); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Student -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Student"; CREATE TABLE Student( userid integer primary key autoincrement, username varchar(32), userage int, usersex varchar(32) ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Student -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."Student" VALUES (2001, '小明', 18, '男'); INSERT INTO "main"."Student" VALUES (2002, '小红', 18, '女'); -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for Teacher -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "main"."Teacher"; CREATE TABLE Teacher( teacherid integer primary key autoincrement, teachername varchar(32) ); -- ---------------------------- -- Records of Teacher -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO "main"."Teacher" VALUES (1001, '张三'); INSERT INTO "main"."Teacher" VALUES (1002, '李四'); 问题:


select a.userid from (select userid,score from Mark where courseid ='3001')a, (select userid,score from Mark where courseid ='3002')b where a.userid = b.userid and a.score<b.score;


select userid,avg(score) from Mark group by userid having avg(score)>60;


select s.userid ,s.username ,count_courseid as 选课数, sum_score as 总成绩 from Student s left join (select userid,count(courseid ) as count_courseid,sum(score) as sum_score from Mark group by userid )sc on s.userid = sc.userid;


select count(teachername ) from Teacher where teachername like '张%';


select userid ,score from Mark where courseid ='3001' and score<60 order by score desc;


select username from Student where userid in ( select userid from Mark,Course,Teacher where Course.teacherid = Teacher.teacherid and Mark.courseid = Course.courseid and Teacher.teachername ='张三' );


select courseid ,courseme from Course where courseid in (select courseid from Mark group by courseid);


select userid from Mark group by userid having count(8) == 2;


select courseid ,count(*) from Course group by courseid ;


select Student.username ,Mark.score from Mark left join Student on Mark.userid = Student.userid left join Course on Mark.courseid = Course.courseid left join Teacher on Course.teacherid = Teacher.teacherid where Teacher.teachername = '张三' and Mark.score = ( select max(score) from Mark sc_1 where Mark.courseid = sc_1.courseid);


select count(2) from (select distinct userid from Mark)a;


select Mark.userid,Student.username from Mark left join Student on Mark.userid = Student.userid where Mark.courseid = '3001' and Mark.score>80;


select courseid ,avg(score) from Mark group by courseid order by avg(score),courseid desc;


select c.courseme ,Student.userid ,Student.username ,Mark.score from Course c left join Mark on Mark.courseid = c.courseid LEFT JOIN Student on Student.userid = Mark.userid where c.courseme = '数学' and Mark.score>85;


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Pythia 2020-02-07