Python使用pickle模块报错EOFError Ran out of input的解决方法

Isadora ·
· 657 次阅读

本文实例讲述了Python使用pickle模块报错EOFError Ran out of input的解决方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:

遇到了 EOFError:Ran out of input 不到为什么这样,最后用捕获异常的办法解决掉了,暂时对程序本身没有啥影响,代码如下:

# coding=utf-8 import pickle def usr_date(): try: with open('usr_date.pkl','rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) except EOFError: #捕获异常EOFError 后返回None return None def update_usr(usr_dic): with open('usr_date.pkl','wb') as f: pickle.dump(usr_dic,f) def register(): '注册' usr_dic = {} usr_name = input('请输入用户名') open_date = usr_date() if usr_date() else {} if usr_name in open_date.keys(): print('用户已存在,请登录') return False usr_password = input('请输入你的密码:') usr_dic[usr_name] = usr_password update_usr(usr_dic) return print('注册成功') def Sign_in(): '登录' pass def login_index(): while True: usr = input('1.注册 2.登录 0.退出') if usr == '1': register() elif usr =='2': Sign_in() else: break



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pickle OUT 方法 Python input

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