Mysql limit 查询优化详细分析一则

Diane ·
· 664 次阅读

1. 版本


cat /proc/version
Linux version 3.10.0-957.5.1.el7.x86_64 ( (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-36) (GCC) ) #1


mysql --version
mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.22, for linux-glibc2.12 (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

2. 问题描述

2.1 问题发现

    有如下一则 limit 查询,正常执行时间为800-900 ms,有什么优化方案?

select * from test_table where merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc limit 900000,10;


CREATE TABLE `test_table` ( `salary_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `salary_no` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `merchant_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `customer_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `wallet_no` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `batch_num` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `batch_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `biz_type` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `id_card` varchar(18) NOT NULL, `account` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `bank_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `apply_amount` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `origin_amount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `origin_fee` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `actual_amount` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `actual_fee` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `need_pay` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '1', `factory_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `factory_name` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `salary_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL, `user_mobile` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `pay_note` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, `create_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `update_time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`salary_id`), KEY `idx_id_card` (`id_card`), KEY `idx_time` (`salary_time`), KEY `idx_salary_no` (`salary_no`) USING BTREE, KEY `idx_mix` (`merchant_id`,`batch_num`,`need_pay`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=773795 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;




FROM test_table a
  (SELECT salary_id
   FROM test_table
   WHERE merchant_id = 43
   LIMIT 900000,
         10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id;

2)添加 (merchant_id,STATUS) 组合索引

alter table test_table add index idx_merchant_id_status(merchant_id,STATUS);


1) 未添加索引前,两种sql写法的执行计划及执行时间

mysql> explain select * from test_table where -> merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc -> limit 90000,10; +----+-------------+-------------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | test_table | ref | idx_mix | idx_mix | 4 | const | 356237 | Using where; Using filesort | +----+-------------+-------------------+------+---------------+---------+---------+-------+--------+-----------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) mysql> explain -> SELECT * -> FROM test_table a -> INNER JOIN -> (SELECT salary_id -> FROM test_table -> WHERE merchant_id = 43 -> AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' -> ORDER BY salary_id DESC -> LIMIT 90000, -> 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id; +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 90010 | NULL | | 1 | PRIMARY | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | b.salary_id | 1 | NULL | | 2 | DERIVED | test_table | ref | idx_mix | idx_mix | 4 | const | 356237 | Using where; Using filesort | +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+---------------+---------+---------+-------------+--------+-----------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from test_table where -> merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc -> limit 90000,10 -> ; ......(结果省略) ...... ...... 10 rows in set (0.82 sec) mysql> SELECT * FROM test_table a INNER JOIN (SELECT salary_id FROM test_table WHERE merchant_id = 43 AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' ORDER BY salary_id DESC LIMIT 90000, 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id; ......(结果省略) ...... ...... 10 rows in set (0.52 sec)


mysql> explain select * from test_table where -> merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc -> limit 90000,10; +----+-------------+-------------------+------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------------+------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | test_table | ref | idx_mix,idx_merchant_id_status | idx_merchant_id_status | 38 | const,const | 350286 | Using where | +----+-------------+-------------------+------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+-------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> explain SELECT * -> FROM test_table a -> INNER JOIN -> (SELECT salary_id -> FROM test_table -> WHERE merchant_id = 43 -> AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' -> ORDER BY salary_id DESC -> LIMIT 90000, -> 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id; +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 90010 | NULL | | 1 | PRIMARY | a | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | b.salary_id | 1 | NULL | | 2 | DERIVED | test_table | ref | idx_mix,idx_merchant_id_status | idx_merchant_id_status | 38 | const,const | 350286 | Using where; Using index | +----+-------------+-------------------+--------+--------------------------------+------------------------+---------+-------------+--------+--------------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from test_table where -> merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc -> limit 90000,10 -> ; ......(搜索结果省略) ...... ...... 10 rows in set (0.21 sec) mysql> SELECT * -> FROM test_table a -> INNER JOIN -> (SELECT salary_id -> FROM test_table -> WHERE merchant_id = 43 -> AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' -> ORDER BY salary_id DESC -> LIMIT 90000, -> 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id; ......(搜索结果省略) ...... ...... 10 rows in set (0.05 sec)


3)未添加 (merchant_id,STATUS) 组合索引前两个sql执行计划解析

原始 sql 走 idx_mix 索引,需要扫描 356237 条索引记录,并回表356237次拿出记录的所有字段(如果表中有这么多符合条件的记录),然后通过主键id进行排序(通常索引上发现一条匹配的记录就进行一次回表,可以通过MRR进行优化),取出最后10条

NOTE:因为sql需要根据主键排序并且进行limit 过滤,但是表中目前只有一个 idx_mix 所以,所以需要扫描所有符合merchant_id=43的记录并进行回表,然后对所有符合条件的记录进行排序,再进行limit过滤。如果表中有(merchant_id,STATUS)组合索引,那么只需要扫描90010次索引并回表90010次,且无需排序(索引组织表的主键是有序的,所以创建的二级索引中,当二级索引所有列都做等值匹配时,最后回表时主键肯定是顺序的)。如果表中有(merchant_id)的单列索引,那么也无需排序,且只要过滤到90010条记录时就会停止,无需访问所有的merchant_id=43的记录。下面是添加(merchant_id,STATUS)组合索引前后,相关查询慢日志,体现了表扫描的具体行数(最后一条是添加了组合索引的慢查,如推断只扫描了90010条记录,当然也有可能出现扫描行数少于90010的情况)

mysql> select * from mysql.slow_log; +----------------------------+--------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | start_time | user_host | query_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | db | last_insert_id | insert_id | server_id | sql_text | thread_id | +----------------------------+--------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ | 2020-03-18 14:32:17.000000 | xxx@yyy | 00:00:00.000000 | 00:00:00.000000 | 10 | 346899 | xxx | 0 | 0 | 0 | select * from test_table where merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc limit 90000,10 | 33956 | | 2020-03-18 14:32:44.000000 | xxx@yyy | 00:00:00.000000 | 00:00:00.000000 | 10 | 346919 | xxx | 0 | 0 | 0 | SELECT * FROM test_table a INNER JOIN (SELECT salary_id FROM test_table WHERE merchant_id = 43 AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' ORDER BY salary_id DESC LIMIT 90000, 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id | 33956 | | 2020-03-18 14:35:54.000000 | xxx@yyy | 00:00:00.000000 | 00:00:00.000000 | 10 | 90010 | xxx | 0 | 0 | 0 | select * from test_table where merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc limit 90000,10 | 33956 | +----------------------------+--------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

原始 sql 改写后,子查询需要扫描 356237 条索引记录,并取符合条件的最后10条索引记录中的主键跟 a 表进行关联,通过a表的主键访问访问10条记录(拿出所有字段)

## 原始 sql 改写后多了一个关联操作,但是子查询只需要访问 356237 条索引记录,不需要取出记录的所有字段。所以效率高于改写前的sql

4)加了 (merchant_id,STATUS) 组合索引后两个执行计划解析

原始sql走 idx_merchant_id_status 索引,需要访问 90010 条索引记录,并回表 90010 次拿出记录的所有字段(如果表中有这么多符合条件的记录),并且消除了排序过程(排序过程为什么会被消除前文已经解释了),取出最后10条。

## 我们可以看到只是添加索引,并未修改语句的情况下,mysql的执行效率提高了4倍左右,这是因为添加该组合索引后,消除了排序过程,并且扫描的记录数和回表次数从30多万次减少到90010次

改写后的 sql 子查询 需要扫描90010条记录,并取符合条件的最后10条索引记录中的主键跟 a 表进行关联,通过a表的主键访问访问10条记录(拿出所有字段)。


4. 总结分析

  对比发现我们看到改写前的sql同改写后的sql扫描的记录数一样,但是改写前的sql需要拿出相关记录的所有字段(查出所有符合条件的记录并排序后再进行 limit 过滤),而改写后的子查询只需要扫描索引获得拿出salary_id字段并排序。这时前者执行时间是0.82秒,或者执行时间是0.52秒。


   当加上(merchant_id,STATUS)索引,对于改写前的sql来说消除了排序,执行时间减少到0.21秒。对于改写后的sql 来说因为1.消除了排序,2.使用了覆盖索引(消除了排序;不用回表;减少了引擎层同server层的交互),执行时间减少到0.05s


可以看到 Creating sort index 部分耗时最久,所以消除排序对sql执行性能影响最明显

mysql> set profiling=1; Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> SELECT * -> FROM test_table a -> INNER JOIN -> (SELECT salary_id -> FROM test_table -> WHERE merchant_id = 43 -> AND STATUS = 'SUCCESS' -> ORDER BY salary_id DESC -> LIMIT 900090, -> 10) b ON a.salary_id = b.salary_id; Empty set (0.66 sec) mysql> mysql> select * from test_table where -> merchant_id = 43 and status = 'SUCCESS' order by salary_id desc -> limit 900090,10; Empty set (0.82 sec) mysql> show profile for query 1; +----------------------+----------+ | Status | Duration | +----------------------+----------+ | starting | 0.000141 | | checking permissions | 0.000008 | | checking permissions | 0.000008 | | checking permissions | 0.000003 | | checking permissions | 0.000004 | | Opening tables | 0.001994 | | init | 0.000109 | | System lock | 0.000015 | | optimizing | 0.000008 | | optimizing | 0.000034 | | statistics | 0.002187 | | preparing | 0.000054 | | Sorting result | 0.000057 | | statistics | 0.000072 | | preparing | 0.000020 | | executing | 0.000018 | | Sending data | 0.000018 | | executing | 0.000003 | | Sending data | 0.000003 | | Creating sort index | 0.652778 | | end | 0.000022 | | query end | 0.000016 | | closing tables | 0.000005 | | removing tmp table | 0.001012 | | closing tables | 0.000034 | | freeing items | 0.000068 | | cleaning up | 0.000274 | +----------------------+----------+ 27 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> show profile for query 2; +----------------------+----------+ | Status | Duration | +----------------------+----------+ | starting | 0.000093 | | checking permissions | 0.000014 | | checking permissions | 0.000004 | | Opening tables | 0.000023 | | init | 0.000129 | | System lock | 0.000020 | | optimizing | 0.000037 | | statistics | 0.000145 | | preparing | 0.000045 | | Sorting result | 0.000009 | | executing | 0.000003 | | Sending data | 0.000017 | | Creating sort index | 0.820004 | | end | 0.000017 | | query end | 0.000010 | | closing tables | 0.000023 | | freeing items | 0.000073 | | cleaning up | 0.000070 | +----------------------+----------+ 18 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql>

mysql limit limit 优化 Mysql

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