详解Mysql case then使用

Phemia ·
· 929 次阅读


CREATE TABLE `lee` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` char(20) DEFAULT NULL, `birthday` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8


insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('sam','1990-01-01'); insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('lee','1980-01-01'); insert into lee(name,birthday) values ('john','1985-01-01');


SELECT name, CASE WHEN birthday < '1981' THEN 'old' WHEN birthday > '1988' THEN 'yong' ELSE 'ok' END YORN FROM lee


SELECT NAME, CASE name WHEN 'sam' THEN 'yong' WHEN 'lee' THEN 'handsome' ELSE 'good' END as oldname FROM lee

第三种:当然了,case when 语句还可以复合

select name, birthday, case when birthday > '1983' then 'yong' when name='lee' then 'handsome' else 'just so so' end from lee;


select name, case when year(birthday) > 1988 then 'yong' when year(birthday) < 1980 then 'old' else 'ok' END from lee; ========================================================== create table penalties ( paymentno INTEGER not NULL, payment_date DATE not null, amount DECIMAL(7,2) not null, primary key(paymentno) ) insert into penalties values(1,'2008-01-01',3.45); insert into penalties values(2,'2009-01-01',50.45); insert into penalties values(3,'2008-07-01',80.45);


select payment_date, amount, case when amount >= 0 AND amount < 40 then 'low' when amount >=40 AND amount < 80 then 'moderate' when amount >=80 then 'high' else 'null' END FROM penalties


select * from ( select paymentno, amount, case when amount >= 0 AND amount < 40 then 'low' when amount >=40 AND amount < 80 then 'moderate' when amount >=80 then 'high' else 'incorrect' end lvl from penalties) as p where p.lvl = 'low'

PS:Mysql,Case When,Case多个字段

select distinct a.PatientID,a.PatientCode,a.PatientSex,a.MobileNo,a.HomePhoneNo,a.UserAge,a.PatientName,a.PatientIDCard, DATE_FORMAT(a.RegistDate,'%Y-%m-%d') as RegistDate, case when b.usedstartTime is not null and b.UsedEndTime is null then '1' when b.usedstartTime is not null and b.UsedEndTime is not null then '2' end as 'usedState' from mets_v_patient_baseinfo a left join mets_devices_used_history b on a.patientid = b.PatientID where (select ifnull(IsDeleted,0) from userpublic_info where UserID = a.PatientID ) = 0 and 1=1 order by PatientID Desc limit 0,15 您可能感兴趣的文章:MySQL中使用case when 语句实现多条件查询的方法SQL集合函数中case when then 使用技巧MySQL 的CASE WHEN 语句使用说明mysql中IFNULL,IF,CASE的区别介绍sum(case when then)(判断男女生的个数)MYSQL中有关SUM字段按条件统计使用IF函数(case)问题MySQL的CASE WHEN语句的几个使用实例sql学习之CASE WHEN THEN ELSE END的用法MySQL中的if和case语句使用总结

THEN case Mysql

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