
Iola ·
· 828 次阅读

db.fs.files.find({filename:/xxx/}).forEach(function(n) {db.fs.files.update({filename:u.filename},{$set:{filename:newname}},false,true)}} //正则批量更改为固定名称,便于删除。
mongofiles -port 12345 -d xxx delete newname //mongofies根据filename批量干掉这些文件。

db.repairDatabase() //特别注意以上删除不是物理删除,chunks文件实际还在,show dbs 或者 db.stats() 发现db的size没有变化,要执行db.repairDatabase();另外注意这个动作是全局写锁,很耗内存和cpu的,而且处理时间跟文件数量大小有关,务必在非高峰期做。
差不多1个多小时后over, 舒坦了,100G空间啊!!!

Be aware that this command can take a long time to run if your database is large. In addition, it requires a quantity of free disk space equal to the size of your database. If you lack sufficient free space on the same volume, you can mount a separate volume and use that for the repair. In this case, you must run the command line and use the –repairpath switch to specify the folder in which to store the temporary repair files.
Warning:This command obtains a global write lock and will block other operations until it has completed.

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gridfs MongoDB

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