逻辑表达式 | ! 转sql逻辑查询 and or not 逻辑表达式转sql逻辑查询 使用mybatis @SelectProvider

Diane ·
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处理过程 //keywords 为输入 逻辑查询关键词 public List countList(String keywords) { //逻辑语句转换 String title = ExpToSqlUtils.expToSql(keywords, "title", " like ", 1); //查询结果 List list = testMapper.getList(title); return list ; } 转换过程 import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * & | ! and or not 空格 * 转换为sql逻辑查询语句或EsSql的match语出 */ public class Demo { private static final HashSet EXP_TYPE_SET = new HashSet(); //定义静态符号常量 static { EXP_TYPE_SET.add("!"); EXP_TYPE_SET.add("|"); EXP_TYPE_SET.add("&"); EXP_TYPE_SET.add("("); EXP_TYPE_SET.add(")"); } /** * 替换and or not 空格 为 | ! & 表达式 */ private static String changeExp(String str){ if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(str)){ str = str.replaceAll("and","&").replaceAll("or","|").replaceAll("not","!").replaceAll(" ","&"); } return str; } /** * 逻辑运算符 转sql * @param exp 运算符表达式 * @param columeName 查询字段 * @param join 查询字段与查询值 之间的 连接符 * @param flag * 0 普通Sql * 1 mysql like 专用 */ public static String expToSql(String exp,String columeName,String join,Integer flag){ //替换and or not 空格为! & | exp = changeExp(exp); String sColumeName = "@@@@"; //替换中英文(( if (exp.contains("(") || exp.contains(")")|| exp.contains("!")){ exp = exp.replace("(","(").replace(")",")").replace("!","!"); } String tempExp = exp; //匹配正则 是否包含逻辑表达式 String regex="[^|!&()]{1,}"; Pattern p=Pattern.compile(regex); String exp_temp = exp; //添加`特殊字符进行完全匹配(被包含,相同词等问题处理) if(p.matcher(exp_temp.substring(0,1)).matches() ){ exp_temp = "`"+exp_temp; } if(p.matcher(exp_temp.substring(exp_temp.length()-1,exp_temp.length())).matches() ){ exp_temp = exp_temp+"`"; } exp_temp = dealFor(exp_temp,p); for (String s : EXP_TYPE_SET) { tempExp = tempExp.replace(s,"%%"); } String[] split = tempExp.split("%%"); Set param = new HashSet(); for (String s : split) { if(StringUtils.isBlank(s)){ continue; } param.add(s); } //循环处理 逻辑查询 for (String s : param) { if(flag.equals(1) ){ if("like".equals(StringUtils.trim(join).toLowerCase())){ //like exp_temp = exp_temp.replace("`"+s+"`", "(" + sColumeName + " " + join + " '%" + s + "%' )"); }else { //match(es 中使用sql查询 可用到) exp_temp = exp_temp.replace("`"+s+"`", " match(" + sColumeName + ", '" + s + "','operator=and' )"); } }else { //普通字段 exp = exp.replace(s, "(" + sColumeName + " " + join + " '" + s + "' )"); } } //替换特殊字符为逻辑符号 exp_temp = exp_temp.replace("!"," not "); exp_temp = exp_temp.replace("&"," and "); exp_temp = exp_temp.replace("|"," or "); exp_temp = exp_temp.replace(")("," ) and ( "); String replace = exp_temp.replace(sColumeName, columeName); //替换掉多余的` return replace.replaceAll("`",""); } //循环处理 有包含的情况--社会安全事件关键词1|通古斯卡大爆炸&!(通古斯|生活)|ddgfw private static String dealFor(String exp_temp, Pattern p){ boolean flag = false; for(int i=exp_temp.length(); i>=2 ;i--){ String s1 = exp_temp.substring(i-2,i-1); String s2 = exp_temp.substring(i-1,i); if(p.matcher(s1).matches() && !p.matcher(s2).matches() && !s1.equals("`") ){ exp_temp = exp_temp.replace(s1+s2, s1+"`"+s2); flag = true; } if(!p.matcher(s1).matches() && p.matcher(s2).matches() && !s2.equals("`")){ exp_temp = exp_temp.replace(s1+s2, s1+"`"+s2); flag = true; } if (s1.equals("`") && s2.equals("`")){ exp_temp = exp_temp.replace(s1+s2, "`"); flag = true; } } if (flag){ //递归 exp_temp = dealFor(exp_temp,p); } return exp_temp; } public static void main(String[] args) { String result1 = expToSql("大陆or明天 香港and通古斯卡and大爆炸|通古|爆炸|危险化学品&!(通古斯|(!生活&危险))", "title"," like ",1); String result2 = expToSql("快乐科技|快乐就在您身边|快快乐乐生活", "text"," like ",1); String result3 = expToSql("(新定价&(健健康康生活|健康电子))&!晨星", "name"," match ",1); System.out.println("result1=="+result1); System.out.println("result2=="+result2); System.out.println("result3=="+result3); } } 结果展示 result1==(title like '%大陆%' ) or (title like '%明天%' ) and (title like '%香港%' ) and (title like '%通古斯卡%' ) and (title like '%大爆炸%' ) or (title like '%通古%' ) or (title like '%爆炸%' ) or (title like '%危险化学品%' ) and not ((title like '%通古斯%' ) or ( not (title like '%生活%' ) and (title like '%危险%' ))) result2==(text like '%快乐科技%' ) or (text like '%快乐就在您身边%' ) or (text like '%快快乐乐生活%' ) result3==( match(name, '新定价','operator=and' ) and ( match(name, '健健康康生活','operator=and' ) or match(name, '健康电子','operator=and' ))) and not match(name, '晨星','operator=and' ) Mybatis 拼接自定义sql 使用@SelectProvider @Repository public interface TestMapper { @SelectProvider(type = TestProvider.class, method = "countList") List getList(String title); } Provider拼接sql类可以进行参数自定义的处理 public class TestProvider{ public String countList(String param){ String sql = "select * from test_table where "+param; return sql; } }


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SQL NOT OR AND mybatis 逻辑表达式

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