
Abigail ·
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class Solution: def printlist(self,listNode): if not listNode: return [] result=[] while listNode: result.insert(0,listNode.val) listNode=listNode.next return result



class Solution: def FindkthTotail(self,head,k): if not head: return None fast=head slow=head for i in range(k): if fast!=None: fast=fast.next else: return None while fast: fast=fast.next slow=slow.next return slow


class Solution: def Reverselist(self,head): if not head: return None last=None while head: temp=head.next head.next=last last=head head=temp return last


class Solution: def Merge(self,phead1,phead2): if phead1=None: return phead2 if phead2=None: return phead1 pMergehead=None if phead1.val<phead2.val: pMergehead=phead1 pMergehead=self.Merge(phead1.next,phead2) else: pMergehead=phead2 pMergehead=self.Merge(phead1,phead2.next) return pMergehead


class Solution: def clone(self,phead): if not phead: return None pNode=phead while pNode: pclone=RandomListNode(pNode.label) pclone.next=pNode.next pNode.next=pclone pNode=pclone.next pNode=phead while pNode: pclone=pNode.next if pNode.random!=None: pclone.random=pNode.random.next pNode=pclone.next pNode=phead pcloneHead=pcloneNode=pNode.next pNode.next=pcloneHead.next while pNode: pcloneNode.next=pNode.next pcloneNode=pcloneNode.next pclone.next=pcloneNode.next pNode=pNode.next return pcloneHead


class Solution: def FindFirst(self,phead1,phead2): if not phead1 or not phead2: return None p1,p2=phead1,phead2 count_1=count_2=0 while phead1: p1=p1.next count_1+=1 while phead2: p2=p2.next count_2+=1 if count_1>count_2: while(count_1-count_2): phead1=phead1.next count_1-=1 else: while(count_2-count_1): phead2=phead2.next count_2-=1 while phead1 and phead2: if phead1.val==phead2.val: return phead1 phead1=phead1.next phead2=phead2.next return None


class Solution: def EntryNodeOfLoop(self,phead): if not phead or not phead.next: return None fast=phead.next slow=phead while fast!=slow and fast.next: fast=fast.next.next slow=slow.next if fast=slow: fast=phead while fast!=slow: fast=fast.next slow=slow.next return fast return None


class Solution: def deleteDuplication(self,phead): head=ListNode(0) head.next=phead pre=head p=phead while p and p.next: if p.val==p.next.val: while p.next and p.next.val=p.val: p.next=p.next.next pre.next=p.next p=pre.next else: pre=p p=p.next return head.next Dominic.ycl 原创文章 5获赞 1访问量 121 关注 私信 展开阅读全文

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