
Cerelia ·
· 830 次阅读

  DDL(Data Definition Language):数据库定义语句;   DML(Data Manipulation Language):用于增删改查数据库中数据;   DCL(Data Control Language)用来向用户赋予/取消对数据对象的控制权限;   TCL(Transaction Control Language):用来对事务进行管理   数据库登录:   win+R运行cmd,输入 双引号里面的内容:"mysql -uroot -proot"回车,root为用户名和密码。   注意:执行win命令,后不需要加“;”,但执行mysql语句则需要加“;”   一、库操作   1.创建名为"mydb1"数据库:   create database mydb1;   2.显示所有数据库:   show databases;   3.创建名为"mydb1"并带字符集的数据库:   create database mydb2 CHARACTER SET=utf8;   4.显示数据库mydb2创建语句:   show create database mydb2;   5.如果存在数据库mydb2,则删除mydb2(如果不加上if exits判断,一旦要删除的数据库不存在,会报错):   drop database if exits mydb2;   6.修改数据库的库字符编码:   alter database mydb2 character set gb2312;   7.数据库备份(root是用户名,这是一个win命令(即打开cmd,直接输入),将数据库备份到c盘下):   mysqldump -u root -p mydb2>c://test.sql;   8.数据库恢复(两种方式):   (1)这是一个win命令:mysql -u root -p mydb2<c://test.sql   (2)source c://test.sql;   二、表操作   1.创建学生表:   create table student(   /* 直接指定主键,也可单独指定*/   sno varchar(4) primary key,   sname varchar(10) not null,   sage int,   ssex char(2),   email varchar(20) unique,   constraint ck_student_ssex_sage check(ssex in('男','女')and sage between 10 and 50)   )   2.增加列(字段):   alter table tableName add columnName varchar(30);   3.修改列,改变长度:   alter table tableName modify cloumnName varchar(60);   4.删除列:   alter table tableName drop column cloumnName;   5.修改表名:   rename table tableName_old to tableName_new;   6.修改表的字符集:   alter table user character set gbk;   7.修改列名:   alter table tableName change column cloumnName columnName_new varchar(60);   8.删除表:   drop table tableName;   三、增删改查   准备表   create table employee   (   id int,   name varchar(40),   sex varchar(4),   birthday date,   entry_date date,   salary decimal(8,2),   resume text   );   1.插入数据:   insert into employee(id,name,sex,birthday,entry_date,salary,resume) values(1,'zhangsan','male','1993-03-04','2016-11-10','1000','i am a developer');   /*可以省略表字段,但是必须插入全部字段*/   insert into employee values(1,'zhangsan','male','1993-03-04','2016-11-10','1000','i am a developer');   2.指定某些列插入数据:   insert into employee(id) values(6);   3.查看汉字时不乱码:   insert into employee(id,name) values(6,'张三');   /*告诉mysql客户采用gb2312编码*/   show variables like 'chara%';   set character_set_client=gb2312;   insert into employee(id,username) values('3','张三');   /*查看汉字时不乱码*/   show variables like 'chara%';   set character_set_results=gb2312;   select * from employee;   4.删除表数据:   /*删除表中名称为’zs’的记录*/   delete from employee where name='zs';   /*删除表中所有记录*/   delete from employee;   /*使用truncate删除表中记录(快速删除表中所有数据,保留表的数据结构)*/   truncate table employee;   5.修改表中数据:   /*将所有员工薪水修改为5000元*/   update employee set salary=5000;   /*将姓名为’zs’的员工薪水修改为3000元*/   update employee set salary = 3000 where name='zs';   /*将姓名为’aaa’的员工薪水修改为4000元,job改为ccc*/   update employee set salary = 4000,job='ccc' where name='aaa';   /*将lisi的薪水在原有基础上增加1000元*/   update employee set salary = salary+1000 where name='lisi';   6.查询表中数据:   /*查询表中所有学生的信息*/   select id,name,chinese,english,math from student;   /*查询表中所有学生的姓名和对应的英语成绩*/   select name,english from student;   /*过滤表中重复数据*/   select distinct english from student;   在所有学生分数上加10分特长分*/   select name,(chinese+english+math)+10 from student;   /*统计每个学生的总分*/   select name,(chinese+english+math) from student;   /*使用别名表示学生分数*/   select name,(chinese+english+math) as 总分 from student;   /*使用别名表示学生分数,可以不用as*/   select name,(chinese+english+math) 总分 from  student;   /*查询姓名为张三的学生成绩*/   select * from student where name='张三';   /*查询英语成绩大于90分的同学*/   select * from student where english>'90';   /*查询总分大于200分的所有同学*/   select name,(chinese+english+math) 总分 from student where chinese+english+math>200;   /*查询英语分数在 80-90之间的同学*/   select * from student where english>=80 and english=<90;   select * from student where english between 80 and 90;   /*查询数学分数为89,90,91的同学*/   select * from student where math=89 or math=90 or math=91;   select * from student where math in(89,90,91);   /*查询所有姓李的学生成绩*/   select * from student where name like '李%';   select * from student where name like '李_';   /*查询数学分>80,语文分>80的同学*/   select * from student where math>80 and chinese>80;   select * from student where chinese is null;   /*对数学成绩排序(降序:从高到低,desc)后输出。*/   select name,math from student order by math desc;   /*对数学成绩排序(升序:从低到高,asc)后输出。*/   select name,math from student order by math asc;   /*对总分排序后输出,然后再按从高到低的顺序输出*/   select name,math+english+chinese from student order  by math+english+chinese desc;   /*对姓李的学生成绩排序输出*/   select name,math+english+chinese from student where name like '李%' order by math+english+chinese desc;   /*统计一个班级共有多少学生*/   select count(*) from student;   select count(id) from student;   /*统计数学成绩大于80的学生人数*/   select count(*) from student where math>80;   /*统计总分大于250的人数*/   select count(*) from student where math+english+chinese>250;   /*细节 null不能被count*/   select count(chinese) from student;   /*统计一个班级数学总成绩*/   select sum(math) from student;   /*统计一个班级语文、英语、数学各科的总成绩s*/   elect sum(math),sum(english),sum(chinese) from student;   /*统计一个班级语文、英语、数学的成绩总和*/   select sum(math+english+chinese) from student;   /*统计一个班级语文成绩平均分*/   select sum(chinese)/count(*) from student;   /*求一个班级数学平均分*/   select avg(math) from student;   /*求一个班级总分平均分*/   select avg(math+english+chinese) from student;   /*求班级高分和低分(数值范围在统计中特别有用)*/   select max(math+english+chinese) from student;   select min(math+english+chinese) from student;   /*对订单表中商品归类后,显示每一类商品的总价*/   select product,sum(price) from orders group by product;   /*查询购买了几类商品,并且每类总价大于100的商品*/   select product,sum(price) from orders group by product having sum(price)>100;四、表约束   1.定义主键约束:   create table demo1(   id int primary key,   name varchar(40)   );   2.插入空id:   insert into demo1(name) values('aaa');/*报错,主键不能为空*/   3.插入重复的id:   insert into demo1(id,name) values(1,'aaa');   /*报错,主键不能重复*/   insert into demo1(id,name) values(1,'aaa');   4.显定义主键自动增长(auto_increment):   create table demo2(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(40)   );   5.定义约束(unique):   create table demo3(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(40) unique /*unique:约束*/   );   6.定义非空(not null):   create table demo4(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(40) not null   );   7.定义外键约束():   create table department(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(30) not null   );   create table employee2(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(30) not null,   salary  double,   department_id int,   /*外键约束*/   constraint department_id_FK foreign key(department_id) references department(id)   );   6.定义非空(not null):   create table demo4(   id int auto_increment primary key,   name varchar(40) not null   );   7.删除主键:   alter table tablename drop primary key;

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