MySQL45讲读书笔记 40讲insert语句的锁为什么这么多

Thalia ·
· 696 次阅读

一 序

  本文属于极客时间MySQL45讲读书笔记系列,本文老师主要讲了特殊的insert 情况。


二 insert … select 语句


CREATE TABLE `t` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `c` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `d` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `c` (`c`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; insert into t values(null, 1,1); insert into t values(null, 2,2); insert into t values(null, 3,3); insert into t values(null, 4,4); create table t2 like t


insert into t2(c,d) select c,d from t;



图1 并发insert场景

实际的执行效果是,如果session B先执行,由于这个语句对表t主键索引加了(-∞,1]这个next-key lock,会在语句执行完成后,才允许session A的insert语句执行。

但如果没有锁的话,就可能出现session B的insert语句先执行,但是后写入binlog的情况。于是,在binlog_format=statement的情况下,binlog里面就记录了这样的语句序列:

insert into t values(-1,-1,-1); insert into t2(c,d) select c,d from t;


insert 循环写入

当然了,执行insert … select 的时候,对目标表也不是锁全表,而是只锁住需要访问的资源。


此时,我们可以这么写这条SQL语句 :

insert into t2(c,d) (select c+1, d from t force index(c) order by c desc limit 1);

这个语句的加锁范围,就是表t索引c上的(4,supremum]这个next-key lock和主键索引上id=4这一行。



这个语句执行的慢查询日志(slow log),如下图所示:

图2 慢查询日志--将数据插入表t2



insert into t(c,d) (select c+1, d from t force index(c) order by c desc limit 1);



图3 慢查询日志--将数据插入表t




图4 explain结果

从Extra字段可以看到“Using temporary”字样,表示这个语句用到了临时表。也就是说,执行过程中,需要把表t的内容读出来,写入临时表。


所以,这个猜测不对。实际上,Explain结果里的rows=1是因为受到了limit 1 的影响。


图5 查看 Innodb_rows_read变化





由于语义里面有limit 1,所以只取了临时表的第一行,再插入到表t中。这时,Rows_examined的值加1,变成了5。

也就是说,这个语句会导致在表t上做全表扫描,并且会给索引c上的所有间隙都加上共享的next-key lock。所以,这个语句执行期间,其他事务不能在这个表上插入数据。


由于实现上这个语句没有在子查询中就直接使用limit 1,从而导致了这个语句的执行需要遍历整个表t。它的优化方法也比较简单,就是用前面介绍的方法,先insert into到临时表temp_t,这样就只需要扫描一行;然后再从表temp_t里面取出这行数据插入表t1。


create temporary table temp_t(c int,d int) engine=memory; insert into temp_t (select c+1, d from t force index(c) order by c desc limit 1); insert into t select * from temp_t; drop table temp_t; insert 唯一键冲突

前面的两个例子是使用insert … select的情况,接下来我要介绍的这个例子就是最常见的insert语句出现唯一键冲突的情况。


图6 唯一键冲突加锁

这个例子也是在可重复读(repeatable read)隔离级别下执行的。可以看到,session B要执行的insert语句进入了锁等待状态。

也就是说,session A执行的insert语句,发生主键冲突的时候,并不只是简单地报错返回,还在冲突的索引上加了锁。我们前面说过,一个next-key lock就是由它右边界的值定义的。这时候,session A持有索引c上的(5,10]共享next-key lock(读锁)。



图7 唯一键冲突--死锁

在session A执行rollback语句回滚的时候,session C几乎同时发现死锁并返回。


在T1时刻,启动session A,并执行insert语句,此时在索引c的c=5上加了记录锁。注意,这个索引是唯一索引,因此退化为记录锁(可以回顾下之前介绍的加锁规则)。

在T2时刻,session B要执行相同的insert语句,发现了唯一键冲突,加上读锁;同样地,session C也在索引c上,c=5这一个记录上,加了读锁。

T3时刻,session A回滚。这时候,session B和session C都试图继续执行插入操作,都要加上写锁。两个session都要等待对方的行锁,所以就出现了死锁。


图8 状态变化图--死锁

insert into … on duplicate key update


insert into t values(11,10,10) on duplicate key update d=100;

的话,就会给索引c上(5,10] 加一个排他的next-key lock(写锁)。

insert into … on duplicate key update 这个语义的逻辑是,插入一行数据,如果碰到唯一键约束,就执行后面的更新语句。



insert … select 是很常见的在两个表之间拷贝数据的方法。你需要注意,在可重复读隔离级别下,这个语句会给select的表里扫描到的记录和间隙加读锁。


insert 语句如果出现唯一键冲突,会在冲突的唯一值上加共享的next-key lock(S锁)。因此,碰到由于唯一键约束导致报错后,要尽快提交或回滚事务,避免加锁时间过长。


这里有个坑:insert into ...from table where 一定要加索引,否则就是锁全表影响业务了。



14.7.3 Locks Set by Different SQL Statements in InnoDB

A locking read, an UPDATE, or a DELETE generally set record locks on every index record that is scanned in the processing of the SQL statement. It does not matter whether there are WHERE conditions in the statement that would exclude the row. InnoDB does not remember the exact WHERE condition, but only knows which index ranges were scanned. The locks are normally next-key locks that also block inserts into the “gap” immediately before the record. However, gap locking can be disabled explicitly, which causes next-key locking not to be used. For more information, see Section 14.7.1, “InnoDB Locking”. The transaction isolation level also can affect which locks are set; see Section, “Transaction Isolation Levels”.

If a secondary index is used in a search and index record locks to be set are exclusive, InnoDB also retrieves the corresponding clustered index records and sets locks on them.

If you have no indexes suitable for your statement and MySQL must scan the entire table to process the statement, every row of the table becomes locked, which in turn blocks all inserts by other users to the table. It is important to create good indexes so that your queries do not unnecessarily scan many rows.

InnoDB sets specific types of locks as follows.

SELECT ... FROM is a consistent read, reading a snapshot of the database and setting no locks unless the transaction isolation level is set to SERIALIZABLE. For SERIALIZABLE level, the search sets shared next-key locks on the index records it encounters. However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row.

For SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE, locks are acquired for scanned rows, and expected to be released for rows that do not qualify for inclusion in the result set (for example, if they do not meet the criteria given in the WHERE clause). However, in some cases, rows might not be unlocked immediately because the relationship between a result row and its original source is lost during query execution. For example, in a UNION, scanned (and locked) rows from a table might be inserted into a temporary table before evaluation whether they qualify for the result set. In this circumstance, the relationship of the rows in the temporary table to the rows in the original table is lost and the latter rows are not unlocked until the end of query execution.

SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE sets shared next-key locks on all index records the search encounters. However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row.

SELECT ... FOR UPDATE sets an exclusive next-key lock on every record the search encounters. However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row.

For index records the search encounters, SELECT ... FOR UPDATE blocks other sessions from doing SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE or from reading in certain transaction isolation levels. Consistent reads ignore any locks set on the records that exist in the read view.

UPDATE ... WHERE ... sets an exclusive next-key lock on every record the search encounters. However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row.

When UPDATE modifies a clustered index record, implicit locks are taken on affected secondary index records. The UPDATE operation also takes shared locks on affected secondary index records when performing duplicate check scans prior to inserting new secondary index records, and when inserting new secondary index records.

DELETE FROM ... WHERE ... sets an exclusive next-key lock on every record the search encounters. However, only an index record lock is required for statements that lock rows using a unique index to search for a unique row.

INSERT sets an exclusive lock on the inserted row. This lock is an index-record lock, not a next-key lock (that is, there is no gap lock) and does not prevent other sessions from inserting into the gap before the inserted row.

Prior to inserting the row, a type of gap lock called an insert intention gap lock is set. This lock signals the intent to insert in such a way that multiple transactions inserting into the same index gap need not wait for each other if they are not inserting at the same position within the gap. Suppose that there are index records with values of 4 and 7. Separate transactions that attempt to insert values of 5 and 6 each lock the gap between 4 and 7 with insert intention locks prior to obtaining the exclusive lock on the inserted row, but do not block each other because the rows are nonconflicting.

If a duplicate-key error occurs, a shared lock on the duplicate index record is set. This use of a shared lock can result in deadlock should there be multiple sessions trying to insert the same row if another session already has an exclusive lock. This can occur if another session deletes the row. Suppose that an InnoDB table t1 has the following structure:


Now suppose that three sessions perform the following operations in order:

Session 1:


Session 2:


Session 3:


Session 1:


The first operation by session 1 acquires an exclusive lock for the row. The operations by sessions 2 and 3 both result in a duplicate-key error and they both request a shared lock for the row. When session 1 rolls back, it releases its exclusive lock on the row and the queued shared lock requests for sessions 2 and 3 are granted. At this point, sessions 2 and 3 deadlock: Neither can acquire an exclusive lock for the row because of the shared lock held by the other.

A similar situation occurs if the table already contains a row with key value 1 and three sessions perform the following operations in order:

Session 1:


Session 2:


Session 3:


Session 1:


The first operation by session 1 acquires an exclusive lock for the row. The operations by sessions 2 and 3 both result in a duplicate-key error and they both request a shared lock for the row. When session 1 commits, it releases its exclusive lock on the row and the queued shared lock requests for sessions 2 and 3 are granted. At this point, sessions 2 and 3 deadlock: Neither can acquire an exclusive lock for the row because of the shared lock held by the other.

INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE differs from a simple INSERT in that an exclusive lock rather than a shared lock is placed on the row to be updated when a duplicate-key error occurs. An exclusive index-record lock is taken for a duplicate primary key value. An exclusive next-key lock is taken for a duplicate unique key value.

REPLACE is done like an INSERT if there is no collision on a unique key. Otherwise, an exclusive next-key lock is placed on the row to be replaced.

INSERT INTO T SELECT ... FROM S WHERE ... sets an exclusive index record lock (without a gap lock) on each row inserted into T. If the transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED, or innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is enabled and the transaction isolation level is not SERIALIZABLEInnoDB does the search on S as a consistent read (no locks). Otherwise, InnoDB sets shared next-key locks on rows from SInnoDB has to set locks in the latter case: During roll-forward recovery using a statement-based binary log, every SQL statement must be executed in exactly the same way it was done originally.

CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ... performs the SELECT with shared next-key locks or as a consistent read, as for INSERT ... SELECT.

When a SELECT is used in the constructs REPLACE INTO t SELECT ... FROM s WHERE ... or UPDATE t ... WHERE col IN (SELECT ... FROM s ...)InnoDB sets shared next-key locks on rows from table s.

InnoDB sets an exclusive lock on the end of the index associated with the AUTO_INCREMENT column while initializing a previously specified AUTO_INCREMENT column on a table.

With innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0InnoDB uses a special AUTO-INC table lock mode where the lock is obtained and held to the end of the current SQL statement (not to the end of the entire transaction) while accessing the auto-increment counter. Other clients cannot insert into the table while the AUTO-INC table lock is held. The same behavior occurs for “bulk inserts” with innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=1. Table-level AUTO-INC locks are not used with innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2. For more information, See Section, “AUTO_INCREMENT Handling in InnoDB”.

InnoDB fetches the value of a previously initialized AUTO_INCREMENT column without setting any locks.

If a FOREIGN KEY constraint is defined on a table, any insert, update, or delete that requires the constraint condition to be checked sets shared record-level locks on the records that it looks at to check the constraint. InnoDB also sets these locks in the case where the constraint fails.

LOCK TABLES sets table locks, but it is the higher MySQL layer above the InnoDB layer that sets these locks. InnoDB is aware of table locks if innodb_table_locks = 1 (the default) and autocommit = 0, and the MySQL layer above InnoDB knows about row-level locks.

Otherwise, InnoDB's automatic deadlock detection cannot detect deadlocks where such table locks are involved. Also, because in this case the higher MySQL layer does not know about row-level locks, it is possible to get a table lock on a table where another session currently has row-level locks. However, this does not endanger transaction integrity, as discussed in Section, “Deadlock Detection and Rollback”.

LOCK TABLES acquires two locks on each table if innodb_table_locks=1 (the default). In addition to a table lock on the MySQL layer, it also acquires an InnoDB table lock. Versions of MySQL before 4.1.2 did not acquire InnoDB table locks; the old behavior can be selected by setting innodb_table_locks=0. If no InnoDB table lock is acquired, LOCK TABLES completes even if some records of the tables are being locked by other transactions.

In MySQL 5.7, innodb_table_locks=0 has no effect for tables locked explicitly with LOCK TABLES ... WRITE. It does have an effect for tables locked for read or write by LOCK TABLES ... WRITE implicitly (for example, through triggers) or by LOCK TABLES ... READ.

All InnoDB locks held by a transaction are released when the transaction is committed or aborted. Thus, it does not make much sense to invoke LOCK TABLES on InnoDB tables in autocommit=1 mode because the acquired InnoDB table locks would be released immediately.

You cannot lock additional tables in the middle of a transaction because LOCK TABLES performs an implicit COMMIT and UNLOCK TABLES.

关于insert的介绍,老师认为上面官方不准的有bug。"INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE differs from a simple INSERT in that an exclusive lock rather than a shared lock is placed on the row to be updated when a duplicate-key error occurs. An exclusive index-record lock is taken for a duplicate primary key value. An exclusive next-key lock is taken for a duplicate unique key value."认为如果冲突的是主键索引,就加记录锁,唯一索引才加next-key lock。但实际上,这两类索引冲突加的都是next-key lock。

   这里我们可以看看insert的出现死锁的例子。session1 ROLLBACK,释放锁。session 2 获得S锁,申请插入意向X锁,等待session3.      session 3 获得S锁,申请插入意向X锁,等待session2. 因为插入意向X锁和S锁是不相容的。这也是一种典型的锁升级导致的死锁。如果session1执行COMMIT的话,则另外两个线程都会因为duplicate key失败。




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insert语句 INSERT 读书 Mysql

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