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def initial_para(nums_feature):     """initial the weights and bias which is zero"""     #nums_feature是输入数据的属性数目,因此权重w是[1, nums_feature]维     #且w和b均初始化为0     w = np.zeros((1, nums_feature))     b = 0     return w, b


def activation(x, w , b):     """a linear function and then sigmoid activation function:      x_ = w*x +b,y = 1/(1+exp(-x_))"""     #线性方程,输入的x是[batch, 2]维,输出是[1, batch]维,batch是模型优化迭代一次输入数据的数目     #[1, 2] * [2, batch] = [1, batch], 所以是w * x.T(x的转置)     #np.dot是矩阵乘法     x_ =, x.T) + b     #np.exp是实现e的x次幂     sigmoid = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x_))     return sigmoid


def gradient_descent_batch(x, w, b, label, learning_rate):     #获取输入数据的数目,即batch大小     n = len(label)     #进行逻辑回归预测     sigmoid = activation(x, w, b)     #损失函数,np.sum是将矩阵求和     cost = -np.sum(label.T * np.log(sigmoid) + (1-label).T * np.log(1-sigmoid)) / n     #求对w和b的偏导(即梯度值)     g_w =, (sigmoid - label.T).T) / n     g_b = np.sum((sigmoid - label.T)) / n     #根据梯度更新参数     w = w - learning_rate * g_w.T     b = b - learning_rate * g_b     return w, b, cost


def optimal_model_batch(x, label, nums_feature, step=10000, batch_size=1):     """train the model with batch"""     length = len(x)     w, b = initial_para(nums_feature)     for i in range(step):         #随机获取一个batch数目的数据         num = randint(0, length - 1 - batch_size)         x_batch = x[num:(num+batch_size), :]         label_batch = label[num:num+batch_size]         #进行一次梯度更新(优化)         w, b, cost = gradient_descent_batch(x_batch, w, b, label_batch, 0.0001)         #每1000次打印一下损失值         if i%1000 == 0:             print('step is : ', i, ', cost is: ', cost)     return w, b


import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from random import randint from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler def _main():     #读取csv格式的数据data_path是数据的路径     data = pd.read_csv('data_path')     #获取样本属性和标签     x = data.iloc[:, 2:4].values     y = data.iloc[:, 4].values     #将数据集分为测试集和训练集     x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state=0)     #数据预处理,去均值化     standardscaler = StandardScaler()     x_train = standardscaler.fit_transform(x_train)     x_test = standardscaler.transform(x_test)     #w, b = optimal_model(x_train, y_train, 2, 50000)     #训练模型     w, b = optimal_model_batch(x_train, y_train, 2, 50000, 64)     print('trian is over')     #对测试集进行预测,并计算精度     predict = activation(x_test, w, b).T     n = 0     for i, p in enumerate(predict):         if p >=0.5:             if y_test[i] == 1:                 n += 1         else:             if y_test[i] == 0:                 n += 1     print('accuracy is : ', n / len(y_test))


predict = np.reshape(np.int32(predict), [len(predict)])     #将预测结果以散点图的形式可视化     for i, j in enumerate(np.unique(predict)):         plt.scatter(x_test[predict == j, 0], x_test[predict == j, 1],          c = ListedColormap(('red', 'blue'))(i), label=j)

回归模型 NumPy 逻辑回归 回归 模型 Python

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