CCF 201912-3 化学方程式 【Python 100分】 【LeetCode 726(hard)升级版】

Sela ·
· 832 次阅读

现在CCF第三题就直接上LC hard了?

试题编号: 201912-3
试题名称: 化学方程式
时间限制: 1.0s



# coding=utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2020. ItsukiFujii. import re import collections list_formula = [] list_terms_left = [] list_terms_right = [] list_res = [] dict_atoms_left = collections.defaultdict(int) dict_atoms_right = collections.defaultdict(int) # calculate each single compound def fk_it(formula): stack = list() stack.append(collections.Counter()) found = re.findall(r'([A-Z][a-z]?)(\d*)|(\()|(\))(\d*)', formula) for name, n_atom, open_paren, close_paren, coef in found: if name: stack[-1][name] += int(n_atom or 1) if open_paren: stack.append(collections.Counter()) if close_paren: top = stack.pop() for key in top.keys(): top[key] *= int(coef or 1) stack[-1] += top return dict(stack.pop()) # handle each single equation def handle_equation(terms_all, dict_atoms): for term in terms_all: coef_term = re.match(r'\d+', term) coef_term = 1 if coef_term is None else int( tmp = fk_it(term) for key in tmp.keys(): tmp[key] *= coef_term for k, v in tmp.items(): if str(dict_atoms.keys()).find(k) != -1: dict_atoms[k] += v else: dict_atoms.update({k: v}) if __name__ == '__main__': num_of_formula = int(input()) for i in range(num_of_formula): list_formula.append(input()) list_res.append('Y') # split the equations for item in list_formula: list_terms_left.append(item[:item.find('=')].split('+')) list_terms_right.append(item[item.find('=') + 1:].split('+')) # judge whether the number of atom on both side is equal cntr_tmp = 0 for terms_all_left, terms_all_right in zip(list_terms_left, list_terms_right): dict_atoms_left.clear() dict_atoms_right.clear() # left part handle_equation(terms_all_left, dict_atoms_left) # right part handle_equation(terms_all_right, dict_atoms_right) # compare the numbers if dict_atoms_left != dict_atoms_right: list_res[cntr_tmp] = 'N' # print(dict_atoms_left, dict_atoms_right, list_res[cntr_tmp]) # for debug print(list_res[cntr_tmp]) cntr_tmp += 1



化学 化学方程式 leetcode Python

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