Python之 函数的定义,调用,传递实参,使用位置实参和关键字实参,显示函数,有返回值的函数,将函数与列表,字典,while,if结合,导入模块

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Python之 函数的定义,调用,传递实参,使用位置实参和关键字实参,显示函数,有返回值的函数,将函数与列表,字典,while,if结合,导入模块

代码区 #函数 #问候函数 def greet(): #无参数 """显示简单的问候语""" #文档字符串的注释 print("hello") greet() #调用 def greet(username): #有参数 print("hello,"+username.title()+'!') greet('jenney') #传递实参的多种方式 #1.位置实参--顺序千万不乱 def pet(type,name): """显示宠物信息""" print("I have a "+type+'. '+"name is "+name+'.') pet('hamster','honey') pet('dog','dyiny') #可以多次调用函数 #2.关键字实参--传递给函数的名称-值对,在实参中将名称和值关联起来了,无需关心顺序 pet(name='dyu',type='cat') #默认值--给形参指定默认值,若提供了实参,那么用实参,否则用形参默认值;所以调用函数时可以省略 def pets(name,type='dog'): print("I have a "+type+'. '+"name is "+name+'.') pets(name='jen') pets(name='colin',type='cat') #返回值--任何类型的值,包括列表和字典等复杂的数据结构 def name(first,last): """返回整洁的姓名""" full_name=first+' '+last return full_name.title() #注意缩进 student=name('tian','yan') print(student) #让实参可选--位置实参与默认值的结合 def name(first,last,middle=' '): """返回整洁的姓名""" if middle: #非空字符串为True fullname=first+' '+middle+' '+last else: fullname=first+' '+last return fullname.title() teacher=name('juli','jeneny') print(teacher) #返回字典 def person(first_name,last_name): """返回一个字典,其中包含一个人的信息""" data={'first':first_name,'last':last_name} return data student=person('jenni','honey') print(student) #while与函数 while True: print('tell me your name: ') print("(enter 'q' at any time to quit)") f_name=input('First name:') if f_name=='q': break l_name=input('Last name: ') if l_name=='q': break formatted_name=person(f_name,l_name) print(formatted_name) #向函数传递列表 def greet(names): """向列表中的每一位用户都发出简单的问候""" for name in names: msg="hello,"+name.title()+'!!' print(msg) users_name=['jenney','diana','colin'] greet(users_name) #在函数中修改列表---永久性的 def print_models(unprinted,completed): """打印每个设计,直到没有设计 然后移动到completed列表中""" while unprinted: current=unprinted.pop() print("Printing models:"+current) completed.append(current) def show(completed): """显示打印好的模型""" print("the following models have been printed: ") for model in completed: print(model) unprinted=['robot','dog','cat'] completed=[] print_models(unprinted,completed) show(completed) #禁止函数修改列表--向函数传递副本,不影响原件 print_models(unprinted[:],completed) #切片表示法[:]创建列表副本 #传递任意数量的实参--修改形参的表示 def make(*toppings): """打印顾客点的配料""" print("making a pizza with following toppings") for topping in toppings: print('- '+topping) make('peper') make('mushroom','green peeper') #原理:*让Python创建一个叫做toppings的空元组,并将收到的所有实参值都封装到这个元组 #结合使用位置实参和任意数量实参 #必须要将 接纳任意数量的实参放在最后,先匹配位置实参以及关键字实参 def make_pizza(size,*toppings): """概述要制作的比萨""" print("Making a "+str(size)+"-inch pizza with following toppings:") for topping in toppings: print("- "+topping) make_pizza(16,'pepper') make_pizza(12,'mushrooms','extra cheese') #使用任意数量的关键字实参--需要接受任意数量的实参,而且可能不知道传递给函数的是什么信息 #此时可以将函数编写为可以接受任意数量的键值对--连用两个**决定了任意数量的键值对 def profile(first,last,**user): """创建一个字典,其中包含我们知道的一切""" profile={} profile['first_name']=first profile['last_name']=last for key,value in user.items(): profile[key]=value return profile user_profile=profile('jenney','einstern',location='princeton',field='physics',love='programe') print(user_profile) #将函数存储在模块(独立文件)中:import允许在当前的程序文件中使用模块中的代码 #导入整个模块,模块是扩展名是.py的文件 import pizza #导入模块 pizza.make_pizza(15,'great pepper') #调用方式:模块名称.函数名称() pizza.make_pizza(32,'red pepper','extra cheese') #导入特定函数 from pizza import make_pizza #from 模块名 import 函数名,函数名,函数名 make_pizza(111,'red') #调用方式:函数名() make_pizza(234,'green') #使用as给函数指定别名 from 模块名 import 函数名 as 别名 from pizza import make_pizza as mp make_pizza(456,'ugh') make_pizza(67,'great','ujg') #导入模块中所有的函数-- *运算符可以实现,但是尽量不要用,因为函数名称可能重合 from pizza import * make_pizza(234,'erg') make_pizza(234,'ujkl') #格外注意:1.给形参指定默认值以及函数调用中的关键字实参,等号两边不要有空格 #2.PEP8建议代码长度不超过 79字符,如果超过,那么:一个回车加上一个Tab def function_name( parameter_0,parameter_1, parameter_2,parameter_3): function body... #3.所有的import语句都应该放在开头,除非,文件开头用了注释 测试区:代码区的实现 hello hello,Jenney! I have a hamster. name is honey. I have a dog. name is dyiny. I have a cat. name is dyu. I have a dog. name is jen. I have a cat. name is colin. Tian Yan Juli Jeneny {'first': 'jenni', 'last': 'honey'} tell me your name: (enter 'q' at any time to quit) First name:q hello,Jenney!! hello,Diana!! hello,Colin!! Printing models:cat Printing models:dog Printing models:robot the following models have been printed: cat dog robot making a pizza with following toppings - peper making a pizza with following toppings - mushroom - green peeper Making a 16-inch pizza with following toppings: - pepper Making a 12-inch pizza with following toppings: - mushrooms - extra cheese {'first_name': 'jenney', 'last_name': 'einstern', 'location': 'princeton', 'field': 'physics', 'love': 'programe'} Making a15-inch pizza with the following toppings: - great pepper Making a32-inch pizza with the following toppings: - red pepper - extra cheese Making a111-inch pizza with the following toppings: - red Making a234-inch pizza with the following toppings: - green Making a456-inch pizza with the following toppings: - ugh Making a67-inch pizza with the following toppings: - great - ujg Making a234-inch pizza with the following toppings: - erg Making a234-inch pizza with the following toppings: - ujkl 导入的模块–注意要和需求文件放在同一个目录中 def make_pizza(size,*toppings): """概述所要制作的披萨""" print("Making a"+str(size)+ "-inch pizza with the following toppings:") for topping in toppings: print("- "+topping)

字典 WHILE IF 调用 模块 函数 函数的定义 列表 关键字 返回值 关键 Python

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