关于在labelme批量转化json文件时PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'F:/zkx/list_path[i]'的解决

Belle ·
· 989 次阅读



import argparse import base64 import json import os import os.path as osp import imgviz import PIL.Image from labelme.logger import logger from labelme import utils import cv2 from math import * import numpy as np import random import rotate def main(): list_path = os.listdir('F:/zkx') for i in range(0, len(list_path)): logger.warning('This script is aimed to demonstrate how to convert the' 'JSON file to a single image dataset, and not to handle' 'multiple JSON files to generate a real-use dataset.') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--json_file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() json_file = 'F:/zkx/' + list_path[i] print(list_path[i]) if args.out is None: out_dir = osp.basename(json_file).replace('.', '_') # 返回文件名 out_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(json_file), out_dir) # 把目录和文件名合成一个路径 else: out_dir = args.out if not osp.exists(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) # 用于以数字权限模式创建目录 data = json.load(open(json_file)) imageData = data.get('imageData') if not imageData: imagePath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(json_file), data['imagePath']) # os.path.dirname返回文件路径 with open(imagePath, 'rb') as f: imageData = f.read() imageData = base64.b64encode(imageData).decode('utf-8') img = utils.img_b64_to_arr(imageData) label_name_to_value = {'_background_': 0} for shape in sorted(data['shapes'], key=lambda x: x['label']): label_name = shape['label'] if label_name in label_name_to_value: label_value = label_name_to_value[label_name] else: label_value = len(label_name_to_value) label_name_to_value[label_name] = label_value lbl, _ = utils.shapes_to_label( img.shape, data['shapes'], label_name_to_value ) label_names = [None] * (max(label_name_to_value.values()) + 1) for name, value in label_name_to_value.items(): label_names[value] = name lbl_viz = imgviz.label2rgb( label=lbl, img=imgviz.asgray(img), label_names=label_names, loc='rb' ) PIL.Image.fromarray(img).save(osp.join(out_dir, 'img.png')) utils.lblsave(osp.join(out_dir, 'label.png'), lbl) PIL.Image.fromarray(lbl_viz).save(osp.join(out_dir, 'label_viz.png')) with open(osp.join(out_dir, 'label_names.txt'), 'w') as f: for lbl_name in label_names: f.write(lbl_name + '\n') logger.info('Saved to: {}'.format(out_dir)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()

path JSON errno list

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