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package binaryTree;

public class BinaryTree {

 // 节点的定义  private static class TreeNode {   Object element;   TreeNode left;   TreeNode right;

  public TreeNode(Object o) {    element = o;   }  }

 private TreeNode root;  private int size = 0;

 public BinaryTree() {


 public BinaryTree(Object[] objects) {   for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {    insert(objects[i]);   }  }

 public boolean insert(Object o) {   if (root == null) {    root = new TreeNode(o);   } else {    TreeNode parent = null;    TreeNode current = root;    while (current != null) {     if (((Comparable) o).compareTo(current.element) < 0) {      parent = current;      current = current.left;     } else if (((Comparable) o).compareTo(current.element) > 0) {      parent = current;      current = current.right;     } else {      return false;     }    }    if (((Comparable) o).compareTo(parent.element) < 0) {     parent.left = new TreeNode(o);    } else {     parent.right = new TreeNode(o);    }   }   size++;   return true;  }

 //中序遍历  public void inorder(){   inorder(root);  }  public void inorder(TreeNode root){   if (root == null) {    return;   }   inorder(root.left);   System.out.println(root.element + " ");   inorder(root.right);  }    //后序遍历  public void postorder(){   postorder(root);  }    public void postorder(TreeNode root){   if (root == null) {    return;   }   postorder(root.left);   postorder(root.right);   System.out.println(root.element +" ");  }    //前序遍历  public void preorder(){   preorder(root);  }    public void preorder(TreeNode root){   if (root == null) {    return;   }   System.out.println(root.element + " ");   preorder(root.left);   preorder(root.right);  }    public int getSize(){   return size;  }    }


package binaryTree;

public class TestBinaryTree {  public static void main(String[] args) {   BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();   tree.insert("a");   tree.insert("b");   tree.insert("c");   tree.insert("d");   tree.insert("e");   tree.insert("f");   tree.insert("g");   System.out.println("Inorder (sorted): ");   tree.inorder();   System.out.println("postorder: ");   tree.postorder();   System.out.println("preorder: ");   tree.preorder();   System.out.println("the number of nodes is " + tree.getSize());  }





    Move the last node to replace the root;     Let the root be the current node;     while(the current node has children and the current node is smaller than one of its children){         Swap the current node with the larger of its children;         Now the current node is one level down;     }


<STRONG>    </STRONG>Let the last node be the current node;     while(the current node is greater than its parent){         Swap the current node with its parent;         Now the current node is one level up;     }


package heap;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Heap {  private ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

 public Heap() {


 public Heap(Object[] objects) {   for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {    add(objects[i]);   }  }

 public void add(Object newObject) {   list.add(newObject);   //the index of the last node   int currentIndex = list.size() - 1;

  while (currentIndex > 0) {    //计算父节点的index    int parentIndex = (currentIndex - 1) / 2;    //如果当前节点大于他的父节点交换    if (((Comparable) (list.get(currentIndex))).compareTo(list      .get(parentIndex)) > 0) {     Object temp = list.get(currentIndex);     list.set(currentIndex, list.get(parentIndex));     list.set(parentIndex, temp);    } else {     break;    }    currentIndex = parentIndex;   }  }

 /**   * remove the root from the heap   *   * @return   */  public Object remove() {   if (list.size() == 0) {    return null;   }   //被删除的节点---根节点   Object removedObject = list.get(0);     //将后一个移动到根节点   list.set(0,  list.get(list.size() - 1));   list.remove(list.size() - 1);     int currentIndex = 0;   while (currentIndex < list.size()) {    //计算当前节点的左节点和右节点    int leftChildIndex = 2 * currentIndex + 1;    int rightChileIndex = 2 * currentIndex + 2;       //找到两个子节点中大的节点    if (leftChildIndex >= list.size()) {     break;    }    int maxIndex = leftChildIndex;    if (rightChileIndex < list.size()) {     if (((Comparable) (list.get(maxIndex))).compareTo(list       .get(rightChileIndex)) < 0) {      maxIndex = rightChileIndex;     }    }

   //如果当前节点小于子节点的大值交换    if (((Comparable) (list.get(currentIndex))).compareTo(list      .get(maxIndex)) < 0) {     Object temp = list.get(maxIndex);     list.set(maxIndex, list.get(currentIndex));     list.set(currentIndex, temp);     currentIndex = maxIndex;    } else {     break;    }   }   return removedObject;  }

 public int getSize() {   return list.size();  }



package heap;

public class TestHeap {  public static void main(String[] args) {   Heap heap = new Heap(new Integer[] { 8, 9, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0 });   while (heap.getSize() > 0) {    System.out.println(heap.remove() + " ");   }  } }


package priorityQueue;

import heap.Heap;

public class MyPriorityQueue {  private Heap heap = new Heap();

 public void enqueue(Object newObject) {   heap.add(newObject);  }

 public Object dequeue() {   return heap.remove();  }

 public int getSize() {   return heap.getSize();  }



package priorityQueue;

public class TestPriorityQueue {  public static void main(String[] args) {   Patient patient1 = new Patient("john", 2);   Patient patient2 = new Patient("slmile", 0);   Patient patient3 = new Patient("dohn", 5);   Patient patient4 = new Patient("jack", 3);   Patient patient5 = new Patient("sen", 7);

  MyPriorityQueue priorityQueue = new MyPriorityQueue();   priorityQueue.enqueue(patient1);   priorityQueue.enqueue(patient2);   priorityQueue.enqueue(patient3);   priorityQueue.enqueue(patient4);   priorityQueue.enqueue(patient5);

  while (priorityQueue.getSize() > 0) {    System.out.println(priorityQueue.dequeue() + " ");   }  }


class Patient implements Comparable {  private String name;  private int priority;

 public Patient(String name, int priority) {   this.name = name;   this.priority = priority;  }

 public String toString() {   return name + "(priority: " + priority + ")";  }

 public int compareTo(Object o) {   return this.priority - ((Patient) o).priority;  } }

用java JAVA 队列 优先队列 二叉查找树

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