
Doria ·
· 853 次阅读

The process to verify a transaction is twofold.

1. 从交易中的签名恢复出来交易的公钥。

First, the public keys associated with the accounts that signed the transaction are recovered from the set of signatures provided in the transaction. Such a recovery is cryptographically possible for ECDSA, the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm used in EOSIO.

2. 对于action中的actor:permission, 检查恢复的公钥集合是否满足actor:permission中要求的公钥threshold

Second, the public key of each actor specified in the list of action authorizations (actor:permission) from each action included in the transaction is checked against the set of recovered keys to see if it is satisfied.

3. 检查action, 在最小的permission情况下

Third, each satisfied actor:permission is checked against the associated minimum permission required for that actor:contract::action pair to see if it meets or exceeds that minimum.

4. 检查action, 在action的级别下。

This last check is performed at the action level before any action is executed



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