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1、先构造一条数据出来 PUT /test_index/test_type/7 { "test_field":"test test" } -------------------------------结果------------------------------- { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "test_type", "_id": "7", "_version": 1, "result": "created", "_shards": { "total": 2, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "created": true } 2、模拟两个客户端,都获取到了同一条数据 获取数据:GET /test_index/test_type/7 -------------------------------结果------------------------------- { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "test_type", "_id": "7", "_version": 1, "found": true, "_source": { "test_field": "test test" } } 3、其中一个客户端,先更新了一下这个数据,同时带上数据的版本号,确保说,es中的数据的版本号,跟客户端中的数据的版本号是相同的,才能修改 首先更新一个客户端,版本号为1 PUT test_index/test_type/7?version=1 { "test_field":"test client 1" } -------------------------------结果------------------------------- 更新成功,version变为2 { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "test_type", "_id": "7", "_version": 2, "result": "updated", "_shards": { "total": 2, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "created": false } 4、另外一个客户端,尝试基于version=1的数据去进行修改,同样带上version版本号,进行乐观锁的并发控制 模拟两个客户端同一时间更新 PUT test_index/test_type/7?version=1 { "test_field":"test client 2" } -------------------------------结果------------------------------- { "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "version_conflict_engine_exception", "reason": "[test_type][7]: version conflict, current version [2] is different than the one provided [1]", "index_uuid": "8GnE3L60TnWxjSrPQ7Xa2A", "shard": "0", "index": "test_index" } ], "type": "version_conflict_engine_exception", "reason": "[test_type][7]: version conflict, current version [2] is different than the one provided [1]", "index_uuid": "8GnE3L60TnWxjSrPQ7Xa2A", "shard": "0", "index": "test_index" }, "status": 409 } 5、在乐观锁成功阻止并发问题之后,尝试正确的完成更新 1.首先重新获取数据 GET /test_index/test_type/7 -------------------------------结果------------------------------- { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "test_type", "_id": "7", "_version": 2, "found": true, "_source": { "test_field": "test client 1" } } 2.基于最新的数据和版本号,去进行修改,修改后,带上最新的版本号,可能这个步骤会需要反复执行好几次,才能成功,特别是在多线程并发更新同一条数据很频繁的情况下 PUT test_index/test_type/7?version=2 { "test_field":"test client 2" } -------------------------------结果------------------------------- { "_index": "test_index", "_type": "test_type", "_id": "7", "_version": 3, "result": "updated", "_shards": { "total": 2, "successful": 1, "failed": 0 }, "created": false } 更新成功,版本号自动更新为version = 3

version 实战 并发 分布式 分布 elasticsearch 系统 乐观锁

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