
Akili ·
· 931 次阅读




直观点说,在任务管理器的用户名上标明system的是系统进程,标明administrator的是用户进程,另外net是网洛,lcacal service是本地服务,关于进程更加具体的信息可以百科,这里得省点力气,不然收不回了.





is_alive():判断进程是否存活 join([timeout]):子进程结束再执行下一步,timeout为超时时间,有时进程遇到阻塞,为了程序能够运行下去而设置超时时间 run():如果在创建Process对象的时候不指定target,那么就会默认执行Process的run方法 start():启动进程,区分run() terminate():终止进程,关于终止进程没有这么简单,貌似用psutil包会更好,有机会以后了解更多再写下。



authkey: 在文档中authkey()函数找到这么一句话:Set authorization key of process设置过程的授权密钥 ,目前没找到相关应用实例,这个密钥是怎么用的呢?文章不提 daemon:父进程终止后自动终止,且自己不能产生新进程,必须在start()之前设置 exitcode:进程在运行时为None、如果为–N,表示被信号N结束 name:进程的名字,自定义 pid:每个进程有唯一的PID编号。


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() p1=Process(target=fun1,args=(4,)) p2 = Process(target=fun2, args=(6,)) p1.start() p2.start() p1.join() p2.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a

这里一共开了两个进程,p1和p2,arg=(4,)中的4是fun1函数的参数,这里要用tulpe类型,如果两个参数或更多就是arg=(参数1,参数2...),之后用start()启动进程,我们设置等待p1和p2进程结束再执行下一步.来看下面的运行结果,fun2和fun1基本在同一时间开始运行,当运行完毕(fun1睡眠4秒,同时fun2睡眠6秒),才执行print 'finish',b-a语句

this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 13:48:04 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 13:48:04 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 13:48:08 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 13:48:10 2017 finish 6.20300006866 Process finished with exit code 0


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() p1=Process(target=fun1,args=(4,)) p2 = Process(target=fun2, args=(6,)) p1.start() p1.join() p2.start() p2.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 14:19:28 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 14:19:32 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 14:19:32 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 14:19:38 2017 finish 10.1229999065 Process finished with exit code 0

看,现在是先运行fun1函数,运行完毕再运行fun2接着再是print 'finish',即先运行进程p1再运行进程p2,感受到join()的魅力了吧.现在再试试注释掉join()看看又会出现什么

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() p1=Process(target=fun1,args=(4,)) p2 = Process(target=fun2, args=(6,)) p1.start() p2.start() p1.join() #p2.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 14:23:57 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 14:23:58 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 14:24:01 2017 finish 4.05900001526 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 14:24:04 2017 Process finished with exit code 0

这次是运行完fun1(因为p1进程有用join(),所以主程序等待p1运行完接着执行下一步),接着继续运行主进程的print 'finish',最后fun2运行完毕才结束


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() p1=Process(name='fun1进程',target=fun1,args=(4,)) p2 = Process(name='fun2进程',target=fun2, args=(6,)) p1.daemon=True p2.daemon = True p1.start() p2.start() p1.join() print p1,p2 print '进程1:',p1.is_alive(),'进程2:',p2.is_alive() #p2.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 14:43:49 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 14:43:49 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 14:43:53 2017 <Process(fun1进程, stopped daemon)> <Process(fun2进程, started daemon)> 进程1: False 进程2: True finish 4.06500005722 Process finished with exit code 0

可以看到,name是给进程赋予名字, 运行到print '进程1:',p1.is_alive(),'进程2:',p2.is_alive() 这句的时候,p1进程已经结束(返回False),p2进程仍然在运行(返回True),但p2没有用join(),所以直接接着执行主进程,由于用了daemon=Ture,父进程终止后自动终止,p2进程没有结束就强行结束整个程序了.



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a = time.time() p=Process() p.start() p.join() b = time.time() print 'finish', b - a


finish 0.0840001106262



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(2) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a = time.time() p=Process() p.run=fun1 p.start() p.join() b = time.time() print 'finish', b - a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:34:41 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:34:43 2017 finish 2.11500000954 Process finished with exit code 0


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Process import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a = time.time() p=Process() p.run=fun1(2) p.start() p.join() b = time.time() print 'finish', b - a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:36:27 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:36:29 2017 Process Process-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "E:\Anaconda2\lib\multiprocessing\process.py", line 258, in _bootstrap self.run() TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable finish 2.0529999733 Process finished with exit code 0




Pool(processes =num):设置运行进程数,当一个进程运行完,会添加新的进程进去





join():和Process介绍的作用一样, 但要在close或terminate之后使用。


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Pool import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() pool = Pool(processes =3) # 可以同时跑3个进程 for i in range(3,8): pool.apply_async(fun1,(i,)) pool.close() pool.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:15:38 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:15:38 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:15:38 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:15:41 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:15:41 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:15:42 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:15:42 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:15:43 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:15:47 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:15:49 2017 finish 11.1370000839 Process finished with exit code 0

从上面的结果可以看到,设置了3个运行进程上限,15:15:38这个时间同时开始三个进程,当第一个进程结束时(参数为3秒那个进程),会添加新的进程,如此循环,直至进程池运行完再执行主进程语句b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a .这里用到非阻塞apply_async(),再来对比下阻塞apply()

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Pool import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() pool = Pool(processes =3) # 可以同时跑3个进程 for i in range(3,8): pool.apply(fun1,(i,)) pool.close() pool.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:59:26 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:59:29 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:59:29 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:59:33 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:59:33 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:59:38 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:59:38 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:59:44 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 15:59:44 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 15:59:51 2017 finish 25.1610000134 Process finished with exit code 0




# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from multiprocessing import Pool import time def fun1(t): print 'this is fun1',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun1 finish',time.ctime() def fun2(t): print 'this is fun2',time.ctime() time.sleep(t) print 'fun2 finish',time.ctime() if __name__ == '__main__': a=time.time() pool = Pool(processes =3) # 可以同时跑3个进程 for fun in [fun1,fun2]: for i in range(3,8): pool.apply_async(fun,(i,)) pool.close() pool.join() b=time.time() print 'finish',b-a


this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:04:38 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:04:38 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:04:38 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:41 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:04:41 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:42 2017 this is fun1 Mon Jun 05 16:04:42 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:43 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 16:04:43 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:46 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 16:04:46 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:47 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 16:04:47 2017 fun1 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:49 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 16:04:49 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:50 2017 this is fun2 Mon Jun 05 16:04:50 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:52 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:55 2017 fun2 finish Mon Jun 05 16:04:57 2017 finish 19.1670000553 Process finished with exit code 0


另外对于没有参数的情况,就直接 pool.apply_async(funtion),无需写上参数.

在学习编写程序过程,曾遇到不用if _name_ == '_main_':而直接运行程序,这样结果会出错,经查询,在Windows上要想使用进程模块,就必须把有关进程的代码写在当前.py文件的if _name_ == ‘_main_' :语句的下面,才能正常使用Windows下的进程模块。Unix/Linux下则不需要。原因有人这么说:在执行的時候,由于你写的 py 会被当成module 读进执行。所以,一定要判断自身是否为 _main_。也就是要:

if __name__ == ‘__main__' : # do something.



您可能感兴趣的文章:Python多进程库multiprocessing中进程池Pool类的使用详解Python多进程池 multiprocessing Pool用法示例Python 多进程并发操作中进程池Pool的实例Python高级编程之消息队列(Queue)与进程池(Pool)实例详解Python自定义进程池实例分析【生产者、消费者模型问题】对Python中创建进程的两种方式以及进程池详解对Python3之进程池与回调函数的实例详解python多进程(加入进程池)操作常见案例python Event事件、进程池与线程池、协程解析python 进程 进程池 进程间通信实现解析python进程池实现的多进程文件夹copy器完整示例Python进程池Pool应用实例分析

processing 进程 程池 多进程 Python

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