
Kirima ·
· 587 次阅读



<?php function recursiveChmod($path, $filePerm=0644, $dirPerm=0755) { // Check if the path exists if(!file_exists($path)) { return(FALSE); } // See whether this is a file if(is_file($path)) { // Chmod the file with our given filepermissions chmod($path, $filePerm); // If this is a directory... } elseif(is_dir($path)) { // Then get an array of the contents $foldersAndFiles = scandir($path); // Remove "." and ".." from the list $entries = array_slice($foldersAndFiles, 2); // Parse every result... foreach($entries as $entry) { // And call this function again recursively, with the same permissions recursiveChmod($path."/".$entry, $filePerm, $dirPerm); } // When we are done with the contents of the directory, we chmod the directory itself chmod($path, $dirPerm); } // Everything seemed to work out well, return TRUE return(TRUE); } ?>


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chmod命令 方法 chmod 递归 PHP

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