
Raizel ·
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第四章  代词详解

1. 代词的定义

2. 代词的分类

2.1 连接代词(ConjunctivePronoun)

2.2 指示代词(DemonstrativePronoun)

2.3 不定代词(IndefinitePronoun)

2.4 疑问代词(InterrogativePronoun)

2.5 人称代词(PersonalPronoun)

2.6 物主代词(PropertyPronoun)

2.7 相互代词(ReciprocalPronoun)

2.8 反身代词(ReflexivePronoun)

2.9 关系代词(RelativePronoun)

2.10 替代词(SubstitutePronoun)

第四章  代词详解


1. 代词的定义


2. 代词的分类 2.1 连接代词(ConjunctivePronoun) 连接代词定义


It hasn't been announced who won the prizes.(还没宣布谁获奖),who指代那个获奖的人

疑问代词 指人 指物 指人或指物
主格 who/whoever what/whatever which/whichever
宾格 whom/whomever
所有格 whose    
连接代词所做成分 主语 宾语 表语 定语

It hasn't been announced who won the prizes.,who做从句的主语

I don't care what they think.(我不管他们怎么想),what做从句的宾语

The question is who(m) we should trust.(问题是我们该相信谁),who做从句的表语

whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.(无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你),whatever做从句的状语

Please make sure whose book it is.(麻烦确认下这本书是谁的),whose做从句的定语

连接代词代码 /** * @Author: Wen-Xueliang * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:23 * @Description: 连接代词:疑问代词在引起名词性从句时,被称为连接代词。 */ public class ConjunctivePronoun { public static String WHO = "who"; public static String WHOSE = "whose"; public static String WHOM = "whom"; public static String WHAT = "what"; public static String WHICH = "which"; public static String WHOEVER = "whoever"; public static String WHOMEVER = "whomever"; public static String WHICHEVER = "whichever"; public static String WHATEVER = "whatever"; } 2.2 指示代词(DemonstrativePronoun) 指示代词定义


例子:She likes painting,but I don't like that.(她喜欢画画,而我不喜欢),that指代画画

指示代词分类 this(这个) that(那个) these(这些) those(那些) such(这样的) same(同样的) 指示代词所做成分 做主语 做宾语 做定语 做表语

This is a good idea.(这是一个好主意),其中This做主语。

She likes painting,but I don't like that.,其中that做动词宾语。

Don't tell her about that.(不要告诉他这件事),其中that做介词宾语。

Put these bags in the corner.(把这些包放在角落),其中these为名词词组的限定词做定语。

What i want is that.(我想要的是那个),其中that做表语。

 * @Author: Wen-Xueliang
 * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:17
 * @Description: 指示代词:表示指示概念的词,即用来指示或标识人或事物的代词
public class DemonstrativePronoun {
    @see eng.lab.englishgrammer.partofspeech.determiner.DemonstrativeDeterminer
    I'm going to buy the house. That will cost me a lot of money.
    These language options are open to our students: Spanish, French and German.
    public static String THIS = "this";
    public static String THESE = "these";
    public static String THAT = "that";
    public static String THOSE = "those";
    public static String SUCH = "such";
    public static String SAME = "same";

2.3 不定代词(IndefinitePronoun)


例子:Everyone knows it.(所有人都知道它),everyone指代的所有人。

不定代词分类 由some,any,no与body,one,thing排列组合构成的合成代词,如somebody,anyone等 表一些(some,any) 表任意一个(either,any) 表全部(all,both) 表每个(each,every) 表其他(other,another) 表都不(none,neither) 表许多(many,much) 表少量(few,little) 不定代词所做成份 主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 同位语

Everyone knows it.,everyone做主语

I know nothing about this person.(我对这个人一无所知),nothing做宾语

This book is much too difficult for a child.(这本书对一个小孩来说太难了),much作表语

There is a little water in the glass.(玻璃杯里有一些水),a little作定语

I can't find my book anywhere.(我在任何地方都没找到我的书),anywhere作状语

We have all read it.(我们都读过它),all作状语

不定代词代码 /** * @Author: Wen-Xueliang * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:24 * @Description: 不定代词:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词:一些,某些,所有,每个等 */ public class IndefinitePronoun { //由some,any,no与body,one,thing排列组合构成的合成代词 public static String SOMEBODY = "somebody"; public static String ANYBODY = "anybody"; public static String EVERYBODY = "everybody"; public static String NOBODY = "nobody"; public static String SOMEONE = "someone"; public static String ANYONE = "anyone"; public static String EVERYONE = "everyone"; public static String NO_ONE = "no one"; public static String SOMETHING = "something"; public static String ANYTHING = "anything"; public static String EVERYTHING = "everything"; public static String NOTHING = "nothing"; //作代词的限定词 //一些 public static String SOME = "some";//肯定句 public static String ANY = "any";//否定句,也有三者任一之意 //两者任一 public static String EITHER = "either"; //全部 public static String ALL = "all";//大于两个 public static String BOTH = "both";//两个 //每个 public static String EACH = "each";//大于两个 public static String EVERY = "every";//大于三个 //其他的 public static String OTHER = "other"; public static String ANOTHER = "another"; //都不 public static String NONE = "none";//大于两个 public static String NEITHER = "neither";//两个 //许多 public static String MANY = "many";//后接复数名词 public static String MUCH = "much";//后接不可数名词 //少量 public static String FEW = "few";//后接复数名词 public static String LITTLE = "little";//后接不可数名词 } 2.4 疑问代词(InterrogativePronoun) 疑问代词定义


例子:Who can answer this question?(谁能回答这个问题),who用于替代这个能回答问题的人

疑问代词 指人 指物 指人或指物
主格 who/whoever what/whatever which/whichever
宾格 whom/whomever
所有格 whose    
疑问代词所做成分 主语 宾语 表语 定语

Who can answer this question?,who作主语

What did you have for supper?(你晚饭吃什么),what作宾语

What is this?(这是什么),what作表语

Whose dictionary is this?(这是谁的字典),whose作定语

疑问代词代码 /** * @Author: Wen-Xueliang * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:21 * @Description: 疑问代词:代替一个不确定的、等待对方来确认的人、物、事 */ public class InterrogativePronoun { public static String WHO = "who"; public static String WHOSE = "whose"; public static String WHOM = "whom"; public static String WHAT = "what"; public static String WHICH = "which"; public static String WHOEVER = "whoever"; public static String WHOMEVER = "whomever"; public static String WHICHEVER = "whichever"; public static String WHATEVER = "whatever"; } 2.5 人称代词(PersonalPronoun) 人称代词定义


例子:John loves Mary.(John喜欢Mary)

如果你跟别人描述这件事时,你指着John说He loves Mary(他喜欢Mary),此时别人就知道he指代John.

如果此时指着Mary说John loves her(John喜欢她),此时别人就知道her指代Mary.



代词 单数 复数
人称代词 类别 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
主格 I you he she it we you they
宾格 me him her us them
人称代词所做成分 做主语 做宾语 做表语


例子:I love her(我爱她),其中I做主语,her做宾语。

It's I/me(是我),其中I做表语。

 * @Author: Wen-Xueliang
 * @Date: Created in 2019/7/9 22:02
 * @Description: 人称代词:为了替代人或事物的词
public class PersonalPronoun extends Pronoun {
    public static String I = "i";
    public static String I_Oc = "me";
    public static String WE = "we";
    public static String WE_Oc = "us";
    public static String YOU = "you";
    public static String YOU_Oc = "you";
    public static String YOU_Plural = "you";
    public static String YOU_Plural_Oc = "you";
    public static String HE = "he";
    public static String HE_Oc = "him";
    public static String SHE = "she";
    public static String SHE_Oc = "her";
    public static String IT = "it";
    public static String IT_Oc = "it";
    public static String THEY = "they";
    public static String THEY_Oc = "them";

2.6 物主代词(PropertyPronoun)


例子:John loves Mary's bag.(John喜欢Mary的包),此时用的名词所有格

如果你跟别人描述这件事时,你指着Mary说John loves her bag(John喜欢她的包),此时别人就知道her指代Mary的.

如果前文已知所指,则可以说,I love John's bag and John loves hers.(我喜欢John的包,John喜欢她的包),此时别人就知道hers指代Mary的包



代词 单数 复数
物主代词 形容词性 my(我的) your(你的) his her its our(我们的) your(你们的) their
名词性 mine yours hers ours yours theirs
物主代词所做成分 做主语 做宾语 做表语 作定语


例子:John loves her bag,her做定语

This isn't my bag,mine is blue(这不是我的包,我的是蓝色的),mine做主语

I love John's bag and John loves hers,hers做宾语

This isn't your bag,it's mine(这不是你的包,这是我的),mine做表语

 * @Author: Wen-Xueliang
 * @Date: Created in 2019/7/9 22:04
 * @Description: 物主代词:表示所有关系的代词,也叫人称代词的所有格
public class PropertyPronoun {
    public static String MY = "my";
    public static String MINE = "mine";
    public static String OUR = "our";
    public static String OURS = "ours";
    public static String YOUR = "your";
    public static String YOURS = "yours";
    public static String YOUR_Plural = "your";
    public static String YOURS_Plural = "yours";
    public static String HIS = "his";
    public static String HIS_Oc = "his";
    public static String HER = "her";
    public static String HERS = "hers";
    public static String ITS = "its";
    public static String ITS_Plural = "its";
    public static String THEIR = "their";
    public static String THEIRS = "theirs";

2.7 相互代词(ReciprocalPronoun)


例子:We help each other in our English learning.(我们在英语学习上互相帮助),each other说明我们是互相帮助的

相互代词分类 each other one another each other's one another's 相互代词所做成份 做宾语 做定语

each other和one another做宾语,且主语都为复数。

We help each other in our English learning.

each other's和one another's作为限定词做定语。

We share each other's notes.(我们分享彼此的笔记)

 * @Author: Wen-Xueliang
 * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:21
 * @Description: 相互代词:表示相互关系的代词
public class ReciprocalPronoun {
    public static String EACH_OTHER = "each other";
    public static String ONE_ANOTHER = "one another";
    public static String EACH_OHTHER_S = "each other's";
    public static String ONE_ANOHTHER_S = "one another's";
2.8 反身代词(ReflexivePronoun)


例子:Don't play with the knife, you might cut your hand.(不要玩刀子,那会割伤你的手)

这里可以用yourself替代your hand.

Don't play with the knife, you might cut yourself.(不要玩刀子,那会割伤你的)

代词 单数 复数
反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves
反身代词所做成分 做宾语 做同位语 做表语

Don't play with the knife, you might cut yourself,yourself做动词宾语

She is talking to herself.(她在自言自语),herself做介词宾语

The story itself is good.(故事本身是好的),itself做同位语,表强调

I am feeling myself again.(我感觉自己健康如初),myself做表语,表身体或精神状态

 * @Author: Wen-Xueliang
 * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:19
 * @Description: 反身代词:替代动作发出者本身的代词
public class ReflexivePronoun {
    public static String MYSELF = "myself";
    public static String OURSELVES = "ourselves";
    public static String YOURSELF = "yourself";
    public static String YOURSELVES = "yourselves";
    public static String HIMSELF = "himself";
    public static String HERSELF = "herself";
    public static String ITSELF = "itself";
    public static String THEMSELVES = "themselves";

2.9 关系代词(RelativePronoun)


例子:The girl whom I spoke to is my cousin.(跟我讲话的女孩是我表妹),whom指的是那个跟我讲话的女孩

关系代词 限定性指人 非限定性指物 限定性指物 特殊代词
主格 who/that which which/that but,as,than
宾格 whom/that which which/that
所有格 whose of which/whose of which/whose
关系代词所做成份 主语 宾语 表语 定语

This is an old computer which works much slower.(这是一台速度很慢的老电脑),which作从句的主语

The girl whom I spoke to is my cousin.,whom作从句的介词宾语

This is the pencil whose point is broken.(这是那只折了尖的笔),whose作从句的定语

He's not the man (that) he was.(他已经不是以前的他了),that作从句的表语

关系代词代码 /** * @Author: Wen-Xueliang * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:22 * @Description: 关系代词:用于引导定语从句的先行词,用于替代定语从句的某个成分。 */ public class RelativePronoun { //限定性 指人 public static String WHO = "who";//主格 public static String THAT_Nc_Lp = "that";//主格 public static String WHOM = "whom";//宾格 public static String WHOSE_Pc_Lp = "whose";//属格 //非限定性 指物 public static String WHICH = "which";//主格 public static String WHICH_Oc = "which";//宾格 public static String OF_WHICH_Lo = "of which";//属格 public static String WHOSE_Pc_Lo = "whose";//属格 //限定性 指人或指物 public static String THAT_Nc_Nl = "that";//主格 public static String THAT_Oc_Nl = "that";//宾格 public static String OF_WHICH_Nl = "of which";//属格 public static String WHOSE_Pc_Nl = "whose";//属格 //特殊代词 public static String AS = "as"; public static String BUT = "but"; public static String THAN = "than"; } 2.10 替代词(SubstitutePronoun) 替代词定义


例子:A bridge built of stone is stronger than one built of wood. (石桥比木桥更结实),这里one替代了A bridge

替代词 单数 复数
泛指 one ones
特指 that those
前指 it
替代词所做成分 主语 宾语

It is important for us to learn English well.(英语学好对我们很重要),it做主语

I find it difficult to do the job well.(我发现把工作做好很难),it做宾语

替代词代码 /** * @Author: Wen-Xueliang * @Date: Created in 2019/7/14 14:25 * @Description: 替代词:用于替代前面出现的同类事物的词 */ public class SubstitutePronoun { public static String ONE = "one"; public static String ONES = "ones"; public static String THAT = "that"; public static String THOSE = "those"; public static String IT = "it"; }

英语语法 程序 英语 程序员

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Jennifer 2021-01-29