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import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline #为了能在notebook中显示图像 import numpy as np import sklearn import pandas as pd import os import sys import time import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing #从sklearn中引用加州的房价数据 housing = fetch_california_housing() print(housing.DESCR) print(housing.data.shape) print(housing.target.shape)


.. _california_housing_dataset: California Housing dataset -------------------------- **Data Set Characteristics:** :Number of Instances: 20640 :Number of Attributes: 8 numeric, predictive attributes and the target :Attribute Information: - MedInc median income in block - HouseAge median house age in block - AveRooms average number of rooms - AveBedrms average number of bedrooms - Population block population - AveOccup average house occupancy - Latitude house block latitude - Longitude house block longitude :Missing Attribute Values: None This dataset was obtained from the StatLib repository. http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/ The target variable is the median house value for California districts. This dataset was derived from the 1990 U.S. census, using one row per census block group. A block group is the smallest geographical unit for which the U.S. Census Bureau publishes sample data (a block group typically has a population of 600 to 3,000 people). It can be downloaded/loaded using the :func:`sklearn.datasets.fetch_california_housing` function. .. topic:: References - Pace, R. Kelley and Ronald Barry, Sparse Spatial Autoregressions, Statistics and Probability Letters, 33 (1997) 291-297 (20640, 8) (20640,) #引用train_test_split对数据集进行拆分 # test_size 控制切分比例,默认切分比例3:1 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split #拆分数据集,加载数据集后返回训练集以及测试集 x_train_all, x_test, y_train_all, y_test = train_test_split(housing.data, housing.target, random_state = 1) #将训练集进行一次拆分为验证集和测试集 x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(x_train_all, y_train_all, random_state=2) print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape) print(x_valid.shape, y_valid.shape) print(x_test.shape, y_test.shape)


(11610, 8) (11610,)
(3870, 8) (3870,)
(5160, 8) (5160,)

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler scaler = StandardScaler() #对数据进行归一化处理 #由于transform处理处理数据时二维数组,所以要将数据转化一下 #x_train: [none, 28, 28] -> [none, 784] #对于使用fit_transform 和transform 请参考我的TensorFlow中的博客 x_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(x_train) x_valid_scaled = scaler.transform(x_valid) x_test_scaled = scaler.transform(x_test) #注意在归一化数据后,之后使用的数据要使用新的归一化数据 #使用序贯模型Sequential tf.keras.models.sequential() # learning_rate: [1e-4, 3e-4, 1e-3, 3e-3, 1e-2, 3e-2] # W = W + grad * leraning_rate learning_rate = [1e-4, 3e-4, 1e-3, 3e-3, 1e-2, 3e-2] histories = [] for lr in learning_rate: model = keras.models.Sequential([ #keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape = x_train.shape[1:]),如果数据已经展平,真不用再使用flatten。 keras.layers.Dense(30, activation="relu",input_shape = x_train.shape[1:]), keras.layers.Dense(1), ]) #设置优化函数,使用学习率 optimizer = keras.optimizers.Adam(lr) #编译compile model.compile(loss = "mean_squared_error", #损失函数:使用均方根误差(mse) optimizer = optimizer , #优化函数 ) #使用回调函数 callbacks = [ keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=5, min_delta=1e-3), ] #训练模型会,返回一个结果保存在history中 history = model.fit(x_train_scaled, y_train, epochs=50, validation_data=(x_valid_scaled, y_valid), callbacks=callbacks) #使用回调函数 histories.append(history)


def plot_learning_curves(history): pd.DataFrame(history.history).plot(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.grid(True) plt.gca().set_ylim(0,1) plt.show() for lr, history in zip(learning_rate, histories): print("Learning_rate: ",lr) plot_learning_curves(history)

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