ASP.Net MVC 文件下载的几种方法

Ophira ·
· 521 次阅读

  第一种:简单的超链接方法,<a>标签的href直接指向目标文件地址,这样容易暴露地址造成盗链,这里不说了   第二种:后台下载   在后台下载中又可以细分为几种下载方式   首先,在前台,我们需要一个<a>标签   <a href="~/Home/download">Click to get file</a>   Home为controller,download为action。   如果需要传一些参数,可以:   <a href="~/Home/download?id=1">Click to get file</a>   在后台:   (1)返回filestream   public FileStreamResult download()   {   string fileName = "aaa.txt";//客户端保存的文件名   string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Document/123.txt");//路径   return File(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open), "text/plain",   fileName);   }   其中:“text/plain”是文件MIME类型   (2)返回file   public FileResult download()   {   string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Document/123.txt");//路径   return File(filePath, "text/plain", "welcome.txt"); //welcome.txt是客户端保存的名字   }   (3)TransmitFile方法 1  public void download() 2 { 3       string fileName = "aaa.txt";//客户端保存的文件名 4       string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Document/123.txt");//路径 5       FileInfo fileinfo = new FileInfo(filePath); 6             Response.Clear();         //清除缓冲区流中的所有内容输出 7             Response.ClearContent();  //清除缓冲区流中的所有内容输出 8             Response.ClearHeaders();  //清除缓冲区流中的所有头 9             Response.Buffer = true;   //该值指示是否缓冲输出,并在完成处理整个响应之后将其发送 10             Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName); 11             Response.AddHeader("Content-Length",fileinfo.Length.ToString()); 12             Response.AddHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); 13             Response.ContentType = "application/unknow";  //获取或设置输出流的 HTTP MIME 类型 14             Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"); //获取或设置输出流的 HTTP 字符集 15             Response.TransmitFile(filePath); 16             Response.End(); 17 }   (4)Response分块下载 1 public void download() 2         { 3             string fileName = "aaa.txt";//客户端保存的文件名 4             string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Document/123.txt");//路径 5 6             System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(filePath); 7             if (fileInfo.Exists == true) 8             { 9                 const long ChunkSize = 102400;//100K 每次读取文件,只读取100K,这样可以缓解服务器的压力 10                 byte[] buffer = new byte[ChunkSize]; 11 12                 Response.Clear(); 13                 System.IO.FileStream iStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(filePath); 14                 long dataLengthToRead = iStream.Length;//获取下载的文件总大小 15                 Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"; 16                 Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName)); 17                 while (dataLengthToRead > 0 && Response.IsClientConnected) 18                 { 19                     int lengthRead = iStream.Read(buffer, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChunkSize));//读取的大小 20                     Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, lengthRead); 21                     Response.Flush(); 22                     dataLengthToRead = dataLengthToRead - lengthRead; 23                 } 24                 Response.Close(); 25             } 26         }   后记:本想用<input>标签调用ajax方法让后台下载文件,发现无法实现,而且其代码量远高于<a>标签,故我不考虑<input>+ajax。

net ASP.NET mvc 方法 MVC ASP

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