
Bianca ·
· 960 次阅读

Checking perl modules ... Checking for AppConfig (v1.52) ok: found v1.55 Checking for CGI::Carp (any) ok: found v1.13 Checking for Data::Dumper (any) ok: found v2.101 Checking for Date::Parse (any) ok: found v2.27 Checking for DBI (v1.13) ok: found v1.37 Checking for DBD::mysql (v1.2209) ok: found v2.0419 Checking for File::Spec (v0.82) ok: found v0.82 Checking for File::Temp (any) ok: found v0.12 Checking for Template (v2.07) ok: found v2.08 Checking for Text::Wrap (v2001.0131) ok: found v2001.0929 Checking for CGI::Carp (any) ok: found v1.13 The following Perl modules are optional: Checking for GD (v1.19) ok: found v2.07 Checking for Chart::Base (v0.99) ok: found v2.2 Checking for XML::Parser (any) ok: found v2.34 Checking user setup ... ------------------------------省略  Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is your

first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privs might have aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccidently gotten deleted at some point. Enter the e-mail address of the administrator: pcl@ltesting.net//输入login email You entered 'tonnyomAThotmail.com'. Is this correct? [Y/n] Y Enter the real name of the administrator:pcl Enter a password for the administrator account: pcl //输入管理员登陆密码 Please retype the password to verify: 'tonnyomAThotmail.com' is now set up as the administrator account. 省略后边

  现在访问:Http://localhost/bugzilla/index.cgi,发现错误!    解决办法: 1. 修改所有的cgi文件,去掉第一行的后一个字符T,我统一修改去掉—wT 2. 修改sendmail的问题!下边操作要仔细!     查找 'MessageToMTA(' 于 'C:Documents and SettingsenjaminDesktopugzilla218CGI.pl' : C:Documents and SettingsenjaminDesktopugzilla218CGI.pl(229):     Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA($msg,$login); 原来是  Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA($msg) 已找到 'MessageToMTA(' 1 次。 ---------------------------------------- 查找 'MessageToMTA(' 于 'C:Documents and SettingsenjaminDesktopugzilla218globals.pl' : C:Documents and SettingsenjaminDesktopugzilla218globals.pl(1397):             Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA($msg,$name); 原来是  Bugzilla::BugMail::MessageToMTA($msg) 已找到 'MessageToMTA(' 1 次。 ----------------------------------------

查找 'MessageToMTA(' 于 'C:Documents and SettingsenjaminDesktopugzilla218importxml.pl'

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