Bugzilla Windows安装红宝书
一直寻找合适的Bug Tracking System,网上找了很久,commercial的太贵,还有licence限制,远远超出我等贫民的承受范围。也曾考虑干脆自己写一个算了,但终究未能如愿。对Bugzilla倒是早有所闻,只可惜好像在Linux下比较好安装,在windows上却难上加难。在Bugzilla的document和FAQ中可见一斑: Making Bugzilla work on windows is still a very painful processes. The Bugzilla Team is working to make it easier, but that goal is not considered a top priority. If you wish to run Bugzilla, we still recommend doing so on a Unix based system such as GNU/Linux. As of this writing, all members of the Bugzilla team and all known large installations run on Unix based systems.
If after hearing all that, you have enough pain tolerance to attempt installing Bugzilla on Win32, here are some pointers. Because this is a development version of the guide, these instructions are subject to change without notice. In fact, the Bugzilla Team hopes they do as we would like to have Bugzilla resonabally close to "out of the box" compatibility by the 2.18 release.
A.6.1. What is the easiest way to run Bugzilla on Win32 (Win98+/NT/2K)? Remove Windows. Install Linux. Install Bugzilla. The boss will never know the difference. 本人花了差不多两天时间,终于基本上在windows 2000 professional上安装上了bugzilla,现在贡献出来,希望对大家能有所帮助。
一、安装Perl 1、下载ActivePerl,可以到华军软件园去搜索(http://www.onlinedown.net/),我下载的是ActivePerl-,安装到D:Perl(安装路径可自定,以下同) 2、打开D:PerlLibCPAN.pm 查找并更改$CPAN: defaultsite ||= "ftp://ftp.perl.org/pub/CPAN";为$CPAN: efaultsite ||= "http://cpan.shellhung.org";,主要是为了提高下面安装其他perl模块时的下载安装速度。
二、安装Mysql 1、下载Mysql(http://www.onlinedown.net/),我下载的是mysql-4.0.15-win.zip,直接安装即可。同时可以下载安装mysqlcc-0.9.3-win32.zip,这是mysql的管理软件,挺好用的。 2、修改mysql的root用户密码 E:>cd mysql E:mysql>cd bin E:mysqlin>mysql -u root mysql mysql>UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('<new_password'>) WHERE user='root'; mysql>FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 其中<new_password>为root用户的新密码。更改密码后,要用root用户访问mysql,必须使用mysql -u root -p,按提示敲入正确的root密码。 3、创建bugs用户,并赋给相应的权限 mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,INDEX, ALTER,CREATE,DROP,REFERENCES,LOCK TABLES,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON bugs.* TO bugs@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<bugs_password>'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 要记住bugs用户的密码,在下面的bugzilla配置文件要用。 4、创建bugs数据库 mysql>create database bugs;
三、下载Bugzilla(www.bugzilla.org) 好下载bugzilla-2.17.4,如果安装2.16好像要改很多perl脚本,我没有安装成功:( 解压到E:Bugzilla
四、配置IIS 1、打开控制面板->管理工具->Internet Information Services, 再Default Web Site右键选择Properties-> Home Dictory-> Configuration,在App Mappings中点击Add增加如下资料 Executable: D:Perlinperl.exe "%s" %s Extension: .pl Limit to: GET,HEAD,POST
Executable: D:Perlinperl.exe "%s" %s Extension: .cgi Limit to: GET,HEAD,POST
2、Default Web Site中增加Virtual Directory: Bugzilla。Access Permission增加Execute。 3、选择刚建立的虚拟目录Bugzilla,右键选择Properties-> Documents。Default Documents中增加index.cgi。