
Iola ·
· 830 次阅读

  1:安装python,一般redhl自带,无需安装。   2:安装w3af cd w3af/extlib/fpconst-0.7.2 python setup.py install cd SOAPpy python setup.py install cd pyPdf python setup.py install   3:nltk pyOpenSSL lxml pysvn scapy 的安装:   一) wget http://pyyaml.org/download/pyyaml/PyYAML-3.09.tar.gz   tar -xzvf PyYAML-3.09.tar.gz   cd PyYAML-3.09   python setup.py install   cd ..   二)wget http://nltk.googlecode.com/files/nltk-2.0b9.tar.gz   tar -xzvf nltk-2.0b9.tar.gz   cd nltk-2.0b9   python setup.py install   三)  yum install pyOpenSSL   四) yum install python-lxml   五) 如下: I have Python 2.6.6 installed on RHEL 6, and when I tried to install pysvn-1.7.6, I got an error. What should I do? /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/CXX/Python2/Objects.hxx:2912: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' Compile: pysvn_svnenv.cpp into pysvn_svnenv.o Compile: pysvn_profile.cpp into pysvn_profile.o Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxxsupport.cxx into cxxsupport.o Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxx_extensions.cxx into cxx_extensions.o Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/cxxextensions.c into cxxextensions.o Compile: /search/python/pysvn-1.7.6/Import/pycxx-6.2.4/Src/IndirectPythonInterface.cxx into IndirectPythonInterface.o Link pysvn/_pysvn_2_7.so make: *** No rule to make target `egg'.  Stop. error: Not a URL, existing file, or requirement spec: 'dist/pysvn-1.7.6-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg'   在pysvn的解压包下的INSTALL.html: Building on unix and Mac OS X systems. Install subversion. When installing from packages you will need to install the devel packages as well. For example on Fedora/Redhat subversion-devel, apr-devel, apr-util-devel and their dependancies. Get the pysvn source code For Python 2 or Python 3 builds: tar xzf pycxx-6.2.4.tar.gz into extdir/Import if not using a source kit cd Source For Python 2.6 or earlier builds: backport the PySVN code using python setup.py backport Create the Makefile using python setup.py configure make cd Tests Test pysvn by running make Install pysvn by copying the following from Extension/Source to python site-specific directory. mkdir python-libdir/site-packages/pysvn cp pysvn/__init__.py python-libdir/site-packages/pysvn cp pysvn/_pysvn*.so python-libdir/site-packages/pysvn   以上方法有的回帖说解决了,但是我的还是不成功,后使用:   1: yum install epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm   2:  yum install pysvn   安装上了。   六)下载pybloomfiltermmap.rpm的包安装从 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pybloomfiltermmap/0.2.0。(提示不存在用户mockbuild,使用useradd mockbuild即可)   七)cd w3af , 然后 ./w3af_gui图像界面   ./w3af_console 命令行界面,w3af>>>help查看。   w3af即安装成功。   在配置绪后即刻启动   图形界面基本无脑操作,说控制台好了,键入命令target   然后设置目标地址   set target http://xxxxxxx   键入back返回上层   键入start开始启用

w3af 安装

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