
Beatrice ·
· 947 次阅读


command line values (eg “-u user”) role defaults [1] inventory file or script group vars [2] inventory group_vars/all [3] playbook group_vars/all [3] inventory group_vars/* [3] playbook group_vars/* [3] inventory file or script host vars [2] inventory host_vars/* [3] playbook host_vars/* [3] host facts / cached set_facts [4] play vars play vars_prompt play vars_files role vars (defined in role/vars/main.yml) block vars (only for tasks in block) task vars (only for the task) include_vars set_facts / registered vars role (and include_role) params include params extra vars (always win precedence) 1.命令行参数extra_vars

–extra_vars = -e

ansible test70 -e "pkg=httpd" -m yum -a "name=httpd state=present" $ vim install.yml --- - hosts: node remote_user: root tasks: - name: install httpd service yum: name={{ pkg }} state=present ansible-playbook install.yml --extra-vars " pkg = httpd" ansible-playbook install.yml -i -e " pkg = httpd" 2. inventory 主机清单中定义的变量 $ cat /etc/ansible/hosts [load-node] openstack-load1 openstack-load2 [compute-node] openstack-compute1 ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=2002 ansible_ssh_user=stanley ansible_ssh_pass=etyfhzmweadf openstack-compute2 [control-node] openstack-control1 filename=control1.txt # 主机变量 openstack-control2 filename=control2.txt [openstack:children] load-node compute-node control-node [openstack:vars] issue="Hello, World" # 组变量 3. ansible-playbook中vars、vars_files定义的变量 vars $ vim yaml/vars.yaml - hosts: compute-node remote_user: root vars: pkg: httpd # 定义变量 tasks: - name: install httpd service yum: name={{ pkg }} state=present vars_files $ vim /tmp/var.yaml pkg: httpd $ vim install.yml --- - hosts: all gather_facts: False vars_files: - /tmp/var.yaml tasks: - name: install httpd service yum: name={{ pkg }} state=present


$ vim hello.yaml --- - name: hosts ip hosts: remote_user: root vars: client: liming country: china tasks: - name: "echo a word" debug: msg: "Hello World, {{client}}, my {{country}} friend!" $ ansible-playbook hello.yaml --syntax-check $ ansible-playbook hello.yaml PLAY [hosts ip] **************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] TASK [echo a word] ************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg": "Hello World, liming, my china friend!" } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************************************************************************* : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 $ ansible-playbook hello.yaml -e "client=xiaogang, country=japan" $ ansible-playbook hello.yaml -e '{"client": "xiaogang", "country": "japan"}'


$ vim hello.yaml --- - name: hosts ip hosts: localhost remote_user: root vars: client: liming country: china tasks: - name: "echo a word" debug: msg: "Hello World, {{client[0]}} {{client[1]}} and {{client[0]}},my {{country}} friends!" $ ansible-playbook hello.yaml -e '{"client": ["xiaohua""john","hugo"], "country": "japan"}' $ vim clients country: china client: - liming - xiaogang - xuanzi ansible-playbook hello.yaml -e "@clients" vars_prompt(可实现人机交互) $ vim print.yml --- - hosts: test70 remote_user: root vars_prompt: - name: "your_name" prompt: "What is your name" private: no #当该值为yes,则用户的输入不会被打印,否则反之。 - name: "your_age" prompt: "How old are you" private: no tasks: - name: output vars debug: msg: Your name is {{your_name}},You are {{your_age}} years old. 4. 注册变量 $ vim date.yaml --- - hosts: localhost remote_user: root tasks: - name: show date shell: "/bin/date" register: date # 注册一个变量 - name: Record time log shell: "echo {{ date.stdout }} > /tmp/date.log" $ ansible-playbook date.yaml $ cat /tmp/date.log Mon Feb 17 00:23:47 CST 2020


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